
Full score essay: The natural category "Eternity of a Moment" essay describes the ephemeral flowers that bloom briefly in the moon and night, and expresses that although life is short, it is also like a short flower, and it is necessary to do its best to bloom

author:Orange Zi-sensei

Full score essay: Nature class "Eternity in an Instant"

By describing the ephemeral flowers that bloom briefly in the moonlit night, by things and people, the article expresses that although life is short, it is also like a short flower, and it is necessary to bloom with all its strength, bravely move forward, and persevere

Keywords: Ephemeral | Eternity

Theme: Nature | insist on | life

Vocabulary accumulation: infiltration | grace

Excerpt from the sentence:

The ephemeral flowers in the corner were soaked in the moonlight, like a sleeping child, quiet and quiet, and like a shy girl, shy and hiding.

The delicate buds flutter slightly, slowly opening a layer of mesh-like lilac petals, like unfolding a cape, elegant and natural. Then, the white jade petals gently opened, layer by layer, piece by piece...

#Composition Material##Composition##Writing##Junior##9th Grade#Secondary#Secondary# #中考作文 #

Yilin graded essay material

Full score essay: The natural category "Eternity of a Moment" essay describes the ephemeral flowers that bloom briefly in the moon and night, and expresses that although life is short, it is also like a short flower, and it is necessary to do its best to bloom
Full score essay: The natural category "Eternity of a Moment" essay describes the ephemeral flowers that bloom briefly in the moon and night, and expresses that although life is short, it is also like a short flower, and it is necessary to do its best to bloom
Full score essay: The natural category "Eternity of a Moment" essay describes the ephemeral flowers that bloom briefly in the moon and night, and expresses that although life is short, it is also like a short flower, and it is necessary to do its best to bloom

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