
Angelica, astragalus, dang ginseng, bai shu, poria fried together, what is the effect? Who is it for?

author:Old Liu talks about health

Introduction: Mainland Chinese medicine is known for dialectical diagnosis and treatment methods, nourishment-based rehabilitation methods, very suitable for some middle-aged and elderly people to diagnose and treat diseases, and Chinese medicine complement each other, there are all kinds of Traditional Chinese medicine, each taste of Chinese medicine has its own different effects, therefore, some people have also germinated a variety of Chinese medicines together, in order to more comprehensively treat diseases and maintain good health.

Nowadays, our more common Chinese medicines are Angelica, Astragalus, Dang Ginseng, Bai Shu, Poria Five Flavor Chinese Medicine, therefore, many people also have the intention of boiling these five flavors of Chinese medicine together, so what kind of impact can the "Five Whole Great Tonic Soup" made of this make bring to our body?

Angelica, astragalus, dang ginseng, bai shu, poria fried together, what is the effect? Who is it for?

Angelica: Replenishes qi and activates blood, relieves pain and injury.

Astragalus: Can replenish qi and water, adjust deficiency.

Dang Ginseng: It has the effect of tonifying blood, strengthening the spleen and lungs, and benefiting the mind.

White technique: warm spleen and stomach, dry diuresis, improve qi and fetus and nourish the spirit.

Poria: healthy spleen and stomach, phlegm and dampness, calm the nerves and benefit the brain.

From the perspective of the medicinal effects of the above-mentioned chinese medicine ingredients, it is not difficult to see that these five kinds of Chinese medicines basically have the effect of replenishing qi and blood, and if they can really develop the habit of taking these chinese medicines in a timely manner, they can indeed play a role in nourishing qi and replenishing blood.

Angelica, astragalus, dang ginseng, bai shu, poria fried together, what is the effect? Who is it for?

Although these Chinese medicines are separated and have a very good health effect, if they are mixed together, can they really produce a 1+1 greater than 2 effect?

If you analyze the principle of the five flavors of Traditional Chinese medicine and medicinal effects too bluntly, I think everyone will also be in the clouds, and here is the simplest way to explain to you:

If these five chinese medicines are fried together, it is not difficult for us to see that in fact, this medicinal soup is composed of two medicinal soups.

They are "Four Gentlemen's Soup" and Angelica Blood Soup.

The Four Gentlemen's Soup is also known as the "Ancestor of Qi", and its main role is to increase Qi and benefit Qi.

The main ingredients of the four gentlemen's soup are ginseng, white art, and poria, which coincides with the five-flavored herbs we use, and the five-flavored herbs are fused together, which can naturally also play the effect of the four gentlemen's soup.

Not only that, the medicinal ingredients of the four gentlemen's soup can also play a very good role in the maintenance of the spleen.

In the view of Chinese medicine, the spleen as a transit station for the transformation of grains and grains, the grain energy we eat will be absorbed by the spleen into a sophisticated grain qi, that is, the blood qi in our body. Missing the gentleman's soup combines the two functions of replenishing qi and nourishing the spleen, which can naturally also play a good effect of saving qi and benefiting qi.

And angelica blood soup, as the name suggests, has a very good blood tonic effect.

Its main ingredients are astragalus and angelica, which are also included in these five medicinal herbs. The ancients had clouds: "The handsome smell of blood, the mother of qi." "In layman's terms, blood replenishment and qi replenishment are complementary, and only when the two are nourished together can the real health effect be achieved."

This also coincides with the idea that we mix the two soups of four gentlemen's soup and angelica blood soup, and can play two kinds of medicines to replenish blood and qi at the same time.

All in all, the angelica, ginseng, astragalus, baishu, poria five flavors of traditional Chinese medicine together to decoct the soup, is not a simple mixture, which is also a certain exquisite, the blood and qi two tonics into one, play a common forward and retreat effect, better help people improve the color, blood and anger, or very worth a try.

Angelica, astragalus, dang ginseng, bai shu, poria fried together, what is the effect? Who is it for?

Angelica, Dang Ginseng, Astragalus, Bai Shu and Poria Five Flavor Chinese Medicine are fried together, have such a good effect, how are they adapted to the crowd, and what benefits can they bring?

As mentioned above, these five flavors of Chinese medicine are decocted together, the most significant feature is that it can be replenished with qi and blood, if there is a situation of blood deficiency and qi deficiency in the body of the crowd, it is naturally the most suitable for taking this soup medicine.

The group that best meets such characteristics is naturally the mother.

Therefore, the medicinal soup made of these five flavors of Traditional Chinese medicine is most suitable as a "confinement meal" after giving birth to a mother.

Because after the mother gives birth to a child, because of the reason of surgery, the body often loses more blood, and the blood gas in the body is relatively weak.

And because of the birth of the child, most of the nutrients in the body are transferred to another individual, resulting in the emptiness of its own valley qi, and naturally there are symptoms of qi deficiency.

Qi and blood deficiency, that is, the best person to take this flavored soup medicine, if there are similar symptoms around the mother, may wish to try this kind of soup medicine method, may be able to play a very good nourishment effect.

Not only that, for example, malnutrition, congenital anemia, spleen and stomach weakness of people, the same can take such decoction drugs, although not full effect, but also can be a good supplement of the body's missing qi or blood, thereby helping them to restore health faster and better.

But then again, angelica, astragalus, dang ginseng, bai shu, poria soup, after all, is a medicine, medicine is suitable for people to take, naturally there are people who are not suitable for taking, if forced to supplement, it will have the opposite effect on the health of the body.

Angelica, astragalus, dang ginseng, bai shu, poria fried together, what is the effect? Who is it for?
  • 1. Those who are strong in qi and blood

This flavored medicinal soup can supplement qi deficiency and blood deficiency, and the person who is most suitable for it is naturally a person with strong qi and blood.

If a person with strong qi and blood forcibly takes it, it is likely to cause the accumulation of blood gas in the body, and there is no way to emit it, which will stimulate various tissues and organ systems in the body, resulting in a phenomenon similar to fire.

The main groups of people with strong qi and blood are children, young people with strong blood and blood, etc., if there is no special patient situation, it is best not to take such soup medicine, and the fit is not very high.

  • 2. Those who have cold, fever and diarrhea symptoms

Chinese medicine classifies the disorders into external and internal sensations.

These five flavors of Traditional Chinese medicine decoction, the main nourishment is the body's internal symptoms of qi and blood deficiency, in general, often because of the body organs, such as spleen, liver, etc. there are problems, can be called internal sensory diseases.

And cold fever, diarrhea symptoms, often because of germs or bacterial infections, belongs to the external sensory disease, taking such medicinal soup, can not improve the condition very well.

The doctor's advice here is to first remove these external factors by taking medicine or resting, and wait until the severe symptoms of cold or fever are over, and you can consider supplementing the body with medicinal soup to speed up the recovery.

Angelica, astragalus, dang ginseng, bai shu, poria fried together, what is the effect? Who is it for?

Conclusion: With angelica, party ginseng, white art, poria and astragalus mixed with medicine, it is not a hollow wind, random patchwork results, on the contrary, take it together, can play an efficient role in replenishing qi and blood at the same time, for patients with qi and blood deficiency symptoms have a very good nourishing effect, but also pay attention to is that easy to fire, when using drugs, please add or subtract after the dialectical use of professional doctors.

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