
Protozoa - Taiwan Endemic Insect Three-dimensional Puzzle Competition Category: Communication Design School Name: Shude University of Science and Technology Department Name: Department of Visual Communication Design Designer: Lin Peijin, Peng Yiya,

author:Aesthetic design

Protozoite Poly - Three-dimensional puzzle of taiwan's endemic insects

Category: Communication Design

School Name: Shude University of Science and Technology

Department Name: Department of Visual Communication Design

Designers: Lin Peijin, Peng Yiya, Xie Xuanhong, Duan Jiayi, Cai Yiting, Ye Yingzi

There are many colorful endemic insects in Taiwan, in order to let everyone know the rich ecology of this treasure island, select 10 kinds of endemic insects of different families, with the design of 3D stereoscopic cards, through hands-on assembly and achieve the purpose of edutainment.

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Protozoa - Taiwan Endemic Insect Three-dimensional Puzzle Competition Category: Communication Design School Name: Shude University of Science and Technology Department Name: Department of Visual Communication Design Designer: Lin Peijin, Peng Yiya,
Protozoa - Taiwan Endemic Insect Three-dimensional Puzzle Competition Category: Communication Design School Name: Shude University of Science and Technology Department Name: Department of Visual Communication Design Designer: Lin Peijin, Peng Yiya,
Protozoa - Taiwan Endemic Insect Three-dimensional Puzzle Competition Category: Communication Design School Name: Shude University of Science and Technology Department Name: Department of Visual Communication Design Designer: Lin Peijin, Peng Yiya,
Protozoa - Taiwan Endemic Insect Three-dimensional Puzzle Competition Category: Communication Design School Name: Shude University of Science and Technology Department Name: Department of Visual Communication Design Designer: Lin Peijin, Peng Yiya,
Protozoa - Taiwan Endemic Insect Three-dimensional Puzzle Competition Category: Communication Design School Name: Shude University of Science and Technology Department Name: Department of Visual Communication Design Designer: Lin Peijin, Peng Yiya,

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