
Legend has it that the leaders of two great tribes in ancient China were the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor

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Ancient times were lived in tribes as a unit, at that time there was no concept of emperors, most of the chiefs, of which "Yanhuang" was the leader of the two large tribes in ancient China in the legend, "Yanhuang" was the abbreviation of the legendary two tribal leaders of the ancient mainland, Yandi and Huangdi, of which Yandi was Yandi, yandi surnamed Jiang, the number of Lieshan clan, shenhuo said that he was a minotaur, and his tribe worshiped cattle as gods, he was the leader of the Yandi clan. Huang was the Yellow Emperor, who initially took the surname Gongsun as his surname, and later changed his surname to Ji (姬), Xuanyuan (耿), and Xiong (楊氏), and his tribe worshipped bears as gods.

"Yanhuang" is considered to be the ancestor of Chinese civilization. The Yellow Emperor and the YanDi clan, in turn, gradually merged with the Yi people living in the east, the Li people in the south, and the Miao people gradually merged to form the Chinese in the Spring and Autumn Period, which was later called the Han nationality. Among the ethnic groups and tribes in the Central Plains at that time, the Yellow Emperor clan was stronger in strength and higher in culture, so the Yellow Emperor became the representative of the Central Plains culture. The Second Emperor of Yanhuang became the ancestor of the Han people. Therefore, people often call the Chinese nation "the descendants of Yan Huang", which has become synonymous with the Chinese nation.

Battle of Zhuolu

Emperor Yan, who had entered the Central Plains from the west as a nomadic herder, had a long conflict with the tribes of the Jiuli tribe, which was led by Xuan, and was finally forced to flee to Zhuolu (present-day Hebei Province), and finally received assistance from the Yellow Emperor to attack and kill Xuan you.

Battle of Hansen

The "History of the Five Emperors Benji" records: "At the time of Xuanyuan, the Shennong clan declined, the princes invaded each other, and tyrannized the people, and the Shennong clan was Nengzheng. Therefore, Xuanyuan was accustomed to using Gange, so as not to enjoy it, and the princes xian guests from... Emperor Yan wanted to invade the princes, and the princes returned to Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan is a Shude Zhenbing, Zhi Wu Qi, Five Kinds of Qi, Fu Wanmin, Du Sifang, teaching Xiong Qi Hu, to fight with Emperor Yan in the wilderness of Han Quan, three battles, and then to gain his will. ”

It is roughly that the Yanhuang and Huang tribes had three major conflicts in Hanquan (it is said that Hanquan was in Huailai County, Hebei), the Yellow Emperor defeated the Yandi and entered the Central Plains from the northwest, and the two tribes began to reproduce together in the Yellow River Valley, they integrated with each other, learned from each other's strengths, and jointly created the ancient splendid culture of the mainland. In the process, the Yellow Emperor became the leader of this alliance, expanded his power to the entire Central Plains, and gradually merged with other tribes such as the Yi and Li tribes to form the backbone of the Huaxia ethnic group, the predecessor of the Han nationality. The Yellow Emperor is known as the First Ancestor. We are all descendants of Yanhuang, so we are called "Yanhuang descendants". The Battle of Hanquan opened the history of Chinese civilization and realized the first great unification of the Chinese nation.

Myths and legends

The three emperors refer to: Fuxi, Nuwa, and Shennong. The Five Emperors refer to: the Yellow Emperor, emperor, emperor, emperor yao, and emperor Shun. The Three Emperors and Five Emperors are not real emperors, but refer to tribal leaders or tribal alliance leaders who have made outstanding contributions to mankind in the middle and late period of primitive society, and posterity has posthumously honored them as "emperors" or "emperors"

"Since Pangu opened the world, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the present", China's ancient laborers have always believed that Pangu is a hero who broke new ground, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors have taught many production and life skills to people, so that human beings have got rid of the primitive life of Ru Mao drinking blood and entered a period of civilization development. Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang were quite remarkable figures among the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Many scholars believe that the Three Emperors and Five Emperors were the leaders of the clan tribes or tribal alliances imagined by the working people in ancient China, and they were all symbolic figures. The records of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, although only some beautiful and moving myths, fully reflect the history of clans and tribes in ancient Chinese primitive society.

