
The winter artifact ripped from the body of "Tuyuan Fat", you should not have | poisonous banana | text/ poisonous banana 0102 Easter egg [End]

author:Banana V poisonous spicy banana
The winter artifact ripped from the body of "Tuyuan Fat", you should not have | poisonous banana | text/ poisonous banana 0102 Easter egg [End]

<h1 style="text-align: center;">/poison banana</h1>

There was a small town in medieval Germany, and the whole city was plagued by rats, and just when people were anxious, a piper dressed in a strange dress with a flute pinned to his waist came to the mayor and declared that he could help him solve the rat infestation in the city.

The mayor promised to pay the piper a huge sum if he could solve the problem.

The piper immediately showed his strength and began to play the flute, and the melodious flute soon swept through every corner of the city, and the rats hidden in the darkness ran out and magically followed the piper.

The piper blew as he walked toward the river, and then the rats jumped into the river one by one, washed away by the rushing water.

The mayor saw that the rat infestation had been solved, and said that there was no money to pay.

The piper did not say much, and at night the flute sounded again in the town, and the children of each family ran from home to the road, followed the piper, and disappeared into the mountains...

The winter artifact ripped from the body of "Tuyuan Fat", you should not have | poisonous banana | text/ poisonous banana 0102 Easter egg [End]

<h1 style="text-align: center;">01</h1>

The story above is a dark fairy tale, and the last person to take all the children is not the piper, but the Black Death, which killed one-third of Europeans in the Middle Ages, that is, the plague.

Plague is also known as the "Black Death" because patients develop cyanosis throughout the body and their skin is black.

That's right! This is a topic of great concern to banana lovers recently, especially after another case of bubonic plague was confirmed in the Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia on November 16.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well rope. People are often sensitive to past experiences. (The relevance of the various things mentioned below, that is, where you have to think, see you in the comments!) )

In 1910, a message came from the three eastern provinces that a strange disease began to spread on the border between China and Russia, and the infection was fatal.

At first, the disease was only spread in a small area, but I did not expect that more than ten days later, there were also deaths in Harbin thousands of miles away, and then the disease went all the way south, changchun and Shenyang were successively recruited...

The winter artifact ripped from the body of "Tuyuan Fat", you should not have | poisonous banana | text/ poisonous banana 0102 Easter egg [End]

At that time, the Qing government sent a doctor named Wu Liande to solve this situation, and at first he thought that this was no different from the original plague in Europe, and only needed to block the replacement area to stop the spread.

But after the lockdown, it did not prevent the people outside the city from dying one after another, and compared with the usual plague, the time to die was faster, and at that time people thought that the plague must be related to the rat and the fleas on his body, so they all hunted down the rat like crazy.

For a time, the rats almost died, but the death toll did not drop in the slightest, and finally, the entire three eastern provinces died a full 60,000 people, how to deal with the corpses of the big winter?

burial? In the winter in the northeast, how thick the ice was, there was no movement when a shovel went down. Fire? At that time, people's minds were not yet enlightened, and cremation was a great act of rebellion.

However, everything that should be done has been done, and the epidemic has not been controlled, but has continued to worsen. In a hurry, Wu Liande had to secretly dissect a female corpse, only to learn that the original epidemic was pneumonic plague. (Plague infection can be divided into 3 types: bubonic plague, septic plague, and pneumonic plague, and pneumonic plague is the most toxic rare plague that can be transmitted in the air by saliva))

Finally, Wu Liande made a request to the closed Qing government to cremate the corpse (cremation was the most effective means of disease control at that time), and at first it was indeed blocked by powerful conservative forces, but seeing that the epidemic was not under control, it was still approved, so tens of thousands of corpses burned for many days in a row, and finally extinguished the first large-scale pneumonic plague disaster in modern China...

The winter artifact ripped from the body of "Tuyuan Fat", you should not have | poisonous banana | text/ poisonous banana 0102 Easter egg [End]

<h1 style="text-align: center;">02</h1>

But then again, why this disaster suddenly appeared in the northeast, the reason is that the northeast people love to wear "mink skins" caused by the disaster.

