
Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

author:Teacher Tang watches a movie

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Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

With the development of the times, the length of the film is getting longer and longer, according to incomplete statistics, the average length of the film reached 110 minutes in 1981, and by 2021, this number has increased to 130 minutes, although it has only increased by twenty minutes, but this is already a quantitative breakthrough. The increase in the length of the movie will increase the audience's feeling of watching the movie, but also test the patience of the audience, especially when you sit in the cinema to watch the film, more than two hours of the movie may make you feel irritable, but what if the film is good enough? Can you be patient enough to read it? The following small editor recommends 9 wonderful movies that are longer than 3 hours but are enough for you to calm down and watch.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

Released in 2013 and directed by Martin Scorsese, the film runs for up to 180 minutes, which is actually the length of the film after the cut, and it is said that the uncut length is as high as 4 hours. Based on Jordan Belfort's memoirs, the film focuses on his development and decline as a stockbroker. The cast includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey/, and Kyle Chandler.

Seven Samurai

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

Directed by Japan's premier director Akira Kurosawa in 1954, this film is an epic film, the most invested film in Japan that year, and the length of the film is as high as 207 minutes. In 1856, a Japanese village received frequent attacks from thieves and murderers, so they decided to hire seven samurai to protect the village, and the film revolves around the story of what happens between the seven samurai and the villagers.

"Gone with the Wind"

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

Considering that "Gone with the Wind" was released in 1939 and has been released for nearly four hours, it is still an incredible thing, this film was the longest and most expensive film at that time, and even now, the length of the film can still be ranked. To this day, this film is still regarded as a classic by countless fans. The film stars Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable.

The Lord of the Rings: The King Is Invincible

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

As the last film in the "Lord of the Rings" series, the film is 201 minutes long, and in fact, fans who have seen it will only feel that this time is not enough, or even longer. And the average length of the Lord of the Rings trilogy is more than three hours, and if you want to watch it in one breath, it can be really a big challenge. And The Lord of the Rings: Invincible even has an extended version, with an additional fifty minutes added to the extended version.


Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

"Titanic" has undergone numerous restoration re-screenings, which is enough to illustrate the popularity of this film. The 1997 catastrophic romance film by James Cameron is three hours long, and what is even more surprising is that the film depicts the actual events in which the Titanic sinks the same time as depicted in the film: 2 hours and 40 minutes. The love story of Jack and Ross may still be brought up many years later.

The Irishman

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

Another feature-length film directed by Martin Scorsese, an uncensored version of the film that lasts three and a half hours, is also the ninth collaboration between Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, and the first collaboration with Al Pacino (there should be a feeling of seeing each other and hating each other). Regrettably, as another Olympic work of Martin Scorsese, it was not fulfilled in the end.

Avengers: Endgame

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

2019's "Avengers: Endgame" also reached 181 minutes long, the longest in the Marvel movie, this movie also announces the end of the Marvel era as we know it, although the assembly of Captain America, our superheroes once again united against Thanos, with the fall of Iron Man, we still have difficulty saying goodbye to these heroes, it seems that the three-hour film is still too short.

The Godfather 2

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

Following the success of 1972's The Godfather, The Godfather 2 was brought to the big screen two years later, continuing to be directed by Francis Ford Coppola and running for 3 hours and 22 minutes. As a sequel to The Godfather, the film was still a huge success, and Al Pacino continued to present Oscar-level films in this sequel, as well as Robert De Niro.

Schindler's List

Recommend 9 movies that are longer than 3 hours, each of which is a classic, how many have you seen?

A film that can rank in the top ten or more on any one film list, the film was directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1993 with a length of 195 minutes starring Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, and Ralph Fines. The film's winning of that year's Oscar for Best Picture and the gift of Steven Spielberg with an Oscar for Best Director are enough to illustrate the greatness of the film.

The above are the 9 classic movies with a length of up to three hours brought by the editor for everyone, have you seen these movies?


This article is the original of Teacher Tang's watching the movie

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