
Portuguese immigration has great advantages but these pitfalls must be avoided.

author:The sea moved out of the country

Among the many European immigrant countries where homes were purchased, Portuguese immigrants were the first to catch fire. With clear legal advantages, Portugal's immigration policy for the purchase of housing has become one of the most attractive immigration policies. It has been almost 10 years since Portugal opened its golden residence permit policy in 2012. Due to its mature and stable immigration policy, Portugal attracts many immigrants, of which Chinese account for more than half. There are many ways to immigrate to Portugal. Including the purchase of housing immigration, fund immigration and D7 visas, etc., but from January 1, 2022, the Portuguese immigration law officially ushered in changes, through the purchase of housing immigration to obtain the Golden Visa in Lisbon there are certain restrictions, investment funds have become a new trend to invest in Lisbon. At the same time, related real estate investment funds are also very popular. So, what are the benefits of Portuguese immigration? Why is the new regime's policy of demanding an escalation still so attractive?

Portuguese immigration has great advantages but these pitfalls must be avoided.

The latest data on the Golden Visa for Portugal are released

As of 2021, a total of 1182 Golden Visas have been issued, attracting almost 65 million euros of investment. Since the introduction of the Golden Residency Policy in November 2012, a total of 10,254 main applicants have been issued for the Portuguese Golden Visa by the end of 2021. The total investment is close to 66 billion euros. According to the data, there are 5,034 Chinese applicants, accounting for nearly 50% of the countries that love and recognize the Portuguese project.

What are the advantages of Portuguese immigration?

In addition to the obvious advantages of a good climate and political stability, there are many reasons why Portugal is so attractive. These include:

1. The most suitable countries for remote work

For example, in the context of the pandemic, Portugal has been rated as the most suitable country in the world for remote work. Portugal ranked first with an overall score of 100 points. They received high scores in various categories, such as climate, social life, low crime rates and relatively viable cost of living. At the same time, Portugal offers remote work visas and is politically stable. No violence, good weather, low air pollution, and high Penetration of English are also advantages for immigrants.

The pandemic has changed the way people work, and remote work is a favorite option for many. Presently. Many people take advantage of this transformational model to emigrate abroad without changing their work situation.

As a country where Europe lives and travels, Portugal can meet everyone's needs, whether it is food, housing, tourism or investment, and more and more people choose to go to Portugal for different reasons such as tourism, immigration, investment, and study abroad.

2. Born in Portugal, you can directly enter the country.

Last November, the Portuguese president officially signed a new Citizenship Law to provide parents who want to define their child's identity with a better citizenship program: the bill allows a child born locally who has been legal in Portugal for one year to become a Portuguese citizen directly. Therefore, children born in Portugal will also have more choices.

For planned "two treasures" or parents or single families, this undoubtedly encounters a major policy rate that provides the fastest way for a Portuguese-born child to obtain citizenship.

It should be known that Portugal, which previously applied for admission, must apply after approval. To meet residency requirements, it is possible to apply for Portuguese citizenship, a process that takes five years. Now you only need to live in Portugal for one year, and your child born in Portugal can enter Portuguese citizenship directly, saving a lot of time.

Portugal, as an important pearl along the Belt and Road and the gateway to Europe, has brought new opportunities for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Europe, and is also the perfect time for Portuguese immigration. Whether it's from the perspective of children's education and future development programs, or in terms of improving the quality of life, or global wealth management. Portugal is loved by many high net worth individuals.

Portuguese immigration has great advantages but these pitfalls must be avoided.

What are the Portuguese immigration traps?

1. The houses of overseas websites need to be carefully inspected.

Some applicants are very confident. I like to collect some listings on the Internet and spend my time looking for so-called "great value listings", but the results are not as good as people are, and the common pitfalls include the following:

Real estate projects do not exist at all, only belong to false sources of real estate. This phenomenon exists not only in the middle of the country, but also rarely in foreign countries. Some seemingly palatial properties don't actually exist and are falsely advertised just to attract guests.

2) The real estate project once existed, but shows that it has been sold. And it has not been removed from the relevant website, but also to allow buyers to stabilize first, and then recommend some other listings. It's a way to resell.

