
Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

author:Lazy kitchen

"The arrival of light snow is getting cold, and the wintering fish pond is not forgotten" The arrival of the light snow solar term means that the weather turns from cool to cold. Although the solar term has the word "snow", it is not necessarily related to snow, but only tells us that the temperature will decrease after that, and the precipitation will increase. People's lives should also be adjusted with climate changes.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

Light snow is approaching, and cold air appears frequently, which is the time to test people's physical fitness. Remind everyone not to lose the old tradition, remember to "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", nourish your body, and survive the winter smoothly.

"Boiled 3 samples"

1 boil – silver fungus

After cooling down, in addition to preventing cold and keeping warm, the diet should also pay attention to it, the climate before and after light snow is dry, and the moist silver fungus soup can be drunk more. After soaking the silver fungus, boil it with red dates, lotus seeds, etc. into a sticky silver ear soup, and drink a bowl every day, not only to relieve the dryness in the body, but also to make the skin more and more moisturized and plump.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

2 boils – pear

The seasonal fruits before and after the light snow are very limited, and the elderly often say "do not eat from time to time", and the seasonal pears are a good product for nourishing and moisturizing in winter. If you feel that Sydney is cold, you can boil Sydney into water and add honey to eat together, which quenches thirst more than drinking water, and the elderly and children like it.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

3 boiled – crucian carp

Winter is the "golden period" to nourish the body, compared with warm meat, crucian carp soup can also achieve a nourishing effect, and it is milder, and it is not easy to catch fire after eating. Crucian carp and tofu boiled to make a milky white, fresh to drink without fishy, nutritious enough and easy to digest, more suitable for winter solid strengthening.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

"Eat 3 samples"

1 eat - hawthorn

As the old saying goes, "autumn harvest, winter storage", after light snowfall, people's outdoor activities are significantly reduced, staying at home to avoid the cold, and the body's metabolism is naturally reduced. Eating some hawthorn at this time can not only promote digestion, but also increase appetite, which can be called the "perfect partner" for supplementing nutrition in winter.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

In addition to eating rock sugar gourds in winter, you can also stock up on seven-degree square hawthorn pills, which are more convenient to eat, have a mild taste, and do not have to worry about excessive calories. It uses hawthorn as the main material, adds red dates, yams, honey and other nutrients to enrich it, harmonizes the acid tone of hawthorn, and makes hawthorn pills more palatable.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

The seasoning of seventh-degree square hawthorn pills depends entirely on the ratio between the ingredients, and the mouth is the fragrance of the natural ingredients themselves. It tastes four points sour, six points sweet, dense with a rustling texture, the taste is very refreshing, after eating two pieces, it is greasy and gluttonous.

2 Eat – mung beans

After the light snow season, the temperature drops sharply, and people will gradually increase their appetite to withstand the cold. Especially like to eat greasy food, at this time eat more refreshing mung beans, on the one hand, can balance the circulation in the body, on the other hand, it also helps to relieve the discomfort caused by dryness.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

In winter, you can stock up on some mung beans made of Sanchuan Guifang green cake to relieve the loneliness of the mouth. It uses mung beans combined with tangerine peel, raisins and dandelions to make mung bean soft cake, without adding additional sucrose, but with maltitol to increase sweetness, avoid sweet pastries, more suitable for winter eating.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

In terms of packaging, Sanchuan Guifang green cake is very humane, and the packaging of independent frosted bags prolongs the taste period of pastries. When you eat it at any time, you can feel the beauty of fresh mung bean soft cake, the rich bean aroma and the sweetness of tangerine peel, sweet and sour, soft and glutinous, the aroma lingers on the tip of the tongue for a long time.

3 Eat – black beans

Black beans are available all year round, but they are best eaten in winter. Black beans have a high edible value, and they contain more nutrients than even some meat, and people who eat non-meaty can use it instead. The key is that it is conducive to digestion after consumption, and it is not easy to get on fire, especially suitable for daily nourishment of people with weak bodies.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

There are many ways to eat black beans, and what I found for you is the seven-degree square five black cake. In addition to black beans, it also contains black rice, black sesame seeds and other ingredients, which are finely ground to make pastries, and the powder is delicate and absorbs without pressure.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

Different from traditional pastries, seven-degree square five black cake is completely made of coarse grains, choose natural honey to treat the dry of coarse grains, so the mouth is relatively dull, but as the number of chews increases, the fragrance of the grain gradually disperses, plus the slightly sweetness brought by honey, fragrant but not greasy. After eating one piece, I can't help but eat the second piece, and every bite is worth savoring.

"Do 3 samples"

1 Do – bask in the sun

After a light snow term, the temperature decreases, and the "yang" gradually weakens, which is also a period when many old diseases are prone to recur. At this time, going out to bask in the sun, especially the back, can make the body stronger and the ability to resist the cold will be enhanced.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

2 Do – soak your feet

Cold hands and feet in winter is a problem that plagues many women, the feet are not warm and the whole body will feel cold, and the body will be tired and tired due to the cold in a tight state for a long time. Soak your feet more in winter to promote circulation throughout the body, relax the body, and help relieve fatigue and make the whole body comfortable.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

3 Do – go to bed early and get up late

We often say "go to bed early and get up early", but this saying does not apply in the cold winter. In winter, life lurks, the night is longer, at this time early to sleep and get up late, it is conducive to avoiding the cold and avoiding discomfort caused by the impact of cold air. Middle-aged and elderly people have weak adaptability, especially so.

Light snow is coming, keep in mind the tradition: "cook 3 things, eat 3 things, make 3 things", and survive the winter smoothly

In winter, everything withers, people's bodies become more and more tired, and this time is not suitable for expendable work, so we have the custom of "cat winter". When it's cold, it's important to recharge your batteries, so don't be careless with the customs shared above, follow old traditions, and prepare for the coming year.

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