
Three hundred lychees per day? Absolutely not! Seasonal fruits are on the market in large quantities, but "fruit diseases" should be careful

author:Bright Net

Summer is here

Seasonal fruits such as lychee and bayberry are on the market


Delicious and not unbridled

Beware of "fruit diseases"

Three hundred lychees per day?

Beware of triggering hypoglycemia

Su Dongpo's sentence "Three hundred lychees a day, do not quit being a Lingnanian", wrote out the delicious and attractive lychees, from the perspective of health, you can never eat 300 lychees a day, otherwise it is likely to cause "lychee disease".

Recently, the news of "acute poisoning" after a girl in Hebei province ate lychees has attracted the attention of netizens.

There are two main reasons for "lychee disease": on the one hand, lychee contains more fructose, and if a large amount of fructose is consumed at one time, it will stimulate the body to produce a large amount of insulin for hypoglycemia in a short period of time. On the other hand, fructose content is too high, which will also inhibit the production of liver glucose, resulting in a further decrease in blood sugar.

Therefore, eating lychees must be moderate, do not eat lychees on an empty stomach, excessive consumption. Once suffering from "lychee disease", the light will have dizziness, sweating, pallor, fatigue, panic, thirst, hunger and other symptoms, the heavy can have cold limbs, blood pressure drop, and even convulsions or sudden coma and other symptoms, severe cases will even shock death. After eating lychee, once there is dizziness, nausea, cold sweat and other symptoms, it is necessary to supplement a large amount of glucose water, white sugar, cube sugar, rock sugar water and white bread steamed bun slices in time, etc. In severe cases, they should seek medical treatment in time.

It should be noted that the "safe amount" of lychees consumed by different groups of people varies: for adults with normal sugar tolerance, it is recommended to eat no more than 15 lychees at a time; Pregnant women should consume no more than 10 lychees at a time; Children under 4 years of age should consume no more than 5 lychees at a time, and it is best not to eat whole lychees directly; The elderly with constipation, diabetics, people with liver disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disease, and people who control weight should try not to eat.

Can bayberry nuclei clear the intestines and detoxify?

Beware of intestinal obstruction

With the arrival of the rainy season in Jiangnan, the bayberry is also secondary ripe. There are also many misconceptions about bayberry.

For example, there is a folk saying that "bayberry core can clean the intestines and detoxify", so some people eat bayberry have the habit of not spitting out the core, and almost every year there are reports of hospitalization for over-swallowing bayberry core. But there is no scientific basis for this claim. Bayberry core is relatively hard, can not be absorbed by the human body, if accidentally swallowed a few, generally can be excreted through feces. However, the intestine is relatively narrow, if you swallow too many bayberry nuclei at one time, it is easy to accumulate in the stomach and intestines, especially in people with basic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, swallowing a large number of bayberry nuclei will have risks such as gastric bleeding, perforation, intestinal obstruction and so on.

Eat bayberry should pay attention to the organic acid in bayberry has a certain stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa, gastritis, ulcer patients do not eat. At the same time, bayberry is warm and sour, toothache, stomach acid people should not eat more, pregnant women should also be properly controlled.

In addition, some people are worried about the discoloration after cleaning the bayberry, is it because the bayberry is dyed? Some people have found that there are small insects in the bayberry, can they be eaten?

Don't worry too much about this.

The pulp of bayberry is rich in natural pigments anthocyanins. The water pressure of rinsing the bayberry and the touch when stirring will cause damage to the cell wall of the pulp of the bayberry, causing the anthocyanin to flow out and stain the water. Therefore, the discoloration seen when cleaning bayberry is not a dye, but a natural anthocyanin.

As for the small insects in bayberry, most of them are non-pathogenic fruit fly larvae, even if they are accidentally eaten, they do not have to worry too much. To remove these larvae, you can rinse the bayberry before eating, and then soak it in salt water for about 20 minutes, and the insects will struggle out of the flesh of the bayberry and float in the water, dump the floating insects, rinse the bayberry and then eat.

"Peaches nourish people, apricots hurt people."

