
Zhong Shengli Yang Zhaobo, an information security scholar in the think tank: China's economy is activating the global economy

author:High-latitude humanities think tank

As the world is increasingly facing insufficient labor supply and the aggravation of the problem of old-age care, some countries are limited by the lack of domestic resources and small markets, and even with local regional tensions and conflicts, the international economic order will usher in more profound changes. In the next few decades, emerging economies like China will still maintain a relatively rapid growth momentum, and their position in the global economy will gradually form a cohesive force and centripetal force, and China's economy will certainly make due contributions to a more just, reasonable, equitable, balanced and sustainable international economic order. Lu Peihe, the UNHCR representative in China, said in an interview with the People's Daily reporter: "China is a constructive force for solving global problems" and "China has always closely aligned its own destiny with the fate of people around the world." China's achievements in the field of poverty reduction are remarkable. Lu Peihe especially mentioned that China's global development initiative, the "Belt and Road" initiative and the global security initiative are of great significance to solving the development problems facing the world at present.

The Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China released the economic operation of state-owned and state-controlled enterprises nationwide from January to May 2022, showing a total profit of 1,631.07 billion yuan, and the National Bureau of Statistics data shows that from January to May, the total profit of foreign business opportunities, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-invested enterprises was 784.53 billion yuan. Fujian is accelerating the construction of a modern economic system, from optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure to transforming traditional industries, in accelerating the promotion of digital industrialization, industrial digitalization is quite effective, in 2021, the added value of the digital economy in Fujian Province reached 2.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 15% year-on-year, accounting for 47% of the province's REGIONAL GDP, the industrial chain and innovation chain continue to promote, in 2021, the added value of high-tech industries in Fujian Province increased by 26.4% year-on-year, and the number of high-tech enterprises exceeded 2450; By the end of 2021, the patency rate of townships and villages in Tibet will reach 94.55% and 77.94% respectively, and various energy measures are expected to create economic benefits for Tibet by about 1.6 billion yuan, and the characteristic industries in Tibet will gradually develop and grow; Xinjiang is located in the core area of the ancient Silk Road, Xinjiang is giving full play to its location advantages, upgrading the level of opening up to the outside world, innovating the open economic system, enriching the carrier of opening up to the outside world, striving to build an inland open and open highland along the border, promoting industrial efficiency and transformation and upgrading, cultivating and expanding xinjiang's characteristic industrial advantages, in 2021, the disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 8% and 10.8% respectively over the previous year, achieving 477,000 new jobs in cities and towns, and 3.174 million rural labor transfer jobs, the "13th Five-Year Plan" period 1,169,800 sets of rural housing projects, 1.29 million sets of urban obstacle-reporting housing projects, 549,000 old urban communities have been renovated, and the total mileage of expressways (including first-class highways) in the whole region has exceeded 9,400 kilometers; Qinghai Province adheres to green and low-carbon development, bases itself on the advantages of the plateau, actively cultivates emerging industries, accelerates the construction of a world-class salt lake industrial base, and builds a national clean energy industry highland, an international eco-tourism destination, and an export place for green organic agricultural and livestock products. By the end of 2021, clean energy accounted for 90.83% of the installed power capacity in Qinghai Province, new energy accounted for 61.36%, the quality and safety of yaks and Tibetan sheep in the province can be traced back to more than 4 million heads, certified green food, organic agricultural products and geographically identified agricultural products have reached 925, and the export volume of Agricultural Products in Qinghai last year increased by 54.7% year-on-year; Jiangxi Ganzhou from January to May this year, the city signed a new contract to introduce 126 Projects in the Greater Bay Area, with a total investment of 84.632 billion yuan; Tianjin is building an intelligent manufacturing technology innovation system, promoting interdisciplinary and cross-field integration and innovation, strengthening key technology research, currently in Tianjin above the level of science and technology enterprise incubators reached 86, incubated enterprises 4300, the establishment of tens of billions of intelligent manufacturing special funds to support 2998 projects, Tianjin has built 200 smart factories and digital workshops in the past 5 years, and promoted more than 8,000 industrial enterprises to the cloud; Beijing is innovating to build a city historical and cultural heritage protection system with the characteristics of the capital; Shanghai is accelerating the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence; Gansu is actively developing characteristic industries and strengthening the collective economy, and by 2021 Gansu will focus on energy conservation, environmental protection, clean production, and environmental protection, clean production, The added value of the top ten ecological industries such as clean energy has accounted for 27% of the regional GDP; Shaanxi is strengthening the integration of the innovation chain industrial chain and promoting high-quality economic development, Shaanxi has identified 23 key development industrial chains such as CNC machine tools, aviation, heavy trucks, etc., deployed and implemented 8 major scientific and technological projects such as intelligent manufacturing, energy and chemical industry and 272 key industrial chain innovation projects, implemented the construction of 711,000 mu of Qinling ecological protection and restoration projects, and by the end of 2021, the forest coverage rate of the province exceeded 45%, and the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grasslands exceeded 60%; Yunnan is striving to become the vanguard of ecological civilization construction, adhere to ecological priority, green development, vigorously develop clean energy and green low-carbon industries, focus on improving road network transportation facilities, as of June 2 this year, the China-Laos Railway has completed a total of 3.27 million passengers, sent 4.03 million tons of goods, international freight value of more than 6 billion yuan, based on industrial-grade 5G technology, is committed