
Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

author:Xiaoya is on the balcony

Introduction: Raise potted figs, try these methods, the results are faster, more fruits, and a smooth harvest! The fruit is beautiful and delicious, and it can't stop eating!

If the balcony space at home is relatively large, there are several square meters, or there is a sunny terrace, or there is a large roof platform, do not waste the space, raise some flowers and plants, or plant a few pots of vegetables, melons and fruits are very good things, not only can make our home look more beautiful, the environment has become better, the air is better, and every day to see the vibrant green plant potted plants, the mood will be particularly happy.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

The nutritional value of figs is very high, ripe figs, very sweet, really sweet like honey, the entrance is melted, plant a pot of figs at home, to make it fruit is also a very simple thing, like to eat figs, you can raise a pot of two pots at home, it is very simple to take care of.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

It belongs to the deciduous shrub or small tree plant of the mulberry family, which is more heat-tolerant and cold-tolerant, prefers a warm and humid climate, and can achieve a good harvest whether it is potted or ground-planted figs. If our potted figs, the figs on the balcony, do not bear fruit in May or June, then we need to do something to make it hang smoothly on the fruit, and the branches are covered with small green fruits.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

Figs do not bear fruit, we must start from these few things:

1. Move from a place with poor light to a good location

Some friends have kept figs on the balcony, or placed near the terrace railing, which are blocked from the sunlight, although there are many branches and leaves, it still looks quite luxuriant, but on the branches, only the leaves do not see fruit, there may be some varieties with late results.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

In addition to this reason, then a very main reason, is not enough light, resulting in it can not germinate flowers and fruits, the fruit does not see one, so to bask in the sun, by other plants blocked by the light is not GOOD, even if there is no full sunshine, half a day can also be basked in the sun for at least two or three hours, prompting it to grow fruit smoothly.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

2, the pot soil is not fertile to change the soil or fertilize

If the pot of figs is too small, or the pot soil has not been replaced for several years, it has become very barren, very compact, it looks like there is no fertility at all, then it is necessary to change the soil in time, but the summer temperature is high, if it is too late to change the pot, you can fertilize, if you must change the soil, you can also, that is, bring the original soil to change the pot.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

Remember, keep all the soil on the root system, don't shake it off, and then replace it with a corresponding larger pot, add new fertile and loose soil, the larger the pot, the better, the looser the soil, the better. Fertilization can be done with organic fertilizer, cake fertilizer, sheep manure, chicken manure, summer high temperature, no fertilization, or can give less fertilizer.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

Secondly, usually, when we change the pot of figs, some friends will prune the root system of it, if there is not enough experience, it is recommended not to cut off too many roots, if the hand is too heavy, it will affect the next year's hanging fruit, which may lead to less fruit, or no fruit.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

Similarly, fig branches also need to be pruned, but pay attention to pruning time, preferably in early spring, has not yet entered the growth period, its sap has not yet flowed, pruning, do not re-prune, you can cut off the top of the branches, prompting it to grow more branches and side buds, grow into a cluster of round-headed crown.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

Other times, it is necessary to prune less or no pruning, so as to avoid pruning when it grows vigorously, pruning causes a large amount of sap from the wound to flow out, affecting its hanging fruit.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

This is some of the techniques of potting figs, in fact, raising figs is really simple, it is easy to achieve a good harvest, the fruit does not stop, there have been fruits to eat, the taste is very sweet, very delicious.

Potted figs, try these 2 tricks, full of "big fruit", very sweet and delicious

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