
"Dividing Line": Looking back at the whole process of Ma Dongsheng's robbery, there is reason to suspect that he is a habitual offender! First, let's take a look at what preparations and countermeasures Lao Ma has made to rob Jin Xin Pawn Shop:

author:The Creek of Hundred Zhang

"Dividing Line": Looking back at the whole process of Ma Dongsheng's robbery, there is reason to suspect that he is a habitual offender!

First, let's take a look at what preparations and countermeasures Lao Ma has made to rob Jin Xin Pawn Shop:

1. Step on the point in advance, understand the surrounding monitoring situation, and send water to the pawn shop at 8:40 on April 11th and carry out the last step.

2. Prepared in advance a fake gun and a hypothetical blasting device, and stole a motorcycle.

3. Prepare two snakeskin bags in advance, one for money and the other for clothes you usually wear.

4. Rush to Gushu Lane immediately after delivering the water, in addition to parking the water truck in Gushu Lane, the old horse also did one thing, that is, borrowed a maza from the owner of the small shop on the side of the road on the grounds that the tire was broken and needed to repair the tire, causing the illusion that he was not at the scene of the crime (the robbery occurred at 9:50, the shop owner testified that the old horse was repairing the car at this time, in fact, the old horse knew that the owner of the shop would go to walk the birds during this time, so the boss immediately rushed to the pawn shop to rob as soon as he left the old horse, and then quickly rushed back to the ancient tree lane).

5. After the robbery was successful, hide the money in the water truck parked in Gushu Lane, and then leave for the South Second Ring Road with a snakeskin bag containing clothes, on the one hand, to deal with the tools of the crime and change into the clothes that are usually worn, on the other hand, to confuse the police and create the illusion of a rogue crime.

6. The reason why Lao Ma chose an abandoned repair shop in the South Second Ring Road to deal with the crime tools was because he knew in advance that there was no monitoring here, and the No. 9 bus that left the repair shop was also not monitored.

7. Give the money to his ex-wife Wang Juan, and then let Wang Juan remit the money to herself on the grounds of improving the mother-daughter relationship, creating the illusion that Wang Juan pays for her daughter's hospitalization.

The old horse is meticulous, doing things without leaks (in fact, there are flaws, such as he went in and out of Gushu Lane several times that day, from the time to calculate that he left Gushu Lane for the first time to go to Jinxin Pawn Shop to commit crimes can only ride a stolen motorcycle, Yu Chao and the police as long as a check outside the gushu lane monitoring can basically lock the identity of the suspect of the old horse, but the plot let the police selectively ignore these flaws), this is not at all like a first robber, but like a habitual offender, and the old horse is just a laid-off worker in a textile factory, The robbery is also almost a one-thought thing, and it is obvious that such a plot lacks enough convincing!

"Dividing Line": Looking back at the whole process of Ma Dongsheng's robbery, there is reason to suspect that he is a habitual offender! First, let's take a look at what preparations and countermeasures Lao Ma has made to rob Jin Xin Pawn Shop:
"Dividing Line": Looking back at the whole process of Ma Dongsheng's robbery, there is reason to suspect that he is a habitual offender! First, let's take a look at what preparations and countermeasures Lao Ma has made to rob Jin Xin Pawn Shop:
"Dividing Line": Looking back at the whole process of Ma Dongsheng's robbery, there is reason to suspect that he is a habitual offender! First, let's take a look at what preparations and countermeasures Lao Ma has made to rob Jin Xin Pawn Shop:
"Dividing Line": Looking back at the whole process of Ma Dongsheng's robbery, there is reason to suspect that he is a habitual offender! First, let's take a look at what preparations and countermeasures Lao Ma has made to rob Jin Xin Pawn Shop:

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