Bury the dead under the plum tree"?

Eating in moderation is nutritious

Summer is also the season when peach apricots and plums are listed in large quantities, but the folk have the saying that "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees", is this long-standing saying true or false?

Three hundred lychees per day? Absolutely not! Seasonal fruits are on the market in large quantities, but "fruit diseases" should be careful

From a scientific point of view, this sentence is incorrect. However, moderate consumption is necessary.

Among them, the pectin contained in peaches has a good role in promoting the prevention of "three highs", alleviating constipation, weight loss, etc., so there is a saying of "peach raising people".

However, peaches contain a lot of dietary fiber, especially hard peaches, and eating too much may cause digestive system dysfunction and appear bloating, abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. Coupled with the high sugar content in peaches, eating too much can easily lead to dehydration of the intestinal mucosa, which in turn triggers constipation. Therefore, the peaches that "raise people" cannot be let go of eating. People with indigestion, people who are allergic to peach hair, the elderly, and children are not suitable for eating more peaches, and should not exceed two peaches a day. People with allergies should be cautious about eating peaches with hair.

Apricot meat is also very nutritious, its pulp in the vitamin A content is very high, and the calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals in the fruit is also relatively high, moderate drinking also helps to balance nutrition.

However, apricot meat is rich in fruit acid and salicylic acid, excessive consumption will lead to excessive stomach acid, resulting in digestive discomfort, so people with spleen and stomach discomfort are best to eat less.

For ripe plums, it can be eaten in moderation; But raw plums cannot be touched. Plum meat is rich in fruit acid, which can promote the secretion of gastric juice, enhance appetite and promote digestion. But it is the same as apricots, high fruit acid content, excessive consumption will cause diarrhea and bloating, easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, and affect the health of teeth, should not eat too much at one time. In particular, it should be noted that plums that are not ripe and have a bitter taste must not be eaten. Such plums contain a certain amount of hydrocyanic acid, which will be poisoned when eaten, which may be the origin of "burying dead people under plum trees".

These two fruits

Also beware of "fruit disease"

In addition to lychees, bayberry, peach, apricot, plum, there are some fruits although there is no misunderstanding, but there are "fruit diseases", and eating also needs attention.

Among them, pay special attention to pineapples and mangoes.

Three hundred lychees per day? Absolutely not! Seasonal fruits are on the market in large quantities, but "fruit diseases" should be careful

Some people will experience allergy symptoms such as itchy skin and flushing after eating pineapple. This is because pineapple contains a bioside and bromelain. Biosides irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus, making the mouth itchy; Bromelain is a heterosexual protein, and after people who are allergic to this protein eat it, most of them have abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, itching and other allergic symptoms within one or two hours. Therefore, when eating pineapple, the pineapple skin should be removed first, and then soaked in brine for a few minutes to inhibit the activity of protease through salt water, which is more friendly to the esophagus and stomach. However, people who have confirmed allergies to pineapples still do not eat it.

For mangoes, be careful of "mango dermatitis". When some people eat mango, they will have symptoms such as lip rash, facial redness and swelling, and itchy skin. These dense and small papules distributed in the corners of the mouth on both sides, the upper and lower jaws or the cheeks are "mango dermatitis", which is stimulated by the fruit acids and amino acids in the mango. If the symptoms are not very severe, there is no need for treatment, as long as the contact is stopped to heal itself; If the symptoms are more severe, you should go to the hospital to take anti-allergic drugs under the guidance of a doctor. It is recommended to cut the mango into small pieces and eat it again to prevent contact with the face. In addition, the sugar content of mango is high, which is easy to cause blood sugar to rise, and diabetics should not be consumed.

There are also people who eat too many mangoes and their faces will turn yellow, because mangoes are rich in β- carotene. β-carotene is the main source of vitamin A in the body, which is a natural pigment that is beneficial to the human body. Therefore, there is no need to worry about eating mangoes to become a "minion", as long as you stop eating, the body will naturally metabolize β - carotene, and the skin color can be restored.

Transferred from: Shanghai network debunking rumors

Source: Orient Net

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