
The merits of Zheng Chenggong's father and son (III) - Taiwan! Zheng Zhilong came

author:Dream of living freely in the clouds

#头条创作挑战赛 #

During the Chongzhen period, Taiwan was still a barbaric land, still in the primitive life state of slash and burn, when the author visited the Taiwan History Museum in Tainan, Taiwan's civilized social development really began from the Zheng Chenggong period, Zheng Chenggong's smooth development, but also inherited the father Zheng Zhilong's excellent foundation, then this article will describe Zheng Zhilong's development in Taiwan from a personal point of view.

The history of Zheng Zhilong's development from birth to Japan has already been described in the first part of the anthology, so I will not say more.

Zheng Zhilong's history of struggle is magnificent and exciting, and he has been very inspirational since he was born in Japan. Not afraid of hardships and dangers, not afraid of difficulties, brave to explore, good at excavation, these excellent qualities have laid a very solid foundation for him to lay a strong maritime capital.

In the fourth year of the Heavenly Apocalypse (1624), in the context of the Japanese Tokugawa shogunate's policy of closing the country, in order to monopolize trade with Japan and open up the road of maritime commerce, Zheng Zhilong was officially accepted as a general by the Dutch East India Company, leaving his soon-to-be-born wife Tagawa clan to leave Japan by ship to Taiwan, and began the prelude to the independent establishment of a maritime commercial kingdom. At this time, he stood on the sea ship and looked in the direction of Taiwan, and the island ushered in the prelude to its great development. A few months later, Zheng Zhilong's Japanese wife Tagawa Matsu gave birth to a baby boy for him in Hirado, Japan, and he was Zheng Chenggong.

The merits of Zheng Chenggong's father and son (III) - Taiwan! Zheng Zhilong came

The birthday stone of Zheng Chenggong by the sea in Hirado, Japan

The merits of Zheng Chenggong's father and son (III) - Taiwan! Zheng Zhilong came

Shokoji Temple in Hirado, Japan

Zheng Zhilong's career has grown by leaps and bounds, and he has been traveling to Macao, Japan, Taiwan and other places for many years, getting rich by trade, rampant at sea, for the safety of trade, arming merchant ships, becoming a veritable pirate commercial group, he uses the island of Taiwan as a base, overlooking the international waters of the Far East, and is also Chinese mainland rare pioneer of sea power with maritime vision, his sea power ideas were also inherited by his son Zheng Chenggong, and in 1646, he was refined into sixteen words to Emperor Longwu: "According to the danger control, select the general to advance, the ship to attack together, Tongyang Yukoku".

Zheng Zhilong's image as a pioneer in Taiwan is quite obvious, and after he landed in Taiwan, he also realized the importance of Taiwan.

Taiwan "is located in the west of the Ryukyu Mountains, with Jilongshan Mountain, Tamsui Ocean, northeast to Japan, and the waterway is more accessible by 70 downwind. Its chicken cage city confronts Ming Zhifuzhou, to the port of Fuzhou, five more reachable. From Taiwan Port to Penghu Island, four more reachable. From Penghu Island to Kinmen, seven more can be reached. ”

Zheng Zhilong sent the inhabitants of the mainland to Taiwan's Beigang for development, clearing land for farming, building strongholds, and civilizing the islanders (later invaded by the Dutch invaders).

Since he led the fleet to Taiwan in the fourth year of the Ming Qiqi (1624), he has placed a large number of personnel in Taiwan, using it as a base for development, carrying out trade, and becoming a trade center in the Far East. During the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty, he also obtained the approval of Xiong Wencan, the governor of Fujian, and dispatched a fleet of ships to reclaim land in southern Fujian and eastern Guangdong, which played a major role in promoting Taiwan's productive forces.

Subsequently, together with his son Zheng Chenggong and his son, he successfully dominated the Zheng Maritime Group, which was both a maritime trade group and an armed group that safeguarded maritime rights and interests, and he broke the sphere of influence of the Dutch East India Company, the world's first multinational company at that time, and controlled and monopolized the maritime trade between the east and west oceans, and the scope of trade once spread throughout Southeast Asia and even reached Europe. They vigorously developed Taiwan's productive forces, made great contributions to Taiwan's development, and also laid a very good foundation for Zheng Chenggong's later recovery of Taiwan.

