
Eating three pounds of lychees, a septuagenarian woman with diabetes, why did she suddenly faint with low blood sugar?

author:Dongxiang Dashun

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An old lady in her 70s in Guangxi, who ate three pounds of lychees, had hypoglycemia, and suddenly fainted, fortunately, her family sent to the hospital for treatment in time, otherwise the consequences were unimaginable.

In the hot summer, it is a good time for lychees to go on the market. The shell of the lychee is bright red, the flesh is crystal clear, and the taste is sweet and sour, which is very tempting. Young and old, both young and old, love to eat lychees. Guangxi, as one of the rich producers of lychees, is cheap in price.

Eating three pounds of lychees, a septuagenarian woman with diabetes, why did she suddenly faint with low blood sugar?

There is an old lady in Yulin who eats three pounds of lychees because she can't control her mouth, and her low blood sugar causes a coma. The old woman is in her 70s, has long suffered from diabetes, and her family has been strictly controlling her diet.

Why do patients with diabetes develop low blood sugar? Does lychee really have such a good hypoglycemic effect? What kind of medicinal value does lychee have?

First of all, let's understand what the efficacy and function of lychee are?

Lychee is known as the "king of fruits" and has high nutritional value. Contains sucrose, protein, fat and multivitamins. Eating lychees is good for the body.

Eating three pounds of lychees, a septuagenarian woman with diabetes, why did she suddenly faint with low blood sugar?

Lychee is the false seed coat or fruit of the lychee genus Lychee in the family Apocynaceae. Lychee is sweet, sour, warm, into the liver and spleen meridian. It has the effect of nourishing blood and strengthening the spleen, and reducing swelling.

Most of these sweet herbs have some tonic effect. Lychee is sweet and sour, the taste is sweet and sour, and the pulp contains very high nutritional value, making it have the effect of nourishing blood and strengthening the spleen. In clinical practice, it is commonly used to treat long-term diseases such as insufficient qi deficiency, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, and insufficient qi and blood.

In addition, lychee has the effect of reducing swelling and can be used for edema caused by spleen deficiency, so regular consumption of lychee is good for the body.

Eating three pounds of lychees, a septuagenarian woman with diabetes, why did she suddenly faint with low blood sugar?

Why do patients with diabetes have low blood sugar when eating lychees?

Lychee is a fruit with high sugar content, its sugar content is as high as 16g/100g, lychee sugar content is so high, is not the blood sugar in the blood after eating? Why does it cause hypoglycemia?

This is because eating lychee on an empty stomach may cause lychee disease.

Eating a large amount of lychee at one time may cause the body to consume too much sucrose, sucrose can not be directly used by the human body, sucrose must be decomposed into glucose, in order to be used by the body. This process requires the liver to convert sucrose into glucose, which takes time and cannot be converted into glucose in a short period of time.

Eating three pounds of lychees, a septuagenarian woman with diabetes, why did she suddenly faint with low blood sugar?

A disposable fasting is an excessive intake of sucrose, which stimulates the body to secrete more insulin to lower blood sugar. For a short time, the liver is unable to convert glucose sucrose into glucose in time to replenish blood sugar in the body. Hypoglycemia may cause, easy to make people dizzy, physical weakness, serious fainting phenomenon.

This is also the reason why this old lady ate a large number of lychees on an empty stomach at one time and developed symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Doctors said that if you eat a lot of lychees on an empty stomach, you may have "lychee disease". It can be corrected by oral glucose water, and the symptoms are serious or need to be sent to the hospital for treatment.

In addition, lychee and longan are warm fruits. Eating too much is prone to symptoms of "fire", such as some gum swelling and pain, mouth ulcers, and even severe people will have colds and fevers.

In general, lychee is a very nutrient-rich fruit, regular consumption is still good for the body, but it is recommended to eat lychee or control some amounts.

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