
The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

author:Read the girl's little history

Trafficking in human beings is a heinous act, both morally and legally, but since ancient times, this kind of behavior has been repeatedly prohibited, and the huge profits in it have made people's hearts darker and dirtier.

In particular, the advent of the age of navigation brought the darkness of human trafficking to its peak, and the self-interested colonists regarded black Africans as hunting objects and shipped them to other countries for price-marked slave trade, who served as coolies and laborers and endured inhumane oppression.

The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

At this time, the Ming Dynasty had already implemented a sea ban system due to the rampant wukou, and it was not allowed to go to the sea privately.

And in 1614, it was explicitly forbidden for foreigners to buy Ming Dynasty women, and violators were severely punished.

However, with a series of vicious circles of historical development, the Manchu Qing Dynasty stepped onto the stage of history, although it still followed the Ming Dynasty's sea ban system, but because of the "Opium War", it was blasted open and closed, and it was blown into the South China Sea and made a lot of money.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the population "trade" in the Fujian-Guangdong region was rampant, and more and more Chinese workers were abducted and tricked into going abroad to work.

The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

First, China is a populous country, and in the eyes of mercenary people, it naturally becomes a big piece of fat;

Second, the Qing government was weak, the sea ban was like a decoration, and there was no longer any spare energy to pay attention to the coastal areas.

When they hoped to board the overburdened cabin, crowded on their knees, and crossed the ocean to the legendary place full of gold, they suddenly realized that they had become a cheap labor force for the colonists, and even suffered a lot of discrimination and inequality.

It was not until after the emancipation of black slaves that the tragic experience of the coolie workers was known to the world, and the Qing court, which was unable to protect the Chinese workers at that time, replied to their call for help: "Those who go abroad privately are outcasts and are not worth protecting." ”

The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

These hard laborers who were abducted from abroad were also scornfully shouted as: piglets.

Piglets still have the hope of getting a free body after the expiration of the "deed of sale", but Pig Flower is not so lucky.

Pig flower is similar to piglet, flower in Cantonese to refer to a woman, pig flower is easily understood by me as a flower girl who is slaughtered like a piglet.

But what happened to them was even more tragic.

Mercenary merchants first tricked the piglets into taking the piglets with them to go to sea to work together, and the piglets and piglets married the piglets, which were better able to keep the labor force in the country.

Filial piety comes first, who is willing to leave their parents and cross the ocean?

The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

So the people with black hearts began to do the business of black hearts, and began to abduct young girls around the age of 10 and sell them abroad.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the price of pig flowers was 40-50 oceans, and when these trafficked girls were sent abroad, they could sell 1,000 oceans, of which the huge profits were self-evident.

They tricked the bone-like ignorant girl into the crowded and dirty cabin, sent special guards, mixed with excrement and vomit, and the guards chose to seal the gaps in the cabin in order not to let the odor drift out, even if the epidemic behind them was indifferent, the girls finally grew scabies, abscesses, fleas, tossed all the way and there was a possibility of being beaten, and finally got off the ship alive, but they had to embark on the end of being forced into prostitution.

The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

Yes, most of them end up being sold into brothels, and only a few of them can marry piglets.

In 1870, there were 30,000 to 40,000 Chinese in the United States, of whom 2,000 were women, and of these 2,000 people, only more than 100 were relatives of piglets.

And the pig flower who becomes a prostitute is nothing more than three ends.

One is to accept the job.

The second is like Ah Cai, pit the compatriots, rely on the money earned by work, and show off to other women after returning to China, so as to trick more pigs into going to the sea to "pan for gold", and he became a brothel boss lady.

The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

The third is like Bai Zhenlie, who swears to die, even if he is tortured and whipped in all kinds, he still refuses to give in, and finally dies.

The local Chinese admired her martyrdom and named the unknown girl Bai Zhenlie and erected a monument to commemorate it.

And the pigs and flowers who survived the humiliation will often come to visit her grave to comfort the lonely undead who wandered in the foreign land a hundred years later.

In fact, Bai Zhenjie is only the epitome of many pig flowers, and there are many women like her, in the isolated and helpless land of other countries, in the face of bullying and insults, choose to die bravely.

The Qing Dynasty wantonly sold "pig flowers" in Nanyang, which was not food at all, but a group of poor women

After many years, pig flowers are still a rarely mentioned past, and the population "trade" also occurs from time to time, we should always remember the lessons of history, and never let the tragedy repeat itself.

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