The origin of the dragon

In ancient times, people lived by hunting, fishing, and picking wild fruits, and lived a primitive nomadic life, so that they often starved, froze, and were in danger. Emperor Yan saw that people were suffering and was extremely uneasy in his heart, so he thought day and night about how to let everyone live a good life of abundant food and clothing. If a grass produces so many fruits that can be eaten, people don't have to go around picking wild fruits? Once he saw a bird holding a seed, and later, Emperor Yan finally found this seed in a beautiful place in the south, which was a grass seedling. After the trial planting, Yandi received a lot of yellow, crisp and fragrant fruits. One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, the technology of Yandi seed valley spread throughout the north and south of the world, Yandi seed valley brought light and hope to mankind, in order to commemorate his merits, people revered Yandi as "Shennong". During the Chongzhen dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, the place where Emperor Yan searched for grass was named "Jiahe", which is now Jiahe County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province.

The dragon tastes the herbs

Emperor Yan saw that people were sick, the dragon tasted many kinds of grass, was poisoned many times, and found many medicinal herbs, he vowed to taste all the grass, and finally died of broken intestinal grass. Emperor Yan also taught people to cultivate crops according to the seasons, teaching people to make pottery, painting, archery, animal hunting, piano making, music, dance, etc.

The Yellow Emperor unified the Yellow River Valley

After the Yellow Emperor fought against Xuan you, he unified the Yellow River Valley, formulated many etiquette, regulations, etc., and sent officials to govern the world in various places. The Yellow Emperor also instructed the people to plant hundreds of grains of grass and trees, tame beasts, and his wife taught people to raise silkworms, weave cloth, make clothes, and so on. Later generations attributed many inventions to the Yellow Emperor, such as silkworm breeding, boats and cars, writing, music, medicine, arithmetic, etc., and legends began in the Yellow Emperor period. After the death of the Yellow Emperor, his descendants inherited his cause and governed the country well.

The Age of the Five Emperors

In the "Three Emperors Era", the bloodline succession system of "father and son, brother and brother" was implemented, and the top leader of the state was born in the family of the wind surname. The Five Emperors era was the so-called "Gong tianxia" era, which implemented a system of "quasi-fathers and sons, brothers and brothers" to produce national leaders, which was a non-blood or "quasi-blood" system of succession to the throne.

The Yellow Emperor Ji was surnamed Shao Hao (嬴) and Shao Hao (少昊) was located in the Yellow Emperor's grandson Shao Hao (颛顼; Emperor Zhao (颛顼) was located in the eldest son of Emperor Huan (called "Emperor Wu"), Emperor Xiao died early; the throne was succeeded by The Emperor Zhao (颛顼) and Emperor Zhao was the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor; Emperor Zhao was located in his son Emperor Zhi (帝喾傳) was located in his son Emperor Zhi (帝志) was located in his half-brother Yi Qi's surname Yao (颛顼) was located in The First Son of the Emperor Yi Qi ;Emperor Yao Zen was located in the Shun surname of Yao; Emperor Shun was located in the surname of Yu (姒) of the Huang Emperor.

Yao Shunyu

Yao Shunyu was one of the three famous leaders after the Yellow Emperor.

Yao is one of the greatest emperors in the history of the mainland, Yao reigned for seventy years and worked diligently for the sake of the broad masses of the people, he was serious and respectful, illuminated in all directions, clearly distinguished from top to bottom, and could unite the clans, so that the clans of the state were united as one family and lived in harmony. He pioneered the Zen system rather than the succession system, and Yao thought that his son was overwhelmed, so he decided to give Zen to Shun, and Yao's actions were admired by the world

Emperor Shun, surnamed Yao, is said to have double pupils and named "Chonghua", and the name is Yu Shi, so it is called Yu Shun. After death, Zen resides in Yu. Emperor Shun was given to him by Emperor Yao, after Shun took over the throne, he was industrious and frugal, working like the common people, trusted by everyone, and it was said that Shun's family lineage was very cold, although he was a descendant of Emperor Zhaoxiang, but the fifth was a Shu person, and when he was old in society, he wanted to pass the throne to Yao's son, but everyone opposed it, so Shun gave the emperor Zen to Yu.

Yu is also known as Dayu, and the protagonist of the story of Dayu Zhishui is this person. During Yao's reign, Dayu helped Yao control the flood, and ancient texts record his spirit of publicity and selflessness: "Work hard and think hard, live outside for thirteen years, and pass through the door of the house three times without entering." Yu is the perfect man of Gao Deshao in Chinese historical records.

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