
The delicacy of okra, indulge in tasting this summer

author:He Tai cp sea king

When the summer wind blows, the trees are like beautiful and kind maidens, twisting their delicate waists, swinging emerald dresses, and dancing gracefully. There are some wildflowers of various colors next to the trees. They seem to be dressed up in full spirits, ready for the "flower concert", they use the brilliant sunshine to make rouge, paint red delicate faces; Make a long skirt with a golden sunset and put on a flexible waist; Ask Sister Xiaohe for a wave and put it on her colorful hair.

The delicacy of okra, indulge in tasting this summer


In the summer, there is a delicacy is okra, okra in the summer is also a very good food, one to it is hot, the other is detoxification, quite good, although it may be a little sticky to eat, but the taste is still relatively good, you can try.

The delicacy of okra, indulge in tasting this summer


The gastronomic approach of okra

1. Minced garlic okra

The delicacy of okra, indulge in tasting this summer

Minced garlic okra

First of all, to prepare the ingredients, you need to prepare okra, minced garlic, red pepper, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt;

Then, first wash okra, but okra is a little difficult to clean, always love to tie hands, you can first soak in salt for five minutes, and then fish out to continue washing several times;

Then, cut off the head of the washed okra, bring the water to a boil in the pot, add a spoonful of salt, half a spoonful of oil, add the okra, cook for about 3 minutes, cook and then fish out. Put the boiled okra into the ice water prepared in advance, mainly to increase the taste of the okra, which will be more crispy;

Finally, place a little oil in the pan, add the minced garlic over low heat, sauté the red peppers and spread over the okra. Add three spoonfuls of soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, half a spoon of sugar, a small spoon of salt, 20 ml of cold white, stir well, pour into a pot over low heat and bring to a boil. Then drizzle the sauce over the okra. Such a simple and delicious dish of garlic okra is ready.

2. Scrambled eggs with okra

The delicacy of okra, indulge in tasting this summer

Scrambled eggs with okra

First of all, to prepare the ingredients, you need to prepare okra, eggs, green onions, soy sauce, salt;

Then, first wash the okra, put it in boiling water, add the appropriate amount of cooking oil to cook and put it out, pass the cold water again, the color is more emerald green, and then cut into sections and set aside;

Then, beat the eggs and fry them for use, fry the chives in another oil pot, add the cut okra and stir-fry quickly, add the eggs and stir-fry evenly;

Finally, add a spoonful of light soy sauce and stir-fry the right amount of salt to get out of the pan, because the okra has been cooked before, so there is no need to stir-fry for a long time.

Such a homemade okra scrambled egg is ready, both beautiful and delicious.

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