
The behavior of domestic Internet celebrities "Barbecue Great White Sharks" is bad, and there is no difference between them and Japanese butchers! I believe that many friends have watched the "Dolphin Bay" documentary, and the Japanese fishermen's behavior of killing and eating dolphins has made it


The behavior of domestic Internet celebrities "Barbecue Great White Sharks" is bad, and there is no difference between them and Japanese butchers!

I believe that many friends have watched the "Dolphin Bay" documentary, Japanese fishermen hunting and eating dolphins is heinous, 23,000 dolphins are hunted and killed every year, cruel to the extreme, is a living butcher!

Recently, an Internet celebrity live roasted great white shark was arrested, facing a maximum of 10 years of punishment, someone excused her that great white sharks can be artificially farmed, and experts explained that it was "impossible!" ”

The Internet celebrity once defended that the great white shark is artificially farmed, and experts quickly gave the science that breeding great white sharks is not feasible, and every time someone tries to keep great white sharks in captivity, it ends in failure.

There have been 32 captive great white sharks recorded in history, with an average survival time of less than 24 days.

In 1955, the Pacific Ocean Park in Los Angeles wanted to add the Great White Shark project, added a new sea pool and put the Great White Shark in, unfortunately, the Great White Shark did not survive a day and died, which was the first time humans tried to raise the Great White Shark in captivity.

In 1981, SeaWorld San Francisco also used its brains on the great white shark, and the great white shark introduced did not eat or drink for 16 days, and the staff had no choice but to put it back into the sea.

In 2001, the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California set a record for keeping great white sharks — 198 days.

This time, the great white shark did not eat or drink, but ate and drank wildly, killing all the animals that could be seen, and finally the aquarium could not afford the food cost and released it.

It is too difficult to experimentally verify the reasons for their "untamed" and may require the sacrifice of many great white sharks, and scientists have made some conjectures.

The size of the captive site can be important, and the great white shark has a very large area in the sea, swimming hundreds of kilometers a day, and once the amount of activity is small, it loses its appetite.

The great white shark is also a highly intelligent animal, "psychological needs" are very important, if the living space is limited, it will become manic, hitting the wall is a small meaning.

There is also a more reliable conjecture, that is, the seawater of the aquarium is different from the composition of natural seawater.

The great white shark is a sensitive animal, and even the slightest change can cause abnormal reactions of the great white shark, and it makes sense not to breed it.

The reason for speculating in this regard is that the marine environment in which the great white shark lives is polluted by humans and is on the verge of extinction.

According to biologists, the number of the only remaining great white sharks in the world is less than 3500, and it is decreasing every day!

Especially in the Gulf of California, which is the main living water of the great white shark, the illegal killing of fishermen has not stopped.

The great white shark has been listed as a "vulnerable protected animal" by an international conservation organization, and in China it belongs to the national second-level protected animal, and it will be severely punished by law for killing and eating at will!

This time the Internet celebrity eating great white shark has violated the law, the latest news shows that the relevant personnel who sell great white sharks have also been arrested, and they will face them will be imprisoned!

Enthusiastic lawyers explained that the Internet celebrities and related teams are suspected of constituting crimes of endangering precious and endangered wild animals, and five to ten years of prison sentences await them.

And the great white shark that was eaten was very small, it should be an underage cub, and the crime was added to the first!

As one of the hegemons of the ocean, the great white shark has gradually fallen to the point of needing protection, indicating that the marine environment is not optimistic. To control your stomach is to contribute to environmental protection! #Jaws ##Knowledge ##警方认定网红用濒危大白鲨做美食 #

Author: Old Dream Talk

The behavior of domestic Internet celebrities "Barbecue Great White Sharks" is bad, and there is no difference between them and Japanese butchers! I believe that many friends have watched the "Dolphin Bay" documentary, and the Japanese fishermen's behavior of killing and eating dolphins has made it
The behavior of domestic Internet celebrities "Barbecue Great White Sharks" is bad, and there is no difference between them and Japanese butchers! I believe that many friends have watched the "Dolphin Bay" documentary, and the Japanese fishermen's behavior of killing and eating dolphins has made it
The behavior of domestic Internet celebrities "Barbecue Great White Sharks" is bad, and there is no difference between them and Japanese butchers! I believe that many friends have watched the "Dolphin Bay" documentary, and the Japanese fishermen's behavior of killing and eating dolphins has made it

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