
The leaves of the crab claw orchid are soft and thin, and the leaves are thick and bright, and they bloom into a flower waterfall

author:I'm going to see you now

Let's uncover the truth behind the secret that crab claw orchid does not bloom and its leaves are soft and collapsed. Crab claw orchid, a beautiful and delicate creature, is regarded as a treasure by many flower lovers. When its flowers are in full bloom, they resemble a waterfall, which is amazing. However, some flower lovers are distressed to find that their crab claw orchids not only do not bloom, but also have weak leaves, as if they have lost their vitality overnight. First of all, let's take a look at the first reason why the crab claw orchid may be weak—the summer is hot and the sun is blazing. We all know that plants cannot grow without the moisture of sunlight, and crab claw orchid is no exception.

The leaves of the crab claw orchid are soft and thin, and the leaves are thick and bright, and they bloom into a flower waterfall

However, excessive sunlight can be their nightmare. In the hot summer months, if the crab claw orchids are not properly shaded, then they have to use all their nutrients to resist the relentless heat. As a result, the leaves become soft and thin, and they lose all their vitality. Some people may feel helpless in the face of such a situation, but the solution is not complicated. Simply subtract the leaf tip, water it gently, place it in the shade and wait patiently for it to recover. After half a month or so, you can see it rejuvenated by applying a mild fertilizer. In the second case, for those flower friends who hardly water in the summer, making the crab claw orchid crave a drop of moisture, your worries are unnecessary.

The leaves of the crab claw orchid are soft and thin, and the leaves are thick and bright, and they bloom into a flower waterfall

If the crab claw orchid is not watered, it can only consume water in its body to survive, so the leaves are thin and weak, and it loses its former firmness. For such a crab claw orchid, the way to treat it is only a few simple steps: prune the leaf tips, water it thoroughly, and place it in a cool, well-ventilated place. When it gradually recovers, you can gradually increase the light, resume fertilization, and it will stand again in a full posture. Finally, if your crab claw orchid has been healthy and is suddenly languishing, then it is likely to have suffered from rotten roots. Root rot will cause the crab claw orchid to not absorb water and nutrients properly, and the newly grown leaves may yellow.

The leaves of the crab claw orchid are soft and thin, and the leaves are thick and bright, and they bloom into a flower waterfall

At this point, you need to have the courage to rescue it from the soil and prune off the rotten root system. Don't forget, use fresh soil and pots, avoid watering the roots, and replant with moist soil. Careful care is key in this process. Only then will your crab claw orchid have a chance to stand up again and welcome a new life. The weakness of the crab claw orchid seems ordinary, but it hides the secrets of growth and the endless care of flower friends. To get rid of this problem, it takes not only knowledge and skill, but also patience and love for plants.

The leaves of the crab claw orchid are soft and thin, and the leaves are thick and bright, and they bloom into a flower waterfall

As long as the flower friends take care of it with their hearts, then these beautiful crab claw orchids will eventually show their most gorgeous style with your efforts. Let's look forward to the enchanting flower waterfall that will bloom in front of your window in the near future.

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