
Many people like to enjoy flowers, but they do not raise flowers and do not plant flowers. They all say that flowers are too difficult to raise, more difficult than raising a child. Exaggerated, isn't it! Many people are first-time parents, why themselves

author:Early thunderbirds

Many people like to enjoy flowers, but they do not raise flowers and do not plant flowers. They all say that flowers are too difficult to raise, more difficult than raising a child.

Exaggerated, isn't it!

Many people are parents for the first time, why are their children well raised? Because of the sincerity, love, and companionship, the wrong thing to come again.

If the same is true for raising flowers, can there be any bad ones?

Raising flowers is like educating children, you don't need to pay too much attention, too much attention you lose.

Many people raise flowers, just buy back two or three days to get water once, the flowers can't stand it, early immortals died.

Raising a baby knows the nature of the baby, raising flowers understands the nature of flowers, and watering is the key.

The production habits of each type of flower and grass are different, even if it is the same flower and grass, its production stage and production state are different, and the water is different. This takes time to explore.

Today we share how to raise flowers and water them.

1, watering should be thorough. Once poured down, the water is flowing from the bottom but may not be poured thoroughly, generally poured twice, the interval between the two times is 3-10 minutes (depending on the size of the basin)

2, see dry to wet. It's just drizzling. How to judge whether it is dry or not? A lot of it is dry on the top and not dry on the bottom. Because different soil substrates, different soils, the speed of drying is different. So don't listen to the "seven days, ten days can be showered once" joke.

How to judge it, use chopsticks, toothpicks, bamboo sticks to insert into the bottom of the basin, if there is wet mud, it can be temporarily without water. If you don't have mud, then you can get it full.

3, if you can, collect rainwater to water better. Crops always grow wildly after rain because rainwater contains a variety of mineral nutrients.

4, but the bougainvillea and succulents are not suitable for this method, bougainvillea to flower more succulents in a good state need to control water, wait until the leaves are pulled and then drizzled without problems.

5, after fertilization, remember to pour water, so that it is easier for plants to fully absorb.

It is also important to note that the leaf hearts of small plants should not accumulate water.

If it is a local tycoon's family, there is a large yard, the flowers and trees are planted on the ground, the water is another matter, basically can play the characteristics of the local tycoon to do whatever they want.

If you want to see how a flower blooms, don't say that you don't have the talent to raise flowers. Take out the strength and love of your children, and you can do it.

#Raising flowers ##养花浇水方法 #

Many people like to enjoy flowers, but they do not raise flowers and do not plant flowers. They all say that flowers are too difficult to raise, more difficult than raising a child. Exaggerated, isn't it! Many people are first-time parents, why themselves
Many people like to enjoy flowers, but they do not raise flowers and do not plant flowers. They all say that flowers are too difficult to raise, more difficult than raising a child. Exaggerated, isn't it! Many people are first-time parents, why themselves
Many people like to enjoy flowers, but they do not raise flowers and do not plant flowers. They all say that flowers are too difficult to raise, more difficult than raising a child. Exaggerated, isn't it! Many people are first-time parents, why themselves

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