
When fate comes to an end, three signals appear

author:There is love in the West Chamber

Wen 丨 West Wing has feelings

Time is not long, may you be in my words, see you not too late!

When fate comes to an end, three signals appear

"The beginning of love may be just a look back; the end of love may be just a quarrel."

I think that in the real feelings, if there are two people whose feelings can be achieved from one end to the other, then there will be many envious eyes hovering around them.

Because, there are too few people who can carry out a relationship to the end.

It is a great thing to be able to be with someone who will be with you for a lifetime at the first glance and maintain a relationship for a long time.

However, most people in life can't do it. People often need to go through several relationships in order to grow up and know how to love.

In "Chongqing Forest", there is such a classic sentence:

"There's going to be a date on everything where saury expires, the meat sauce expires, even the plastic wrap expires. I began to wonder, what else wouldn't expire? ”

When fate comes to an end, three signals appear

I have to admit that if you don't carefully maintain feelings, then love will also expire.

Some people say that falling out of love is a trial and error. It is true that it is always painful to face separation, but how can one gain a more comprehensive self without experiencing it?

Therefore, if the fate is over, don't forcibly keep it, otherwise you may miss a better person and a better life.

Xi Mei often said that any change in anything is a sign, and so are feelings.

So you have to understand that when fate comes to an end, these three signals will appear. If there is already such a signal between you, then maybe it is time to wave goodbye.

Two people are no longer willing to spend time communicating

When two people begin to think that communicating with each other is a waste of time, and thus refuse to communicate with each other, the relationship may soon face shattering.

Ximei always believes that the desire to share is the most important thing between lovers.

When fate comes to an end, three signals appear

If the desire to share is lost in a relationship, it means that there is little freshness and patience left for each other.

There's a saying that goes something like this, love starts with communication. People have feelings for each other, often by sharing their own stories and understanding each other's stories.

Through several times of communication, through several long-term conversations throughout the night, each other can know each other's intentions, and can they know whether the other party is the other half they want.

So, when you have doubts about this relationship, you may wish to recall whether you still have a desire to share. In fact, if you think about it carefully, love or not love, you can have a clear feeling.

At the beginning of the relationship, both men and women will be eager to communicate with each other, at that time, even if you see a unique flower, you must quickly take a photo for the other party to see.

At that time, if you see a funny joke, you will immediately share it with each other, so that the other party can also harvest this happiness.

At that time, if you were in a bad mood and wanted to be comforted by your lover, you would cook a long phone porridge...

When fate comes to an end, three signals appear

The original two people talked about everything, but now it is such a situation, two people living in the same space, but like strangers.

Both sides held their respective mobile phones to watch non-stop, no longer caring about what interesting things happened to the other party today, no longer interested in understanding.

Obviously, such two people have stopped loving, and their fate with each other has come to an end.

No longer care about the other person's feelings

If both people stop thinking about each other's feelings and do things and talk according to their own preferences, then it is clear that this is actually a signal that the relationship is about to break down.

Because, if you love someone, you will spontaneously take care of the other person's feelings. I hope to see the happy face of the other party, and when the other party is sad, I will also feel extremely lost.

If you love someone, you will find ways to make him happy, expect the other party to treat himself as a pistachio, and hope that the other party will become more beautiful because of his own existence.

And if the fate has been exhausted, then each other will begin to ignore each other's feelings.

When fate comes to an end, three signals appear

At this time, perhaps each other feels that the other half is a burden, do not want to listen to each other's mood, and are not willing to mix with anything related to each other.

When the fate comes to an end, the love between each other has disappeared. Instead, there is only helplessness, only boredom, only unwillingness...

Therefore, at this time, his joys and sorrows are no longer a big deal for you, and you are no longer willing to sacrifice your time and interests for him.

Moved by the rest of the people

When the fate comes to an end, two people often have no interest in each other. At this time, many people will choose to look at the rest of the opposite sex.

In short, at this time, the partner next to you can no longer make you feel the throbbing of the heart, and can no longer let you experience the taste of love.

Therefore, all this needs to be achieved through another person.

You will find that you no longer want to stay with the other person, and always want to leave the place where he exists. It seems that as long as you stay away from him, you will even breathe a lot easier.

When fate comes to an end, three signals appear

In addition, you may find yourself hooked on the smile of another person, thinking about the face of another person, and always having a good time with another person.

Man, really don't fool yourself, whether it's you or your significant other, if you are all touched by other people around you, it means that your fate has come to an end.


Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and the fate of two people comes to an end, often not caused overnight.

If you still have the heart to retain, then you must make changes in time, do not use quarrels to express dissatisfaction, you can only find your problems and communicate well to make a difference.

But if you are both tired of love, then you may as well let go of each other and let yourself go.

The feelings of barely being together are really a kind of torment, and it is good to wave goodbye to fate. Perhaps, let go, you can usher in a new fate.

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