
Often eat "knowing the monkey", is it good for the body? Many people are not clear, understand before eating

author:GP online

From the end of June to the end of July every year, the monkeys in the ground gradually climb out. Most of the post-80s and post-90s summer vacations catch monkeys at night, not only to pass the boring time, to make life more abundant, but also delicious taste and high nutritional value. Proper eating of monkeys can indeed bring many benefits, but it is necessary to control the amount and understand its consumption contraindications.

Often eat "knowing the monkey", is it good for the body? Many people are not clear, understand before eating

What are the benefits of eating monkeys?

1. Enhance resistance

Monkeys contain a variety of amino acids, which can synthesize proteins in the body. Protein is the foundation of life, an essential nutrient for the body, and also promotes the production of white blood cells and maintains the activity of white blood cells. Enough protein to maintain the most basic metabolism, activate immune cells, maintain the balance of the internal environment, and thus enhance immunity.

2. Assist in lowering blood pressure

Monkeys have a certain blood pressure lowering effect, mainly due to the potassium element in it. Potassium can promote blood vessel dilation, reduce blood flow resistance, and maintain stable blood flow; Potassium can fight against sodium ions, promote the discharge of sodium ions, and thus help lower blood pressure.

Often eat "knowing the monkey", is it good for the body? Many people are not clear, understand before eating

3. Beauty and beauty

Monkey has a beauty and beauty effect, which contains chitin, chitin is an antioxidant, can scavenge free radicals, protect cells and tissues throughout the body, avoid oxidative damage, and delay the rate of skin aging.

4. Anti-inflammatory and cold-removing

Monkeys have anti-inflammatory and cold effects, also thanks to chitin, chitin has anti-inflammatory and cold effects, but also can maintain the energy required in the body.

What are the dangers of eating monkeys?

1. Causes body allergies

Monkeys are known to contain allogeneic proteins, and people with allergies may have allergic reactions. It is known that the protein structure in monkeys is different from what the human body needs, and it is easy to have immune rejection, which is mainly manifested as skin redness and itching, throat edema or breathing difficulties. If the monkey is not suitable for stopping immediately if it is eaten, it is necessary to seek medical treatment as soon as possible if necessary.

Often eat "knowing the monkey", is it good for the body? Many people are not clear, understand before eating

2, causing obesity

The monkeys are cooked at high temperatures and converted into high-calorie and high-fat foods, resulting in excessive caloric intake, resulting in obesity. Obesity is a high risk factor for a variety of diseases, such as fatty liver disease, coronary heart disease, stroke and intestinal disease.

3. Indigestion

In general, the family cooks the monkey in a fried or fried way, which not only reduces the nutritional value of the monkey, but also produces too much oil, increases the burden borne by the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the secretion of pepsin and gastric acid, resulting in reflux; At the same time, it will also disturb the balance of the intestinal flora, which will cause indigestion, abdominal pain and bloating.

4. Cause poisoning

Monkeys contain a small amount of toxins, which require strong renal function support when metabolized in the body. Patients with renal insufficiency and kidney disease have poor renal function and cannot discharge toxins from the body in time, resulting in food poisoning; It is known that monkeys contain parasitic larvae, which are not thoroughly cooked and cooked thoroughly, and the larvae will parasitize in the body, resulting in poisoning.

Often eat "knowing the monkey", is it good for the body? Many people are not clear, understand before eating

A message from the family doctor

Control the amount of monkeys eaten, and eat 5 to 6 monkeys at a time. However, it should be noted that the monkey can not eat with eggs at the same time, both belong to high-protein foods, which are easy to cause protein accumulation, increase the burden borne by the liver and kidneys and intestines, and easily lead to abdominal pain, bloating and hiccups, as well as acid reflux; At the same time, it cannot be eaten with eggplant, both of which are cold foods, which can aggravate the cold in the body, resulting in diarrhea and dehydration. Monkeys cannot be eaten at the same time as seafood, so as not to increase the risk of allergies.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction

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