
Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

author:Beiqing Net

When the summer came, a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits of all kinds were listed, attracting many friends to buy. As the saying goes, "the weather is hot and bitter, it is better than supplementation", and people are prone to be impatient and on fire in the hot summer.

Therefore, many people will choose to eat some bitter foods to clear the heat and heat.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

The image comes from the Internet

However, some melons and vegetables that seem to be crisp and refreshing are hidden in "toxins". Especially the bitter melon, eating diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms, and even poisoning to death, and every summer there are people recruited!

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

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So, the question is - what are the bitter melons and vegetables that can easily lead to poisoning?


Bitter cucurbitaceae melons and fruits

On the daily table, the more common cucurbitaceae plants are loofah, urn, gourd, melon and so on. Unexpectedly, under special conditions, they will produce a bitter toxic substance - cucurbitacin.

Studies have shown that there are more than 20 known cucurbitarins, which are highly toxic substances. It will produce strong cytotoxicity in the human body, causing vomiting and diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and kidney function damage, hair loss and other symptoms, which will seriously cause death.

1. Bitter loofah

Normal loofah, with a little sweet taste, if you find that the loofah has a bitter taste, it is best not to continue to eat, otherwise it will be poisoned.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

A family in Sichuan stewed chicken soup with loofah, and although they found that loofah had a bitter taste, they did not throw it away. After eating, the family of three successively developed symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and was rushed to the hospital for rescue.

The results of the hospital test showed that the family's vomit and excrement contained alkali glycoside alkaloids, a toxin derived from bitter loofah.

Loofah bitterness may be due to string pollination of loofah pollination, or it may be related to environmental factors such as climate anomalies. When you eat a bitter loofah, your first reaction is to throw it up immediately.

2. Hù melon

Squash is also known as night flowering, but what many people don't know is that squash is divided into sweet melon and bitter melon, we usually eat sweet melon, but bitter melon is not edible.

Bitter melon is bitter because it contains alkali glycoside alkaloids. The chemical and physical properties of this alkaloid are very stable, and it is a toxic substance, which cannot be removed by rinsing and salting, and it is difficult to decompose even at high temperatures.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

The image comes from the Internet

And everyone's tolerance to this toxin is also different. If you eat it accidentally, symptoms of poisoning can usually occur within half an hour to a few hours.

Bitter and sweet urns are difficult to distinguish from the appearance, before cooking, you can cut a small piece, lick it with your tongue, if it is bitter, do not eat!

3. Bitter gourd

Under what circumstances will the gourd be bitter and "hide poison"?

When a gourd hybridizes with other plants, is poorly grown, is improperly transported or stored, and is not fresh, it becomes bitter and forms a base glycoside toxin containing bitter substances.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

The image comes from the Internet

Even after heat treatment, the toxin of this bitter gourd is difficult to destroy. Accidental ingestion will cause poisoning, light dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, etc., heavy abdominal pain, shock, damage to the five organs, life is in danger.

4. Melon with bitter taste

Melons are also fruits and vegetables belonging to the cucurbitaceae family, and may have a bitter taste. There are two situations that can make melons bitter, one is a melon that is not fully ripe, and the other is a melon with residual pesticides. In addition, the melon's guati is cold and bitter, and excessive consumption will cause poisoning.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

The image comes from the Internet

So, when eating melons, remember to cut the guati! Not everyone is suitable for eating melon, especially those with spleen and stomach deficiency and stomach ulcers, it is best to eat less.


Which bitter fruits and vegetables are healthy and beneficial

Of course, not all bitter melons are poisonous. The following bitter fruits and vegetables are of great benefit to the body and are definitely a must-eat in summer.

1. Bitter melon

The bitter taste of bitter melon is mainly derived from the unique phytochemical "bitter melon glycoside" of bitter melon, and normal eating is not to worry about poisoning.

Moreover, the fruit of bitter melon is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, especially the vitamin C content is particularly prominent, which is 14 times that of cucumbers.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

Note: the greener the color, the longer, the straighter the bitter melon, the more bitter the taste, if you can not accept the taste of too bitter, you can choose the color of the light, short bitter melon; Scrape the bitter melon core and white film, and the bitter taste will be much lighter.

2. Celery

The flavonoids in celery have high biological activity, including antioxidant activity, anti-cancer activity and so on. Foreign studies have confirmed that people who regularly consume celery have a significant decrease in the content of cholesterol in the body.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

Note: Celery leaves are rich in nutrients, the leaves of niacin, vitamin B2, vitamin C are more than 2 times the stem, carotene is 8.6 times more than the stem, next time eat celery do not throw away the leaves.


Summer "suffering" is exquisite

"Suffering" is best in the premise of a balanced diet, according to individual differences to make adjustments, can not blindly suffer, so as not to hurt the body.

For example, people who often work outdoors in high temperatures and heat in summer can appropriately "eat hardships" to clear the heat and relieve heat and humidity. However, those who stay in an air-conditioned environment for a long time and sweat less, should be appropriately "increased" in their diet to help them nourish their qi and yang.

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

The image comes from the Internet

For safety reasons, it is enough to choose bitter melons, bitter chrysanthemums, etc., which are common in the market for bitter foods, and do not try unknown bitter wild vegetables and nuts.

Even if it is a safe bitter melon, because of the cold sex, eating too much is easy to cause diarrhea.

It is recommended that you eat safe bitter food, eat 2 to 3 times a week, do not eat too much each time, and try not to eat bitter on an empty stomach. If you feel gastrointestinal discomfort after eating, stop eating immediately.


3 types of people should not "suffer hardships"

Although suffering in summer is helpful to nourish the heart, but also pay attention to the dosage, and not everyone is suitable for bitter food, the following 3 categories of people should be more cautious about suffering:

Suffering from poisoning? Urgent reminder: These types of bitter food should be lost quickly! fall

1. Menstruating women

When women menstruate, it is best to eat less bitter food, bitter food is mostly cold, eat too much, easy to cause dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and so on. Especially women who have always had painful menstruation, they usually eat less bitter foods.

2. People with poor physique

Chinese medicine believes that bitter cold can clear the heat and diarrhea, and for some people with poor physique, it is recommended to eat less.

3. People with weak spleen and stomach

Spleen deficiency is mainly manifested in shortness of breath, dizziness, stomach pain, yellowish complexion, etc., while spleen and yang deficiency are mainly abdominal pain, diarrhea and so on. People who usually eat a little cold food and diarrhea are not suitable for eating bitter food.

In addition, the spleen and stomach function of the elderly and infants and young children is relatively weak, and it is necessary to eat a moderately bitter diet.

Eating bitterness in moderation in summer is good for health, but don't eat abnormal bitter foods! Even normal bitter melon and bitter chrysanthemum, because of the cold taste, should not eat more, eat 2-3 times a week. Friends must remember!

(High Quality Of Life Home)

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