
The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

author:Bud Mama Parenting Encyclopedia

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The day before yesterday with the bud father to help bud bud bath when suddenly remembered a very funny thing, probably in the summer, bud grandma one day came to the house, just entered the door, suddenly to the bud carefully look left and right look up and down, look at the half a day seems to be relieved.

Asked her what was wrong, she said that she saw the neighbor's fat boy's neck was dirty, a circle of black, worried that the buds were like him, always going out to play dirty and dirty, fortunately, no, she was relieved! That nervous and troublesome look, it's really funny!

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

That child I also have the impression, two years older than the bud, but the figure is worth two buds, his family is also raising two babies, this fat boy is the boss, the family is worried that after the birth of the second, the boss has a gap in his heart, try to meet all his requirements, eat and wear are of high standards, eat into a live and free white fat man.

At that time, Grandma Sprout was still worried about him, saying that there was a second child at home, and the eldest did not give a good bath, and I wondered in my heart, the child's mother is a very gentle and careful woman, and such a thing should not happen.

Originally thought that this matter just passed, but after a while when the bud bud grandma came back to the house, she brought the follow-up to this matter, the original child's mother also found an abnormality in the neck, and rubbed it hard when taking a bath, rubbing the child red, rubbing the pain, and did not wash the mark, and then went to the hospital for examination, the doctor gave the conclusion, this is a skin disease, called "pseudo-black echinoderma".

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

"You look at your son's body shape, much fatter than children of the same age, pseudo-black echinoderma is mainly caused by too fat, overnutrition, the usual snacks are certainly not less." Your child's eating habits must be changed. Now that the skin has developed metabolic disorders, it has become such a black neck. But you don't have to worry too much, this disease is easy to treat, let the child lose weight on the line. ”

The family's original kindness, not wanting to treat their son badly, and eating whatever they want actually harmed the child.

What is "pseudo-acanthosis nigricans"?

Pseudoscanthosis, also known as pseudocanthosis nigricans, is a benign acanthosis of nigricans, commonly found in obese patients, and is a skin disease with nutritional and metabolic disorders. The disease is not contagious and has no possibility of worsening. The cause is mainly obesity, and other causes such as drugs and temperature changes.

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

The high incidence is 25 to 60 years of age, and obesity is more common. The skin has a velvety grey-brown or pale greyish-yellow appearance, especially in the armpits, curved sides of the neck, under the breasts and groin. When the skin is rubbed, papillomatosis changes clearly. In addition, the skin patches in the armpit area are reminiscent of fibromycinoma. When losing weight, skin symptoms subside.

I have to say that the current material conditions are much stronger than when we were young, and parents try to meet the needs of their children as much as possible, especially in eating and drinking, and trying to achieve high standards. Therefore, the current rate of childhood obesity has always remained high, and various diseases caused by obesity have gradually become younger, and we must pay attention to children's diet structure and safety.

Children's diet is very important

Children are active after the age of 3 and are prone to hunger, so they have no resistance to high-calorie, delicious food. We want to help our children adjust their eating habits.

1, junk food, to be moderate

Some high-sweet, fried, puffed foods if there is no strict control of parents, it will eat too much, not only easy to cause body obesity, there is no nutrition and excessive intake will also seriously affect the appetite of the meal, but also bring burden and damage to the body. There are also the following foods that should also be reduced in children's consumption.

Foods containing trans fatty acids. Many people listened with a blank face. In fact, it is the product of the process of ordinary vegetable oil artificially transformed into "hydrogenated oil". Foods with the words vegetable hydrogenated oil, margarine (milk) oil, artificial vegetable yellow (milk) oil, artificial fat, hydrogenated oil, cocoa butter, shortening and other words on the food label are related to trans fatty acids.

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well
The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

Foods like the ones we eat, such as potato chips, instant noodles, egg yolk pie, chocolate, coffee companions, etc., contain a considerable amount of this fat.

At present, there is a consensus in the academic community that trans fats do not have any known health benefits. Meanwhile, WHO estimates that about 540 000 deaths each year are related to the intake of industrially produced trans fatty acids. Trans fat intake increased the risk of all-cause death by 34 percent, death from coronary heart disease by 28 percent, and coronary heart disease by 21 percent.

Pickled foods. It's a way we use a lot of salt or sugar, vinegar, etc. to help keep food from spoiling.