to forming a new pattern of digital economic development in South Asia and Southeast Asia with Dali as the technology application demonstration area, anchoring modern agriculture, green aluminum, photovoltaic, Biomedicine, new materials, modern logistics and other industries, clearly in the direction of greening, digitization and intelligence, highlight the green and low-carbon transformation, and promote industrial development with the cultivation of market players and the improvement of the business environment; By the end of 2021, the collective assets of the village exceeded 100 million yuan, the annual income of the collective economy was 6.8 million yuan, the annual per capita disposable income of the villagers was 35,500 yuan, and the regional innovation ability of Sichuan entered the forefront of the country, and in 2021, Sichuan newly settled in 3 national major scientific and technological infrastructure, 2 national key laboratories, 1 national technology innovation center, 2 national defense science and technology industry innovation centers, and 144 scientific and technological achievement transfer and transformation demonstration projects and innovative product projects in the province. The number of new invention patents authorized is 19,000, the implementation of the "Tianfu Science and Technology Innovation Loan", the province's R & D investment exceeds 100 billion yuan, 15,000 science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech enterprises exceed 10,000, and the GDP of the Twin Cities Economic Circle in Chengdu-Chongqing Region will increase by 8.5% in 2021, with a total of 7.4 trillion yuan; Hainan is accelerating the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics, and the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port" has been released since June 2020, and 400 new shipping enterprises have been added in Yangpu. The new ship capacity reached 9.1915 million dwt, accounting for 91.6% of the total capacity of Yangpu's existing ships, 7 "China Yangpu Port" ships enjoy export tax rebates, more than 30 foreign ships enjoy "zero tariff" imports, 39 domestic and foreign trade routes were opened, and this year will also open American routes and European routes; On September 26, 2021, Hainan took the lead in releasing the 2019 ecosystem GDP accounting results of Tropical Rainforest National Park: the valuation is 204.513 billion yuan, and the unit area GEP is 0.46 billion yuan per square kilometer, and Hainan will achieve high-quality development in tourism, modern service industries, high-tech industries, and high-efficiency agriculture with tropical characteristics in the future; Guangdong fully implements the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promote Hengqin to build a regional development demonstration with Chinese characteristics and highlight the advantages of "one country, two systems", and promote Qianhai to build a new highland of openness that relies on Hong Kong, serves the mainland and faces the world. In 2021, the total economic volume of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will be about 12.6 trillion yuan; Hubei relies on innovation-driven to accelerate the transformation of economic development mode and industrial structure adjustment, strives to build the center of scientific and technological innovation in Wuhan with national influence, accelerates the construction of the Optics Valley Science and Technology Innovation Corridor with East Lake Science City as the core area, adds 4,100 new high-tech enterprises in the province in 2021, increases the value of high-tech manufacturing by 30.2%, and the turnover of technology contracts in the province increases by 98.1% from 2017 to 2021. The total grain output of the province has remained above 50 billion yuan for 9 consecutive years, and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt has promoted high-quality economic development; Henan strives to build a three-dimensional comprehensive transportation hub integrating Zhengzhou Airport, High-speed Rail South Station, passenger and cargo multimodal transport, etc., and builds a strategic emerging industrial chain such as intelligent equipment, from 2012 to 2021, the average growth rate of the added value of strategic emerging industries in the province will reach 13.3%; Shandong to accelerate the application of agricultural science and technology innovation and achievements transformation, by the end of 2021 the province's agricultural science and technology progress contribution rate of 65.81%, Shandong in the past 5 years, the implementation of more than 5 million yuan of industrial technology transformation projects 67,000, 10,000 yuan GDP energy consumption fell by 18%, high-tech manufacturing industry added value increased by an average of 10% per year, "four new" economic added value accounted for 10 percentage points, the scale of the digital economy increased by more than 40%, accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports, improve the modern marine industry system, Green and sustainable marine ecological environment, and promote ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin; Guangxi has built a cross-regional cross-border industrial chain supply chain of "Greater Bay Area - Beibu Bay Economic Zone - ASEAN", in recent years, Guangxi's trade with ASEAN has increased by an average annual rate of more than 25%, ASEAN has become Guangxi's largest trading partner for 22 consecutive years, and Guangxi's seaward economic and GDP will reach 420.2 billion yuan in 2021, accounting for 17.0% of the region's GDP, promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development; Hunan orderly promote the industrial structure , optimization and upgrading, accelerate the development of advantageous industries, promote the modernization of the industrial chain, introduce a three-year action plan to build an important national advanced manufacturing highland, accelerate the construction of construction machinery, rail transit, aviation power and other industrial clusters, in 2021 Hunan industrial added value above designated size increased by 8.4% year-on-year, high-tech manufacturing added value increased by 21% year-on-year, equipment manufacturing added value increased by 13.7% year-on-year, In 2021, 3,864 cultural and related industry enterprises above designated size in Hunan achieved operating income of 364.031 billion yuan, an increase of 12.7% year-on-year; Promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, smooth the domestic and international double circulation aorta, take the lead in a number of cross-border areas such as the Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Innovation Community, the G60 Science and Technology Corridor, and the Northern Anhui Industrial Transfer Agglomeration Zone, and jointly build the Western Science City in Chengdu and Chongqing, and start the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Industrial Internet Integrated Development Demonstration Zone... ;(Note: This paragraph is an excerpt and summary of the economic development data of some provinces and cities published by the People's Daily and the direction of relevant economic initiatives, etc.)