While searching for the source of the disease, Woollinder found plague bacillus in the marmot fur of a fur merchant.

Marmot, the new Internet celebrity in recent years, the earthy round marmot, believes that the risk of plague this time may make it suffer a tragic retreat.

The winter artifact ripped from the body of "Tuyuan Fat", you should not have | poisonous banana | text/ poisonous banana 0102 Easter egg [End]

At that time, the people living in the cold areas liked mink coats, because this kind of thing was very good at keeping warm, but the number of mink was not much, so the fur merchant invented a process, as long as the fur of the marmot was properly processed, the color could be comparable to the mink, and for a time, the marmot fur became the darling of the world leather market (in 1910, the price of each marmot skin soared by more than 6 times compared with 1907, The number of marmot skins exported from Manchuria alone increased from 700,000 in 1907 to 2.5 million, and marmot furs still exist in the market today).

The northeast region and the Russian Far East are the main producers of marmots, driven by interests, Chinese and Russian fur traders privately recruit chinese workers to hunt marmots, for that little wage, many people without any hunting experience, but also hurriedly join the ranks of otter hunters.

In general, hunters with experience in hunting otters will distinguish between infected marmots and will not bring such prey back. But spurred on by high profits, some hunters do not spare even infected marmots, because as the main carrier of plague, marmots are expelled from their nests by healthy counterparts once infected with plague, and they are easily captured due to slow movement.

Then, after humans come into contact with the fur of a marmot infected with plague, fleas with plague bacteria on their fur become infected after flea bites (marmots → fleas → humans).

This is how the plague also began to spread...

However, humans should not buckle the pot on various animals all day long, like the video that was very popular on Douyin some time ago

Run to Tibet or Inner Mongolia, or even Mongolia to feed groundhogs.

The winter artifact ripped from the body of "Tuyuan Fat", you should not have | poisonous banana | text/ poisonous banana 0102 Easter egg [End]

What's more, in order to experience the authentic cuisine of Mongolia, some people even eat raw and half-cooked groundhogs to eat. (An old Mongolian tradition holds that eating raw meat and offal from freshly killed marmots is beneficial for enhancing human health.)

After the locals caught the marmot, they removed the internal organs, stuffed a hot stone into the stomach, and then roasted it until it was half-cooked and directly went to the stomach, and if it was not in April this year, a couple died of plague because of eating the groundhog raw.

Whether it is fur, video traffic and early adopters, human beings on the road to plague can be said to be not dead, after all, scars forget that pain is also one of the characteristics of people.

<h1>painted eggshell</h1>

Recently, due to the news of the plague in Beijing, people were panicked for a while, and many of them deliberately rendered them.

At present, there are 12 types of natural foci of plague in China, distributed in 19 provinces, autonomous regions and 286 counties, with an area of 115 square kilometers.

The main areas with high incidence of plague are Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan and Gansu. Among them, the main vector fleas of plague in Inner Mongolia are Xie's mountain fleas, accounting for more than 90% of all vector fleas, and the main parasitic animal of such fleas is the marmot in this area.

In recent years, plague has also occurred from time to time, and there is a tendency to spread to densely populated areas.

The reason is that with the development of people's travel and transportation, plague patients can roam to all parts of the world during the incubation period, and due to the needs of economic development, many natural plague foci have been developed as tourist attractions, and the chances of people coming into contact with plague pathogens in these areas have suddenly increased, which will inevitably increase the possibility of plague occurrence and transmission.

Thinking about it is extremely frightening, now people who have a little problem, always love to run to the big hospital, small to fever and cold, but also to go to the big hospital, doctors come to see the fever the number of times a day, plus a small number of doctors have been exposed to the plague, and finally encounter fever, pneumonia symptoms of the patient naturally will not suddenly realize and the plague to do differential diagnosis.

<h1 style="text-align: center;">[end].</h1>

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