
Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

author:The moon says earth

Hello everyone

I am the moon and the moon saying earth

Do you know about orcas?

Well, that killer whale everyone has heard of.

Orcas are killer whales, also known as killer whales

Orcas seem to be an interesting animal to observe

Until they change the rules of the game in the ocean

Do you want to know how they catch blue whales and other marine life?

Like the attention, we continue to talk

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

In fact, they are one of the most intelligent animals in the animal kingdom

Most of them were sent to Sea World to do some work

It seems that not all orcas like to do this

They are forced to train and present to the audience

If this is not the case

People wonder why orcas attack trainers in front of an excited audience

Play by the rules during the show

But soon changed his mind

Maybe the trainer it off

Who knows, the man was lucky

Other trainers at the scene immediately rushed to the rescue

They jumped into the water after seeing the fight

And immediately rescued their colleagues

This is not the first time in Sea World

There was an incident of orcas and trainers

These trainers always risk their lives to perform

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

Grey whales

Although gray whales are predators in their world

But when they encounter a higher-level predator

They are almost powerless

In this video

The gray whale must have regretted that it had met 5 killer whales

Because there is no way to escape the attack

Five killer whales defeated the grey whale

Less than 1 minute after the capture, the gray whale was eaten

One of the killer whales tore off its flesh

Other killer whales also get together to bite

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times


Seals from their names

Doesn't mean they're slow

These animals are a force to be reckoned with in the ocean

But compared to killer whales, killer whales are unbeatable

Killer whales are the largest predators in the ocean

Even blue whales aren't that safe

When this killer whale saw the seal in the water

Killer whales move around it

Slowly enveloping the seal makes it impossible to escape

You can guess how this encounter ended

Seals are a staple food for killer whales that look for seals on the beach

Because they are easy to catch

Even standing on the ice of the ocean

Seals cannot be rescued from the encirclement of killer whales

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

There's a reason it's so interesting to harass blue whales

Not every time a killer whale approaches its prey in order to kill it

Sometimes killer whales are more playful and playful

But who would love to play with a terrible predator

Be aware that they may be eaten

The blue whale is surrounded by a swarm of killer whales that want to play with it

There is a video taken off the coast of California

This herd of killer whales emerged from nowhere

It's not about killing it, it's about harassing it

The Blue Whale found an opportunity to escape

It found to be different from ordinary killer whales

These killer whales stayed still and didn't chase it

The killer whales achieved their goal of scaring the blue whales and were satisfied

If they want to catch up with it, it's going to be easy

Because the blue whale runs at 20 mph

Killer whales run at speeds of 34 mph

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

Birds don't usually become prey for killer whales

Because they will fly into the sky that killer whales can't reach

Killer whales know this

And devise new creative ways to capture them

One way to do this is to set a trap for the animal

Then fly out with your tail

Because birds often stand at the water's edge

Waiting for the food to arrive

Killer whales are smart and know what they like

An afternoon that determines the fate of these birds

A killer whale places its meat at the water's edge

Birds often gather there

It is deep in the water and no one notices it

When they got together to start a big meal

It appeared and caught a bird that was cooking

The others flew away luckily

Because killer whales can only catch one bird at a time

With this skill, after a while, guess what

These birds will still become the meal of killer whales

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

There are other news reports of moments when dolphins swim peacefully in the ocean

Until something catastrophic happened

A herd of killer whales found it in the distance

Thought it was time for lunch

Although the dolphins jumped high to escape the pursuit

But this strategy does not work for killer whales

They are desperately chasing after them, trying to eat

But it's uncertain if it will succeed

When a killer whale attacks a dolphin

Dolphins also have the opportunity to fight for their lives

However, when killer whales flock in droves

The chances of dolphins surviving are slim

They grab the dolphin, tear it to pieces, and leave

Poor dolphins

If the battle suggests, it is best to fight in groups

You may have seen videos of divers swimming with killer whales

You think these killer whales aren't as aggressive toward humans

Maybe they were in a good mood that day and didn't think about hurting anyone

So those who swim are lucky

However, if you don't continue to try the same thing, that's the best

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

People on board may not like to encounter killer whales at sea

Of course he prepared for the worst

When he sailed calmly

Maybe a giant killer whale appeared out of nowhere

And will start following your boat

You can tell it's focused and knows what you want

Sometimes fishermen are also victims

When you sail peacefully

Maybe a group of killer whales thinks it's unfair to let you enjoy relative peace

Killer whales will chase fishing boats at full speed

They turned the boat over hard, trying to sink it

But it won't be easy

Obviously, it is important to have a very experienced sailor

Because he knows how to sail at sea.

Although it is difficult to make this group of killer whales easy to leave

But people don't find it interesting.

This happens

Maybe it's just because of killer whales' pranks in mind

Maybe at the same time that people were about to give up, because the boat was almost about to capsize

Killer whales may be tired of playing and retreat

At this time, the fishing boat was advancing at a crazy speed

Hopefully, such encounters will not happen again

But who can guarantee that?

Slap stingrays like humans

Killer whales are not hunted every time

They all want to eat their prey

Sometimes killer whales catch them for fun

Or play with them and scare them half to death

As it swam past the stingray, a "dragon swinging tail" stunned it

Then take a dashing stroll

It doesn't seem to want anything to do with animals

This time encountered, fortunately this stingray

Sometimes killer whales take pleasure from the turtles that harass them

There is a video display on the network

There are two juvenile killer whales, an adult killer whale and a sea turtle

Apparently an adult killer whale is teaching young killer whale predation skills

He watched the cubs play with food, with no intention of attacking

The older killer whale uses its mouth to make the turtle spin violently in the water

Other killer whales observed and replicated the same thing

They did this for about 30 minutes and then swam away

They just took some lessons about torture

No more courses

Obviously, killer whales have very high IQs

Killer whales are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, also called killer whales, but they are also playful at times

Well, that's it for today

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We'll see you next time

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