
In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie

author:A song of fishing trees

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > introduction</h1>

For the father, the expression of love may not be so delicate, may not be so timely, but no one denies the father's love. In real life, our expression of the father may also be slow or even different, but one day love will pour down, there are many stories between father and son in the movie, there are many different ways of expression, today we will take stock of the movie that praises the great father's love, feel the emotion like a mountain.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie


Father's love is the dream of "Big Fish"

In the eyes of his son Will, Edward, a father living in Alabama, is a man of show-offs, often saying that he has legendary experiences, encountering female monsters or giants, and how he released the legendary big fish for his wedding ring. This is simply nonsense, and the son no longer believes in these stories that his father is obsessed with, and he cannot stand his chattering. Father and son also continued to drift apart, and Will finally left home after marriage. Three years later, his mother called to tell him that his father had cancer and was dying. Until in front of his father's sickbed, Will picked up the legendary stories that his father had told him, and decorated the beautiful fragments that made his father dream in his father's life, in the telling of the story, Will carefully experienced the feeling of his father, and he followed his father's story to understand his life.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie

As the movie says, "some fish can't be caught" because "they're being moved by something special." The dream world of the father makes "Big Fish" full of fairy tale colors. As Will grows older and becomes more entangled in all kinds of trivial things in reality, the fairy tales that represent people's free imagination and optimistic hope will disappear in his life. Father's dreamlike fairy tale world is the father's childlike heart and dream, which adds warmth and color to the cold and hard real world. At the same time, this is also the father's way of expressing love for his son, a brilliant story is full of the father's understanding of life and the enlightenment of the son, although the son can not understand at first, but finally the son realizes that he has a great father, understand the father's good intentions.

Due to the relationship between the subject matter, the film interweaves reality and fairy tales, forming a dreamlike and confused feeling. Director Tim Burton explained that reality and unreal are not easy to define, and that crazy imagination and real life may be related to each other in some ways. Coupled with the music in the film, we see a pure and flawless mind and his legendary world, which is so warm and so different.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie


Father's love is the usual coldness of "The Return"

The Return is a simple and poetic film by Andrey Sarkinsef. The film implicitly shows the director's reflections on the current situation in Russia. The unique desolation and calm atmosphere of the film reflects the spirit and character of the entire Russian nation.

Andrea and Ivan have lived with their mother since childhood. The two children played a game of proof about "real men." Andre bravely jumped from the high platform, but Ivan could not finish it due to fear of heights. The two men quarrel over the game, and when they run to ask their mother for a ruling, they find that their father, who has been away from home for more than ten years, suddenly returns home. The family with the father was very different from the usual, and the mother-centered life began to be dominated by the father. In the face of his sudden appearance of his father, Andre adopts a attitude of trust and understanding for the father, who has long existed only in yellowed photographs, while Ivan considers his father to be an imperious, harsh, and somewhat unkind person.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie

In order to train his two sons to become true manhood, his father took them on a trip to an isolated island far from the city. During the journey, the father cultivated his son's survivability in a military-style and strict way, and wanted to exercise the children's strong character and adaptability, but this special way of fatherly love did not get the understanding of the son, especially Ivan. The father-son conflict slowly escalates, and Ivan repeatedly goes against his father's wishes. In order to save Ivan, his father accidentally fell from a high place and died. Faced with the death of his father, Andre took the initiative to take on the responsibility of caring for his brother, and he and his brother strongly left the island with his father's body. However, the body of the father accidentally sank into the water with the boat and left them forever.

Andrey Sarkinsev's The Return is undeniablely polysexual. The Film highlights the Bible, and the seven-day journey is reminiscent of "Genesis," so some say it's a religious fable. The father's return is 12 years later, reminiscent of the collapse of the Soviet Union 12 years ago (1991). Neither the metaphors of Christian culture nor the socio-political reflections dilute the irresistible emotion of the film. Because this is first and foremost a film about fatherly love, compared to the other two understandings, the theme of fatherhood has a greater sense of universality and is the most resonant with people of different faiths, different nationalities, and different experiences. Just as the Venice Film Festival jury gave the film, the film could not be rejected.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie


Father's love is as idyllic as "FlyIng High with You"

The film is about Amy, a 14-year-old girl who has been living with her mother in New Zealand since her parents divorced, and after a car accident took her mother's life, Amy's father took Amy back to the Canadian country house where they used to live together. Because of the long life with her mother, her mother's departure and the estrangement between father and daughter make Amy feel lonely. Amy's dad had always been obsessed with mechanical manufacturing, his home was full of all sorts of weird inventions, and he was an active environmentalist. For everything that was vague and unfamiliar to her new life, Amy at first just watched from a distance. Unable to integrate into her father's life at once, Amy wanders around the ranch every day.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie

Early one morning, the roar of bulldozers shattered the calm, and the trees near her home were cut down by developers. Amy arrives at the logging site and finds a nest of geese eggs under the bulldozed tree, which Amy picked up home and makes a small incubator. Finally, the little life was born, and Amy also took on the responsibility of taking care of the little goose.

