
Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like] Thank you to Hong Kong friends for providing the picture ~ [refueling] #媒体人周刊 #

author:Xiao Fan is good to shoot

Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like]

Thank you Hong Kong friends for providing pictures ~ [Come on]

#媒体人周刊 #

Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like] Thank you to Hong Kong friends for providing the picture ~ [refueling] #媒体人周刊 #
Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like] Thank you to Hong Kong friends for providing the picture ~ [refueling] #媒体人周刊 #
Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like] Thank you to Hong Kong friends for providing the picture ~ [refueling] #媒体人周刊 #
Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like] Thank you to Hong Kong friends for providing the picture ~ [refueling] #媒体人周刊 #
Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like] Thank you to Hong Kong friends for providing the picture ~ [refueling] #媒体人周刊 #
Exclusive news: Hong Kong Friends real-time shooting of the domestic saber-toothed Tiger armored vehicle introduced by the Hong Kong Police Force (PTU) was on the card today! [Like] Thank you to Hong Kong friends for providing the picture ~ [refueling] #媒体人周刊 #

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