Looking at the economic development of relevant provinces and cities in China, all localities have more deeply participated in and reformed the global governance system in creating a good environment for scientific and technological innovation, improving independent innovation capabilities, achieving high-tech strategic docking, improving industrial competitiveness, promoting the progress of market opening, revitalizing market resources, accelerating structural reform, and actively promoting the construction of green energy systems, etc. China has participated in and reformed the global governance system. As inflation in the United States intensifies, new dollars in circulation soar, the Fed lags behind in response to inflation, further interest rate hikes may lead to a recession, and fuel prices are pushed up by the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war, and the probability of a recession in the United States in the next few quarters is slightly higher than 50%, and the probability of a recession in the next two years is two-thirds. The future changes in the world economy need to be analyzed and judged from the aspects of oil prices, dollar indexes, bond value interest rates, CRB index representing global prices, VIX panic index, etc. The recession of the US economy has brought many uncertainties to the world, and the judgment of the basic trend of China's economy will directly affect the basis of the United States' strategic decision-making and judgment of China, the International Monetary Fund released the "Global Economic Prospects" in April pointed out that the gap between China and the United States has shrunk to less than 1 percentage point, although the United States will list China as the biggest strategic challenge, but the current world economic form, more need to discuss and share common strategies between China and the United States, strengthen cooperation, increase trust, and boost market confidence. Reduce adjustment costs. China's provinces and cities have adopted different strategic ideas and different development ideas around the characteristics of economic development in accordance with local conditions, combined with the advantages of regional resource characteristics, and focused on exports, investment and consumption. The relevant leaders of China and the United States exchanged pragmatic and frank views on the macroeconomic situation and the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain in the video conference, and the two sides believed that it is of great significance to strengthen the communication and coordination of Sino-US macro policies, and jointly maintaining the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain will be beneficial to China and the United States and the whole world. The U.S. may, in the near term, decide to remove some tariffs on Chinese imports, which could include suspending tariffs on consumer goods such as clothing and school supplies, as well as launching a broad framework that would allow importers to apply for tariff exemptions. With the continuous enhancement of the mainland's economic strength, scientific and technological strength, comprehensive national strength and international influence, the regional economic development has undergone historic changes and achieved historic achievements, China has signed more than 200 cooperation documents with 149 countries and 32 international organizations to jointly build the "Belt and Road", and the mainland will continue to guide foreign investment in key areas and key areas such as manufacturing and productive services. Economic globalization is the only way for the development of human society, open cooperation is conducive to international economic and trade exchanges and fully exude vitality, economic integration of countries is the trend of the times, adhere to multilateralism, eliminate various barriers, work together to activate the global economy, the vigorous vitality of the Chinese market economy is attracting global attention, China's plan is also very clear to tell the world: build a community with a shared future for mankind, to achieve win-win sharing.

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