According to local regulations, domestic wilds must cut off their arms to prevent them from flying. Amy rejects such cruel behavior and is determined to let the geese learn to fly, return to the blue sky, and live according to the laws of the geese' survival. Amy's idea was strongly supported by her father, who sold his treasured homemade lunar landing capsule to help the geese return to the south and built a goose-shaped flying machine. Dad said that he came from the "South Flight Plan", and he said that he wanted to use an airplane to lead Amy's geese to the south for wintering.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie

After that, Amy carefully prepared under the guidance of her father. Autumn came, Amy and her father's trip began, in the process of implementing the "South Flight Plan", Amy and her party encountered many difficulties, but there are also well-meaning people to help them and encourage them. Not far from the destination, her father's plane crashed and her father's shoulders dislocated, and Amy was able to fly alone, but she eventually led the wild geese to the designated location at the scheduled time. Watching the geese frolicking merrily in the pond, Amy and Dad hugged each other tightly. The following spring, all the geese flew from south to north, and they returned to Amy. This film, which involves the significance of environmental protection, reflects the father-daughter love for life and nature. In the process of growing up, Amy is also growing, she gradually felt the love of her father, with the help of her relatives, with the support of environmentalists, Amy and Xiaoyan were able to complete the "South Flying Plan", and all kinds of love were sublimated.


Father's love is the same sadness as in "Hitchhiking"

The shocking song of the film, "If the wine is sold without", tells the deep love and life of the father and daughter of Dumb Uncle and Ami. The retired Taiwanese veteran Uncle Dumb can only rely on scrap to survive, once he picked up scrap but found an abandoned baby, the kind dumb uncle picked her up and named her Ami. For this reason, the contradictions between Dumb's wife and Dumb Uncle escalated, but he never gave up on Ami, often playing beautiful music for her, and cultivating her into a composer with musical talent. After graduating from high school, Aramco was favored by the media company and successfully became popular. In order to maintain her public image, Ami is reluctant to admit her relationship with Her Dumb Uncle anymore. For these, the dumb uncle silently endured, and later the dumb uncle was suddenly admitted to the hospital for a heart attack, forced by the form at that time, Ami was not able to visit. Finally, by the time Ami sneaks past, her former residence has been torn to rubble.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie

The film chooses the father-daughter relationship between the physically disabled, the kind-hearted dumb uncle and the abandoned baby Ami as the theme of performance, which intensifies the breadth and sadness of the parent-child love in the film. In the play, the tragic and unfortunate life of Uncle Dumb, the fate of Ami being abandoned and teased makes people, and at the same time, Uncle Dumb's firm, broad and selfless love makes people's respect arise spontaneously. In addition to the moving story, the film cooperates with the shaping of Ami's character, but also creates a number of classic songs, the film gathered Luo Dayou, Chen Zhiyuan, Li Shouquan and other elites in the Taiwanese music scene at that time, throughout the music with the development of the plot, combined with the love of the characters, making the film very touching, that touching song is still fresh in people's minds.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie


Father's love is the general breadth of "Beautiful Life"

The plot of the world business card "Beautiful Life" believes that there is no need to introduce too much, many friends have seen this movie. The mundane and lawless father Guido did not want his young son to live in misery and fear, and this father compared life in the concentration camp to a game, and even concocted the game's reward — a tank.

In the film, Guido treats life in the concentration camp as a trip, and there is a detail that shows his father vividly, when the German army is gradually defeated and the concentration camp is in chaos, Guido is unfortunately discovered by German soldiers in order to find his wife "men dressed as women". As the Germans prepared to shoot him, Joshua spotted his father. Guido winked at his son, prompting him to follow the rules of the game and walk in a clown pose to keep his son immersed in the game.

Guido's game lies eventually protect his son's young mind. Unlike other films that depict war, "A Beautiful Life" is full of black humor. The film shows love in both a romantic way and a game approach to the otherwise creepy Nazi concentration camps. The film uses humorous and witty language and exaggerated and funny performances to allow the audience to laugh in the cruel darkness and temporarily forget the pain. Guido's optimistic spirit and broad fatherly love allow us to see a beautiful life.

In the name of the Father, feel the greatness of the mountain, and take stock of those touching and touching introductions to the Father's Love movie



Fatherly love is a dream, but also a kind of coldness, sometimes a kind of tranquility, and sometimes full of sadness. But no matter what, the father's love is always broad, as deep as a mountain, in these movies, we see not only the plot of the movie, but also feel the touching and profound father's love.

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