
Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

author:Small courtyard for raising flowers

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

Although the crab claw orchid is a plant of the cactus family, it is not as skinny as the cactus, and it is difficult to raise in the hot summer. Because it is afraid of high temperature weather and strong light exposure, it will enter a dormant state every summer. However, after the plant is dormant, it is also particularly prone to various problems, and it is also necessary to pay attention to when maintaining, remembering the three maintenance points, the plant state will be better, the leaves are straight and thick, and it is easier to grow buds after the autumn resumes growth.

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

First, don't bask in the sun

After entering the summer, many flower friends say that the leaves of the crab claw orchid they raise have become soft, and some of them are directly pulled down, most of them are in that kind of posture of being listless and listless. Why do crab claw orchid leaves become soft in the summer?

This is because the plant has entered a dormancy, completely no longer growing, this time continue to place it in the sun to bask, will make the stem and leaves dehydrated, slowly become soft and lying, without a little sense of vitality.

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

Although the crab claw orchid grows slowly during the high temperature, as long as it is moved to a cool environment in advance, its leaves will not become soft, still full and straight, in a very good state, and it will return to normal growth immediately after autumn, and it will be easier to grow flower buds. Therefore, the crab claw orchid that is still in the sun outside must not continue to be dried, and it should be moved to a cool and ventilated place for maintenance as soon as possible.

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

Second, water is easy to rot roots

In the summer, the maintenance of crab claw orchids must be strictly controlled for watering, because most of the crab claw orchids with rotten roots in this season are related to improper watering. It is a very drought-tolerant plant in its own right, and its fleshy leaves are rich in water storage. After the plant is dormant, do not water too much, so that the potting soil is too wet, but the root system can not breathe normally, and the rhizome will rot after a long time.

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

In the summer crab claw orchid dormancy period, the potting soil should be dry and not wet, put it in a cool place, the potting soil is dry and then go to water, do not let the potting soil be wet for a long time, or put it outside to rain, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots of the plant.

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

Third, don't fertilize during the dormant period

Many friends who raise crab claw orchids for the first time do not know that it has a dormant habit in the summer, after the weather becomes hot, they see that the state of the plant is getting worse and worse, and they think that it is a lack of fertilizer, so they go to fertilize it, and finally cause fertilizer damage, resulting in rotten roots withering.

Once the crab claw orchid is dormant, it basically no longer grows, the demand for water and nutrients is very small, and the plant is also very weak, mainly based on rest. At this time, if you apply fertilizer again, instead of allowing the plant to absorb, it is easy to burn the root system.

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

Therefore, when raising crab claw orchids in the summer, do not need too much watering, and do not apply any fertilizer. When the plant begins to grow normally after entering the autumn, it is watered with some thin fertilizer to make the stems and leaves grow fuller and straighter, laying a good foundation for the growth of flower buds.

Crab claw lan summer difficulty? Keeping in mind the three "main points", the leaves are thick and straight, and the flower buds are long

Crab claw orchid is very fragile in the summer, once the plant enters the dormant period, do not care too much about it, as long as the pot is transferred to a cool and humid environment, avoid strong direct sunlight, and keep the environment well ventilated. In terms of maintenance, if less water is stopped and fertilizer is stopped, the plant can maintain a good state to survive the hot summer, and when the autumn is cool, it will resume vigorous growth again.

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