
The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year. Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Recent rains

author:The stars are light and the moon is autumn

The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year.

Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Lately, the rain has been pouring, the jackfruit has grown so fast, and every time I walk under the tree, I am always worried that it will fall down and hit me on the head. But my worry is superfluous, or the jackfruit will disappear in a few days, I don't know if the owner of the community picked it, or it was disposed of by the management office. Because every year there are accidents where jackfruit falls down and hits pedestrians or vehicles.

In fact, as an ornamental tree is also very good, it has become a unique scenery of the community.

The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year. Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Recent rains
The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year. Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Recent rains
The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year. Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Recent rains
The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year. Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Recent rains
The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year. Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Recent rains
The jackfruit trees in the community are full of jackfruit, and they are getting more and more every year. Jackfruit hangs on tall branches, large and small, in different shapes. At first glance, it looks a bit like durian. Recent rains

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