
Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

author:The old sheep talk about science

Recently, a 1.5-meter-long python appeared in the roadside green belt of Fengxian District, Shanghai, which was caught by the police and handed over to the relevant departments for proper disposal, solving a potential hidden danger. It turned out that the person who found this big snake was a greening maintenance worker, when he was pruning the bushes on the side of the road, he suddenly encountered this big snake, when it was basking in the sun, and from time to time spitting out letters, and then looking at the strange colors and patterns on its body, it was really frightening, the brain melon seeds were buzzing in an instant, and even the hairs were about to stand up!

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

Scratch and can not be caught, fight and dare not fight, helplessly can only ask the police for help, the police rushed to the scene after the general understanding of the surrounding situation, found that the snake infested place is very close to a bus stop, in order to completely solve the hidden dangers, on this green belt carpet search, and finally found the traces of the big snake at the root of the wall a bunch of abandoned pots.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

For the police, this kind of thing is not less to do, basically hand to hand, began to divide the work and cooperation, one person came forward to quickly pinch the snake's seven inches, the snake was controlled, and the other person quickly used the woven bag he carried to trap the snake and put it in. In the face of this large snake with unknown origin, it can only be sent to the wildlife protection and management station, and after measurement, the length of this large snake is more than 1.5 meters, the thickest place is thicker than the wrist, and the whole body is covered with patterns, and the staff of the management station identifies and confirms that this snake is a national first-class protected animal pattern python.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

So the question is, where are the snakes in the city? Could it be that the environment has improved and caused the snakes to flood? Definitely not, the protection station staff said that this snake is not a native species, so the only possibility is artificial release, considering that there is only one, it is very likely that it is a pet that has been raised by people, and it is abandoned for some reason, so it will appear in the green belt, and the snake has been properly disposed of by the wildlife conservation management station.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

It is said that the person who raises this big snake is also extremely irresponsible, has the heart to invite into the home, but does not have the strength to raise it, discard it at will, and may also bring danger to the surrounding pedestrians, after all, snakes are harmless animals like other pets. So are abandoned pet snakes dangerous to humans?

Let's first see what species this big snake belongs to and whether it is poisonous or not. From the point of view of the pattern on the body of the big snake, it is very likely to be a Burmese python, it is also called the southern snake, the qin snake, the double-banded crab, is a python living in Southeast Asia, China also has a distribution, mainly living in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Hainan, Guizhou and other places, known for its huge size, is one of the largest snakes in the world.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

Usually, they can grow up to 7 meters long and weigh up to 91 kilograms. The Snake Safari in Illinois, USA, has a Burmese python that is 8.23 meters long and weighs 186 kilograms, while the Guinness Book of World Records is 9.75 meters long. Because the vertebrae continue to grow, they are growing all their lives, and the female is larger than the male. So this big snake is actually not big, at most it can just walk.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

So why didn't the snake make an attack on people? Has it been domesticated? In fact, snake hunting mainly depends on smell and temperature, its snake head can feel the chemicals in the air, and then retract it into the mouth, and then insert the nose plow to distinguish the smell. In addition, it can use infrared rays to distinguish the change in temperature of one thousandth of a degree Celsius at a distance of 3 to 4.5 meters. Why aren't snake owners attacked by snakes? It is because the smell and temperature of their bodies have become familiar to snakes, but there are also unexpected situations, and the reason is that these two conditions have changed.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

But the premise of the snake to launch an attack is that its body temperature can allow it to make corresponding actions, because the snake is a cold-blooded animal, the body temperature will change with the temperature, the weather has suddenly turned cold in recent days, some places have even begun to snow, the body temperature of the snake must have dropped a lot, and the biological enzyme activity of auxiliary energy metabolism in the body is low, so even if they want to launch an attack, there is no temperature, and they must first bask in the sun. There is also the fact that they are very honest when it comes to digesting food.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

Snakes have no basic bottom line and do not attack people at will, in fact, in the tens of millions of years of co-evolution with humans, they have been pinched to death by humans, from the bones there is a fear of humans, this fear even goes deep into the bone marrow, the genes go, they are born to understand and fear people, so it is impossible for newborn calves not to be afraid of tigers.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

In addition, the snakes themselves have a relatively small brain capacity, basically do not think about what to eat in the last meal, how to arrange the next meal, that is to say, their actions do not go through the brain, they are controlled by the nerves throughout the body, which belongs to the conditioned reflex. Therefore, some snakes can bite people even if they are decapitated, because the nerves in the head are still alive for a while, and if the body is not attacked by the outside world, they will only stay there motionless, so basically not provoking them is the best way.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

Fortunately, pythons are not poisonous, but no poison does not mean that it is not dangerous, in fact, their risk coefficient is still quite high, first of all, they like to camouflage, mainly using the color and pattern of the body to ambush, it is difficult to find them in the wild environment, and can ambush for several months, in July this year, a surveyor in Fujian measured the planned highway in the resort, just in the grass accidentally stepped on a 70-pound Burmese python, quite scary!

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

Secondly, the killer skill of the Burmese python is its powerful strangulation ability, using more than 10,000 muscles in the whole body, continuously applying layers of pressure when the prey breathes, and finally making the prey's blood pressure rise, fainting because the heart cannot deliver blood, and dying, the large Burmese python can even directly crush the bones of the prey. Engineers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania conducted a twist test on a 5.5-meter-long python and found that it could apply a force of 1 kilogram per square centimeter, equivalent to more than 6 times the strongest grip of humans.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

Some people may not know what this concept is, for example: in December 2013, a security guard in Indonesia found a 4.6-meter-long python and wanted to drag it away by hand, but he was entangled in it, and was strangled alive by the desperate rescue of 3 colleagues! It can be seen how powerful the snake's strangling ability is! In general, a python with a body length of 4 meters and a weight of 40 kilograms can strangle an adult, which is not a hassle for adult pythons. Pythons can swallow prey equivalent to 90%-104% of their own body weight, so as long as they grow to 60 kilograms, they can swallow a normal-weight adult.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

So what to do when you encounter a Burmese python? The most basic principle is not to be entangled with it, as long as you stay away from it, it is basically not too dangerous, but do not deliberately provoke it. In case of close encounter, it is also necessary to adhere to this principle, to escape, if attacked by the snake, in the case of spare strength, you can hit the snake's three inches and seven inches, three inches is located behind the head of the neck position, seven inches is its heart part, hit three inches of snake will faint for a period of time, hit seven inches will die, of course, this is the proportion of the number, will vary depending on the type, size, length of each snake. You can also poke the anus of the snake, which is near the end of the tail, followed by the head and eyes of the snake.

Will pet pythons break into the green belt and attack people? What to do if you encounter it in the end can you fight?

So can this pet python fight? Because it is a national first-level protected animal, it is not possible to fight under normal circumstances, especially in the wild environment, of course, if it threatens your life, it must be shot, but fortunately, this is a small snake, if it is dozens of pounds, four or five meters long, it is estimated that it can not beat it, even if there is a weapon in the hand may not be able to prevail, so go for the upper count!

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