
Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

author:Flower Sounds Gardening


Flowers with fragrant plants, is the "pursuit" of many flower farmers, in addition to enjoying the flowers can also smell the fragrance of flowers, not only can decorate the embellishment, but also fresh and purify the air. Today to take you to know a very fragrant indoor potted flower, friends who still lack green plants at home can see.

First, understand the "jagged ephemeral"

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

Serrated ephemeral

This flower is called "Epiphyllum anguliger", also known as the horned split ephemeral, is a cactus family, ephemeral shrub plant, native to Mexico, southern Africa is also found (may be birds brought over), is now widely cultivated as an ornamental plant around the world, is an excellent indoor green plant, to look at the stem, flower and smell the main.

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

The plant type is beautiful

The serrated ephemeral flower is a member of the ephemeral family, the ground can grow to 90-120 cm tall, there are no leaves, the pieces of green are its stems, the roots are lignified, the stem is fleshy, serrated, and the fishbone makes the arrow look very similar, but the serrations are more rounded. The whole body is thorn-free, very suitable for family planting, the pot planting is more adaptable, the caliber of 15-20 cm pot can be raised, can be placed on the balcony, window sill, eaves, corridors and other places to do decoration, ornamental use.

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

High ornamental value

Sawtooth ephemeral flowers were introduced very early, and in recent years, with the development of short videos, they have slowly "fired", and more and more flower friends have been "planted". Its whole body is very beautiful, the tree shape is compact and round, the stem surface is smooth and emerald green, it remains green all year round, the flowering form is similar to the ephemeral flower, the flower diameter is 8-13 cm, the petals are white, there is a layer of yellow flower seat at the bottom, the flower color is fresh and beautiful, and the flowers and leaves are beautiful.

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

The fragrance is overflowing

In addition to being good-looking, the floral fragrance of the jagged ephemeral flowers is also outstanding, and when the flowers bloom, they will emit a burst of rich fragrance, which is the kind of refreshing fragrance, which has the effect of "a flower in the room, full of incense", the aroma is strong and not turbid, the fragrance is fragrant, and the flowers can also smell the fragrance.

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

Flowering diligently (leaflet ephemeral, serrated ephemeral)

In terms of flowering, serrated ephemeral flowers are also considered "industrious", natural flowering period from late spring to autumn, spanning spring, summer and autumn, during which the flowering will be repeated several times, depending on how well you are maintained, well raised, stubble after stubble, generally can also be opened two or three times, day and night are possible, this is better than the fishbone arrow, fishbone arrow to raise a few years to flower.

Fishbone Makes Arrow Rare Species Succulent Plant Cactus Indoor Potted Plant Serrated Ephemeral Radiation Protection Potted Plant ¥15 Purchase

Second, the disadvantages of serrated ephemerality

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

It is also beautiful without flowering

Jagged ephemeral is a well-received new potted green plant, set a variety of advantages in one, the author is not to feel that there are any obvious shortcomings, if you have to find one, it is probably not hardy, after all, it is a tropical plant, the winter overwintering temperature needs to be above 6 degrees, in addition to South China can be exposed, other places have to move back indoors in winter.

Third, the planting advice of serrated ephemeral flowers

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

Maintenance is not difficult

Serrated ephemeral flowers belong to cacti, tenacious vitality, not a difficult plant to raise, and can even be said to be a "lazy flower", as long as you master the method, novice flower friends can also control. Here are some suggestions for planting maintenance:

Flower pots: it is recommended to use plastic pots, there are two benefits, one is better than ceramic pots, more beneficial to plant root growth, the other is light, more convenient to move in winter;

Soil: prefer well-breathable, humus-rich, loose soil, such as peat soil, saprophyll soil and other nutrient soils, add some pine needles, perlite and the like to increase the permeability will be better;

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

It also blossoms during the day

Suitable environment: sawtooth ephemeral flowers are native to the rain forest, where there is little direct light, only scattered oblique light, creating their more shade-tolerant characteristics, the sun is not very sufficient where can be raised, in the eaves, balconies, north balconies and other places with astigmatism can be raised;

Water fertilizer: succulent plants, more drought-tolerant, the water demand is not very strong, follow the principle of "see dry and wet", less watering in winter, occasionally give some water to make the soil slightly wet on the line; Spring, summer and autumn can give some flower-promoting fertilizer, thin fertilizer is applied diligently, and flowering will be more diligent;

Summer, overwintering: when the summer is high, it should be placed in a cool and ventilated place to avoid being exposed to the sun, as long as it is not exposed to the sun, it is easy to spend the summer; Winter temperatures below 6 degrees need to be moved back indoors, and it is not possible to overwinter outside in the north.

Indoor potted "new favorite" - jagged ephemeral flowers, can watch leaves, enjoy flowers, smell flowers, shade resistance and easy to raise

Balcony potted products

Summary: The advantages of serrated ephemeral flowers include "thorn-free, shade-resistant, love to blossom, beautiful and fragrant flowers, good skin", which is a rare indoor potted product, and friends who like to raise flowers can try.

Fishbone makes arrow serrated ephemeral succulent plant cactus family flower potted indoor four seasons good breeding fun green plant ¥8.8 purchase

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