
【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

author:Fengxian Technology released


A food blogger posted

Videos of boiled sharks and grilled sharks

Some netizens questioned

Shark in the video

Suspected international endangered wildlife man-eating shark

This matter has aroused widespread concern

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!


Identified by the police in Nanchong, Sichuan

The shark in the video is confirmed to be a man-eating shark

Also known as the Great White Shark

It is a national second-level protected animal

According to the law, after fishing, it needs to be discarded into the sea

Disembarkation, sale, and purchase are all illegal

August 1

Law Enforcement Supervision Section, Nanchong Agriculture and Rural Bureau

The person in charge said

The blogger buys the Great White Shark

The source is the coastal area of Fujian

The persons concerned have been brought into police custody

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

After the event occurs

All videos in their account have disappeared

According to article 341 of the Criminal Law, whoever illegally hunts or kills rare or endangered wild animals under key national protection, or illegally acquires, transports or sells rare or endangered wild animals under key national protection and their products, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years and shall also be fined or have his property confiscated.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Crocodiles, ostrich kings, tiger crabs, baby fish... The blogger's video is uncomfortable

Great white sharks, rarer than tigers!

The great white shark is the largest known predatory fish in the world, and adult great white sharks are usually more than 4 meters long. Great white sharks are very long-lived, able to reach the age of 70 years.

According to the "List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection" published on the website of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, the wild animals under national key protection include basking sharks, man-eating sharks (great white sharks) and whale sharks, and the three sharks are all national second-level protected animals.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Although the great white shark is known as the "man-eating shark", its main food is large fish, cetaceans, sea lions, seals, sea otters, etc. Humans are not on the shark's "recipe". However, the great white shark is accustomed to exploring unfamiliar targets by nibbling, and when it encounters food that it does not like, it is released after a bite, and the shark attacks on people are almost all "accidental injuries".

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

As a creature at the top of the marine food chain, the great white shark has only some predators of killer whales (ocean-going types). Due to the slow growth of great white sharks, the lack of juvenile sharks, and human overfishing, such sea kings have become endangered species.

According to the Science Network, in 2010, scientists found that there are currently fewer than 3,500 great white sharks in the world's oceans, "which makes it rarer than tigers." This also means that only a very small number of seas in the world can find the long-term presence of great white sharks. In July, Xinhua quoted Agence France-Presse as saying that the number of great white sharks in the world is currently about 300.

Note! These marine creatures are not "seafood"

On July 21, the IUCN updated red list of endangered species, showing that the Yangtze River white sturgeon has become extinct, causing deploration from all walks of life.

On the mainland, there are still many marine life that are already endangered.

Leatherback turtle

Leatherback turtle is the largest of the turtles and tortoises in the world, and has been listed on the Red List of Endangered Species, which is a national second-level protected animal.

With a body length of up to 2.5 meters and a weight of more than 1 ton, the leatherback turtle is called the "king of turtles" and is also known as a "moving island". Because there are seven ridge-like bumps on the back of the turtle, which resemble carambola, the Chaoshan area is also used to call it "carambola turtle".

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

There are seven prismatic bumps on the back of the leatherback turtle, which are extremely recognizable.

Leatherback turtles are found in the East china sea and south China Sea near Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Liaoning, Taiwan, Hainan and other areas, as well as in the waters outside the Mouth of the Yangtze River in Shanghai. In recent years, leatherback turtles have become more rare due to pollution of the marine environment, habitat destruction, and the reduction of food organisms.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

In 2013, a Fisherman in Nan'ao once accidentally caught a leatherback turtle, which died due to the failure of breeding, and was made into a specimen and stored in the Herbarium of the Guangdong Nanpeng Archipelago Marine Ecological National Nature Reserve Administration.

The reason why the leatherback turtle is prone to death is due to its lack of shield armor, only a layer of leathery skin, and it is easily damaged by machinery. Many fishermen mistakenly catch leatherback turtles and think that keeping them in captivity for a period of time will accelerate the death of leatherback turtles, so if they catch leatherback turtles, the best way is to release them immediately.

horseshoe crab

In March 2019, the crab was officially listed as an "endangered" species by the IUCN, with the waters surrounding Guangdong and Guangxi being its last habitat.

Horseshoe crab has a high medicinal value, its blood because of the copper ions displayed as blue, from this blue blood extracted from the "horseshoe reagent", can accurately and quickly detect whether the internal tissues of the human body is infected by bacteria, is widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries, there is no substitute. In addition, its shell can be refined into a medicine that can cure hyperthyroidism and other diseases, so the horseshoe crab is a modern treasure.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Known as the "living fossil of life", the horseshoe crab appeared on the earth as early as 450 million years ago and is a very ancient creature.

The growth cycle of the horseshoe crab is very long, it takes 13 years to reach adulthood to reproduce the next generation, and it must lay eggs on clean sand, and the fertilized eggs of the horseshoe crab must hatch in the muddy sand. Even if chinese horseshoe crabs find these suitable breeding places, the natural hatching rate is extremely low.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Dr. Jie Xiaoyong of the South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences once appealed: "Horseshoe crab is not ordinary seafood, don't eat it anymore!" ”

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

A famous snack in the Chaoshan region, because of its resemblance to the horseshoe crab, is called the koji.


Whale sharks are an ancient species that lived in the vast oceans 20 million years ago, mainly in tropical waters between 30° north and south latitudes, and they visited the waters of South Australia in Shantou in 2019.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Whale sharks are typically characterized by two dorsal fins, spots on the body, a brownish tinge of blue, a wide mouth split, and anterior snout that is not prominent.

Some parts of Southeast Asia are the main fishing areas for whale sharks, which eat their flesh and sometimes cut off their fins to make shark fins.

On the mainland, the whale shark is a national grade II protected animal, and it has also been included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2005.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

When whale sharks swim in the ocean, many small fish surround them.

Chinese white dolphin

The Chinese white dolphin is a national first-class protected animal, known as the "giant panda of the sea", known as the "Mazu fish" by fishermen in the Fujian and Guangdong areas, and was selected as the mascot of Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

The Chinese white dolphin baby emerges with the female dolphin step by step.

In recent years, with the rapid development of the mainland's marine economy, marine development efforts have been increasing, reclamation projects have been increasing, the habitat of Chinese white dolphins has been shrinking, the population has been decreasing, and the continuation of species is facing severe challenges.

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Chinese white dolphin mothers do not abandon their dead babies. Interference from human activities can lead to a decline in its health, thereby reducing the survival rate.

Hope these wonderful creatures

Can travel happily in the blue ocean

Rejection of illegal trade and hunting

Don't think of yourself

Hurt their lives

Otherwise waiting for us

It will be sanctioned by law!

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Reprinted | Guangdong Science Popularization

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

Fengxian Technology

【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

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【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

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【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!
【Popular science】Using great white sharks to make food? True punishment! These "seafood" can't be eaten!

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