
Asked what he had done in support of Biden, the former American football star player pondered: he ate a lot of ice cream...

(Observer Network News) On the 17th local time, Georgia Republican Senate candidate and former Major League Football League (NFL) star Herschel Walker was interviewed by US media NBC and was asked to "say something that supports what President Biden has done".

I saw him sigh and ponder for a while before holding back a sentence: "He ate a lot of ice cream..." After repeated questioning, Walker still couldn't say anything, but added that "he has done a lot of things, but none of the policies are wise."

Asked what he had done in support of Biden, the former American football star player pondered: he ate a lot of ice cream...

According to US media reports, Georgia Republican Senate candidate and former Major League Football League (NFL) star Herschel Walker (Herschel Walker), a long-time friend of former US President Trump, not only won his support in the campaign, but also received the support of Senate Republican leader McConnell, who was praised as an "excellent candidate".

But the candidate, who won the endorsement of the two Republican "bigwigs", still lags behind Democratic candidate Rafael Warnock in the polls. On the campaign trail, Raphael criticized Walker for being plagued by scandals, such as falsely claiming to have worked in law enforcement, exaggerating his business and academic record, and advocating "anti-abortion" only to have his girlfriend have an abortion.

In an interview program broadcast by NBC on the 17th, Walker responded to relevant rumors, and his attitude towards US President Biden has also attracted much attention.

On the show, Walker was asked what he thought of his friend Trump, who had been advocating that the 2020 US election was rigged and the results were fraudulent, he said he did not know about it and did not care, and now he is most concerned about the upcoming midterm elections in November.

Walker also stressed, "Now I'm running, not Trump, he's in Florida." Now in office are President Biden and Senator Raphael, whose policies are hurting the country. ”

Host Kristen Welker asked Walker if he could name something Biden is doing and that he supports and agrees with, given that he will have to work with Biden and Democrats if he is elected to the U.S. Senate.

According to the report, Walker gave a very "cold" answer. After hearing the question, he "tsked" on his mouth, paused for a long time, sighed, and then held out a sentence with difficulty, "He ate a lot of ice cream..."

Biden has been photographed by the media many times eating ice cream in public, and the US media said that ice cream is one of Biden's favorite foods, and his favorite taste is chocolate.

Asked what he had done in support of Biden, the former American football star player pondered: he ate a lot of ice cream...

But the host did not let Walker fool the past, repeatedly asking him whether he supported any of Biden's policy decisions.

However, he still did not give any good words, pouting for a while and complaining that Biden "has done a lot of things, but none of the policies are wise"; For a while, he said that he really had to think about it, because "everything has been going downhill since Biden took office", and he really couldn't think of anything for a while and a half.

Finally, Walker said there was one thing he did support, but Biden didn't do it, "at the time he said he would be a unifier, but we noticed that he wasn't." That's what I'm trying to say, it's really hard for me to figure out what he did. ”

Asked what he had done in support of Biden, the former American football star player pondered: he ate a lot of ice cream...

Walker's sharp evaluation of Biden's "only ice cream" has attracted a lot of attention from foreign media, and the Washington Observer also said that "Walker's brain is frozen."

Asked what he had done in support of Biden, the former American football star player pondered: he ate a lot of ice cream...

Especially in the first two days, Biden also became a news hot spot because of eating ice cream. On the 15th local time, Biden was blocked by reporters when he was building momentum for Democratic candidates participating in the US midterm elections in Oregon, and then enjoying chocolate cones in an ice cream shop.

When asked about the strengthening of the dollar, his attention was still on ice cream, and he replied while munching on it: "Our economy is going to death." ”

Biden did not forget to backhand the UK "stabbed", mentioning that the British Truss government announced the largest tax cut in 50 years but caused the pound exchange rate to fall sharply, he said: "I'm not the only one who thinks this is a mistake." ”

With U.S. inflation breaking 40-year records and gross domestic product falling for two consecutive quarters, Biden's optimism about the domestic economy has drawn numerous criticisms.

Some Twitter netizens complained: "Yes, our economy is very strong, Biden eats $37 a scoop of ice cream, compared to $3 a year ago", "His brain may be frozen by ice cream, eating ice cream cones deaf to the US economy".

Asked what he had done in support of Biden, the former American football star player pondered: he ate a lot of ice cream...

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