
On 26 March 1982, on the day of operation Rosario, Argentina also dispatched a long-range cover fleet, Task Force 20, with the aircraft carrier "May 25" as its core

author:Hall of Glory of Weapons

On March 26, 1982, on the day of operation Rosario, Argentina also dispatched a long-range cover fleet with the aircraft carrier "May 25" as the core, Task Force 20 (TF-20), which was responsible for support (in fact, it was more of an encouragement and deterrent, and had no practical tactical significance).

The TF-20 was commanded by Vice Admiral Juan Lombardo i/c

Light aircraft carrier ARA 25 de Mayo V-2 (flagship) (former Royal Navy Colossus class light aircraft

Mother "Respectable" HMS Venerable (R63))

Guided-missile destroyer Commodore ARA Comodoro Py D-27 (formerly U.S. Navy Killing-class destroyer Bur

USS Perkins (DD/DDR-877), FRAM modified with Flying Fish anti-ship missile launcher)

Guided-missile destroyer USS Hippolito Bouchard D-26 (formerly U.S. Navy Sumner class).

Ship-by-ship USS Borie (DD-704), modified by FRAM with flying fish anti-ship missile launcher)

Guided-missile destroyer USS Piedra Buena D-29 (formerly the U.S. Navy Sumner-class destroyer

USS Collett (DD-730), modified by FRAM with the addition of the Flying Fish Anti-Ship Missile Launcher)

USS ARA Segui D-25 (formerly USS Hank, USS Sumner-class destroyer OFS Hank (DD-)


Fleet tanker Medanos B-18

This fleet was largely incapable of directly countering the main British fleet, but at this time the British had only one ship left in Southern Greater Asia

A supply ship and an icebreaker, the significance of this cover fleet lies only in the display of force, and after the landing is completed, the 20th Special

The mixed fleet soon returned to port.

On 26 March 1982, on the day of operation Rosario, Argentina also dispatched a long-range cover fleet, Task Force 20, with the aircraft carrier "May 25" as its core
On 26 March 1982, on the day of operation Rosario, Argentina also dispatched a long-range cover fleet, Task Force 20, with the aircraft carrier "May 25" as its core
On 26 March 1982, on the day of operation Rosario, Argentina also dispatched a long-range cover fleet, Task Force 20, with the aircraft carrier "May 25" as its core
On 26 March 1982, on the day of operation Rosario, Argentina also dispatched a long-range cover fleet, Task Force 20, with the aircraft carrier "May 25" as its core

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