3, real estate projects are available, but also for sale. However, the difference between the introduction material and the actual situation is typical of the coronal wearing behavior. The main purpose is also to ignore, wait for the buyer to arrive at the scene and then rotate, which is a coincidence of the name of the act.

Therefore, it is recommended that all applicants do not easily try DIY to buy a house in Portugal, the language exchange itself will lead to some professional understanding deviations, and the local real estate market can not be fully understood unilaterally for a short time. Professional matters are still left to professional bodies, no matter what problems arise. Problems can be solved through dual channels at home and abroad.

2. Be wary of local strangers Chinese recommended.

For those who have been to Portugal to inspect, the following situation may not be unfamiliar, leaving the airport lobby to see a lot of real estate agents holding signs. They have Chinese faces and sell cheap local real estate to past Chinese. It can be said that it is a mixture of fish and dragons, of course, it is not excluded that there are indeed professional real estate companies in it, but more are scalpers, after introducing customers to the local real estate company. Earn money on commissions.

For clients who really want to deal with Portuguese home buyers immigrants, there are many risks that local real estate companies cannot control. For example, the issue of ownership of real estate. In the later stages, it is impossible to get through the house and cannot handle immigration status, which brings a very bad feeling to the applicant.

Over here. Or it is recommended that applicants understand the various potential risks through professional institutions and control their immigration process anytime, anywhere.

3, the so-called friend introduction will not be fully believed.

For friends introduced by local friends, it is recommended that applicants choose carefully. Many times, we ourselves may not know the true situation of the so-called friends at all, and if the real estate is not good or the property rights problem arises, some words are not easy to say directly. Immigration was postponed. It was not too embarrassing to say it, and this moment was more embarrassing and dilemma.

Sometimes. In cities in unfamiliar places, the more so-called friends, the more likely they are to poach people, and many things are very inconvenient to communicate. So, spent so much time and energy spinning with so-called friends. Better choose a professional immigration agency with trust, listen to professional guidance, solve troubles, and save effort!

Portuguese immigration has great advantages but these pitfalls must be avoided.

What is the change in Portugal's New Immigration Deal?

1. Restrictions on the immigration area for housing purchase

For Chinese investors, the biggest impact is the narrowing of the scope of real estate investment, with residential properties over 500,000 euros or new residential properties over 350,000 euros being purchased only in inland areas, madeira and the Azores. But. There are no regional restrictions on commercial real estate, which means that commercial real estate can continue to be purchased in Lisbon or Porto, as long as it can be proved that the property is eligible for business activities.

So be aware that if you choose to buy an immigrant home, please note whether it is residential or commercial real estate. If you tell me, you can still submit Lisbon. Applying for immigration on residential real estate in Porto, then be very careful whether it is a trap!

2. The investment method of the fund

There are certain restrictions on obtaining a Golden Visa by way of immigration through the purchase of a house in Lisbon, and investment funds have become a new trend in investing in Lisbon. The Portuguese Fund's bill, which came into effect later than the Portuguese Housing Purchase Immigration Act, came into force in Act No. 102 in November 2017. Wondering if fund projects do not rely on records. The first thing to know is whether the investment fund is already regulated and backed up by the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and regulated by the Central Bank of Portugal and the Central Bank of the European Union. When choosing an investment fund, pay attention to the characteristics and objectives of the investment fund. If it is a real estate fund, it is relatively conservative and stable. The investment direction of real estate funds mainly covers student apartments and hotels. Office real estate and other three major sectors. Generally speaking, the core investment strategy of real estate funds is to adopt a conservative and stable investment strategy and give priority to ensuring the safety of investors' assets. If the fund's investment is followed: the funds go conservative, the investment tools are safe, and the exit path is clear. These three principles, then such a fund is worth considering.

Currently, applicants under the New Deal invest in Portugal through funds, and the required investment amount rises from €3.5 million to €5 million. Immigration through the Portuguese Foundation. First obtain Portuguese gold residency, and then after meeting the conditions can apply for citizenship to obtain a Portuguese passport, currently relatively low cost and the fastest maximum price than one of the ways to obtain an EU passport.

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