Zheng Zhilong also waged a resolute struggle against the Dutch colonists who invaded the coast, and the Dutch colonists were hostile to the maritime traders, and they had colluded with the Ming government to destroy the development of maritime trade in order to achieve monopoly purposes. At that time, various maritime armed groups had violent conflicts with the Dutch colonists. In the second year of the apocalypse, after the Dutch occupied Penghu, they constantly harassed the coast, "coercing the city to violate the shun, and the Fujian Sea is a land, and there is almost no peace." "Dutch invaders robbed merchants and killed Chinese merchants at sea, which was a great threat to the emerging maritime commercial capital, and in the process of fighting with the Dutch East India Company, Zheng Zhilong gradually increased his power in the process of merging other maritime armed groups, enough to rival the Dutch, so that the Dutch entrenched in Penghu and did not cross the thunder pond.

However, as his power grew, Zheng Zhilong's mind no longer focused on Taiwan, he was bent on expanding his private power in Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong, and shifted his focus to the mainland, so that the Dutch colonists gradually annexed Taiwan and established colonial rule.

From the fall of the Ming Dynasty to the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Zheng Zhilong always insisted that Taiwan's development future would be in the mainland, and he believed that there was no way out of confrontation with the mainland government, and that only by cooperating with it could he protect his power and continue to develop to the sea, which may also be an inducement for his later surrender to the Manchu Qing Dynasty. In the East Asian Sea at that time, Zheng Zhilong's development was more and more pressured by the Dutch, the two sides faced each other across the sea, sooner or later they had to fight again, from this perspective to see Zheng Zhilong's surrender to the Qing Dynasty, we can fully understand that he wants to rely on the power of the Qing Dynasty to develop to the sea.

In the Longwu Dynasty, Zheng Zhilong can be described as a power for a while, he took advantage of the dissatisfaction with Emperor Longwu in the army to expand his power, he seems to see that the Longwu Dynasty did not have the strength to continue to confront the Qing government, so he unconsciously instilled this idea of the road to surrender to most of his subordinates, so that everyone believed that only surrender had a way out, under this arrangement, he finally completed the deployment of surrender, wanting to use this as a springboard to achieve a confrontation with the Dutch invaders and expand his overseas territories, Yongchang of the Yongbao Zheng family, whose pirate background and the history of surrendering to the Qing dynasty contrasted sharply with his son Zheng Chenggong's feat of regaining Taiwan against the Qing and Ming dynasties, resulting in Zheng Zhilong often appearing as a negative image opposite Zheng Chenggong.

Zheng Zhilong's personal tragedy is not only personal, he is also a huge tragedy for the development of China's maritime forces, if we only look at Zheng Zhilong's surrender from a personal standpoint, we can say that he is a nasty traitor, but from the perspective of Zheng Zhilong, we should admit that Zheng Zhilong is the representative of China's maritime forces.

Chinese maritime merchants as an emerging class, they once had a long struggle and compromise against the Ming government, under the pressure of external Dutch colonists, this group of people finally chose to rely on the mainland, compromise with the Ming government and fight the Dutch, in the late Ming more than a decade this strategy was successful, Zheng Zhilong backed the mainland, controlled the Taiwan Strait and the southeast coast of the commercial routes, thus having the strength to confront the Dutch, Zheng Zhilong surrendered in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, In fact, he also wants to inherit the strategy of relying on the mainland to coordinate with the Qing government without maritime interests, and strive to get the support of the Qing government, so that he can fully confront the Dutch and continue to dominate the East Asian seas, if his strategy is implemented, then his competition against Western colonists at sea will have greater advantages, which also shows that Taiwan has no future for development when leaving the mainland, so his approach to the Qing court is not a personal like or dislike, but a thoughtful behavior, after careful consideration, For maritime forces, Zheng Zhilong's surrender to the Qing government was a failure, indicating that the Qing government did not understand and accept the sea power in the southeast, and the Qing government had no sense of sea power.

In the National Museum of Taiwan, there are also many historical deeds and cultural relics of Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Chenggong father and son.

The next part will begin the narration of the national hero Zheng Chenggong's achievements

Previous: "The Spirited Zheng Zhilong"

Next: "The Birth of Zheng Chenggong of "Soaring Fire"

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