
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built

author:Big talk society

For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that.

These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports that were built with money will still be available after the World Cup.

It seems that the local tyrants still do not understand the meaning of "trench", and no one says that spending so much money is a waste, that is, simple envy.

What is the concept of $220 billion?

This translates to nearly 1.6 trillion yuan, which exceeds the annual GDP of more than 150 countries in the world last year.

As the saying goes, things are clustered together, people are grouped, but I didn't expect that local tycoons also like to get together.

Speaking of the name of local tycoons, neighboring Dubai in the United Arab Emirates seems to be more famous. Qatar's per capita GDP in 2021 reached $61,276, twice that of the European Union. The UAE's per capita GDP is $74,240, ranking sixth in the world.

The most trenched is Saudi Arabia, although Saudi Arabia's per capita GDP is not prominent among the local tycoons in the Middle East, but it cannot withstand the fame of the Saudi royal family.

The total assets of the Saudi royal family are estimated to be as high as $1.4-1.7 trillion, which is 16 times the assets of the British royal family, and the Thai royal family can only be regarded as "moderately well-off" in front of him.

In 2005, Saudi Arabia's 14-year-old prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd traveled to London, saw that Buckingham Palace liked it, and told people around him that he wanted to buy it. At the time, the little prince had $1.6 billion in pocket money lying in his account.

This is just the little prince, and the big prince is even more powerful. 420 million euros to buy a yacht and 450 million euros to buy Leonardo da Vinci's famous paintings are commonplace.

It is followed by Kuwait, a small local tycoon in the Middle East, with a GDP per capita of $32,000 and ranking 36th in the world, but still one of the richest countries in Asia.

In addition to the famous cars on the streets, Kuwait is most praised for its currency, the dinar. The dinar is the most valuable currency in the world, with one dinar equivalent to almost 21 yuan. Because of the high value of the currency, the maximum face value of the dinar is only 20 yuan.

Other Middle Eastern tycoons, as well as Oman and Bahrain. The reason why they have become local tyrants is without exception because of the abundant oil and gas resources in the Gulf region. In the same area, there is naturally a situation of local tyrants.

Their sudden wealth began in the twenties and thirties of the last century. With the exploitation of oil, the originally poor Middle East region quickly became rich, and it was too easy to extract oil to export oil to make money, and the money came too quickly, and everyone was immersed in it.

So, what kind of life did Middle Easterners live before the discovery of oil?

The Middle East is dominated by desert and arid and barren. So at that time, they mainly relied on camel farming and date palm cultivation to maintain their basic livelihood. In countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, in addition, the most developed industry is pearl farming.

In the case of Saudi Arabia, for example, before 1938, Saudi Arabia was actually a relatively poor country. Although Saudi Arabia has a large land area, most of its land is in the desert, and there is very little place for agricultural development. Moreover, Saudi Arabia's development of agriculture also faces a serious problem, that is, the shortage of fresh water.

The special geographical environment makes Saudi Arabia unable to vigorously develop agriculture like other countries. Therefore, before the discovery of oil, Saudi Arabia's economic composition was mainly based on agriculture and animal husbandry. So before the discovery of oil, people in the Middle East lived quite hard.

It can be said that how rich you are now, how poor you were back then. This is really fickle, the large intestine covers the small intestine!

But some things haven't changed, like the last picture.

For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built
For the problem of "trench", the explanation of the local tyrant Ben Trench Qatar is that the account cannot be calculated like that. These hotels, underground transportation, stadiums, airports, and the World Cup will be able to be built

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