The common dishes on our daily dinner table, such as ham meat, pickled tofu, pickled vegetables, etc., are all pickled foods that everyone likes to eat, and the taste is good and the next meal is also a must-have pickled food. Eating too much pickled food will increase the burden on the liver, increase the burden on the kidneys, and easily produce stones. For the above reasons, it is best to eat less pickled foods, especially small babies, and it is best not to feed!

2. Balanced nutrient intake

Children's meals are expensive and not expensive. Your child's meal doesn't need to be too hearty, it just needs to be nutritionally balanced and comprehensive. Children are in greater need of quality nutrition. Because compared with adults, children are in a special stage of growth and development, and what children need for growth and development is nutrition, including protein, various vitamins and minerals such as calcium.

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

When preparing food for her children, mothers should try to make the food as diverse as possible and give children more opportunities to try and choose. Exposing children to a wide variety of foods, tastes, and textures can also help them develop intellectually.

3, drink less

Now children usually drink water is often not up to the requirements, but for a variety of drinks are in love, carbonated drinks, lactic acid bacteria drinks, juices, etc., the packaging is cute, the color is attractive, and even some of them are also in the name of children's drinks, wrong guidance.

"Juice is more absorbable and more nutritious than fruit", "lactic acid bacteria drinks help gastrointestinal digestion" is unscientific, lactic acid bacteria drinks on children's stomach is not to promote digestion. It is not "milk", but a milk drink, high sugar content, long-term use is easy to cause children to get fat, look at the ingredient list lactic acid bacteria drink contains more additive ingredients, food safety to be examined.

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

Carbonated drinks also affect concentration, promote childhood obesity, drink more and more thirsty easy to get stones, accelerate bone calcium loss, affect children's appetite, easy to lead to caries and other hazards. In the juice drink, the composition of the fruit is even more minimal, various additives are dazzling, and the ultra-high sugar content is not beneficial to the child's body.

4. Do not eat semi-cooked eggs, meat, sashimi

Eating hot spring eggs, sashimi, and seven-minute cooked steaks is very common in life.

However, these foods are not suitable for children.

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

Because in the half-cooked eggs, many bacteria and harmful substances have not been killed, and children are easily infected with diseases after eating.

5. Do not eat fish with high mercury

I often hear this saying in life: eating fish is good, eating more fish can become smarter.

This sentence is not unreasonable, oh, fish is rich in nutrition, containing a lot of high-quality protein, folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin A, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., low fat content, and mostly unsaturated fatty acids, especially some marine fish are also rich in DHA, which is very beneficial to the baby's brain development.

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

The nutritional value of fish is so high, of course, it is better to give it to the baby. Slow down! But not all fish are suitable for babies to eat, choose the right fish to really benefit the baby's health!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed that the following types of fish have high mercury content and are not recommended for children, such as squarehead fish, sharks, sailfish, swordfish, golden snapper, chest seabream and so on.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends: "The five most common aquatic products with low mercury content are shrimp, canned light Tuna, salmon (salmon), and catfish." "In life, the cod, tilapia and other fish we often give our children to eat also have a very low mercury content in their bodies, and they can be given to their children to eat."

Bud mama reminds everyone that children's diet and drinking water are crucial to the child's physical growth, excess nutrition and malnutrition will have a negative impact on the child's body, and helping children choose food is not a simple and random process.

When buying packaged foods, pay more attention to the nutrition facts list on the label and try to choose foods that do not contain ingredients that increase the burden on the body or have less content. Be careful when choosing food for your child, and pay attention to avoiding food sources that your child is prone to allergies. Raising a child is not only laborious but also laborious!

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

Remember that for the sake of your baby's health, keeping a balanced diet, eating more vegetables and fruits, and eating less fried and high-fat foods is king!

Dear friends, what other good suggestions do you have, welcome to speak actively!


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ZHANG Liangjian. A study on the association between nutritional environment in childhood and eating behavior in middle age and its related metabolic indicators[D].Anhui Medical University, 2018.

Xu Bin. Research progress on dietary structure and nutritional status of preschool children[J].Enterprise Science and Technology and Development, 2017(09):80-82.

Sun Yonghu,Zhang Furen. A case of metabolic syndrome in obese children with psoriasis vulgaris and pseudoecanthosis nigricans[J].Chinese Journal of Leprosy Dermatology,2019,35(01):44-45.

[5] Xu Xiaoqian,Ran Yuping. Clinical, dermoscopic and pathological observation of juvenile pseudoecanthosis nigricans[J].Journal of Clinical Dermatology,2016,45(10):684+682-683.

The son's neck is black, it just can't be washed off, doctor: not a stain, but eating too well

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