
[Five times that women are more prone to spots, and spots are very distressing? Chinese medicine recommends an external remedy, it is worth trying] pigmentation is the natural enemy of women's beauty, may unconsciously have pigmentation and do not know it

author:Nutrition Doctor Kovu

[Five times that women are more prone to spots, and spots are very distressing? Chinese medicine recommends an external application, it is worth a try]

Stains are the natural enemies of women's beauty, may unconsciously have pigmentation spots and do not know it, somehow suddenly appeared. Unreasonable lifestyle, irregular work and rest, unhealthy diet, etc. are the reasons for the appearance of stains, but if these are not a big problem, but the stains are inexplicably appearing, it is impossible to prevent, why is this? In fact, women are born with six major times of easy spots, this process is not taken seriously, a big grin, and maybe the problem will follow.

Women have five periods of susceptibility to spots

A period: mostly appears at the age of five or six, gradually increasing with age, and the shade is related to the sun.

Two periods: puberty due to the strong secretion of sebaceous glands, easy to form "post-inflammatory pigmentation".

Three periods: women in their twenties and thirties, working hard in the workplace, long-term lack of sleep, mental stress, excessive fatigue Adrenal sebum function decline, causing pigmentation.

Four periods: pregnant women are prone to melasma, which is a common pigmented skin disease in women; after forty or fifty years of age, the ovarian function gradually declines, and women with insufficient hormone secretion are also prone to melasma.

Five periods: in the twilight years, plaques will appear, which is a skin aging reaction and is also related to familial inheritance.

Endocrine disorders are the main trigger for pigmentation

In general, starting at the age of 30, it is due to external factors that cause high incidence of long spots in women, which requires special vigilance. Of course, endocrine disorders are a major cause of spots in women after the age of 30. The root causes of skin spots are diverse, and different types of spots are different. For example, sweat spots, dermal spots: mainly due to the decline in hormone secretion after women enter menopause, or endocrine changes after childbirth, and work and family pressure after the age of 30.

Other plaques, also related to kidney deficiency and hormone secretion, acquired hormone secretion abnormalities and ultraviolet absorption excess, will lead to the increase and aggravation of plaques. Sunburn is simply due to excessive ultraviolet radiation and pigment deposition. Melasma is mostly due to postpartum bleeding, abortion and menstrual volume, and accumulation of qi and blood; pregnancy spots are produced by the imbalance reaction of the skin after termination of pregnancy.

Spot removal life small common sense

1. Sleep and diet are very important to the skin, especially sleep, even if you close your eyes for 10 minutes, only if you do not lack oxygen or water, the skin will shine. Drink more water, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, of course, the protein in eggs and lean meat also helps to smooth and delicate skin.

2. Sugar should be supplemented appropriately, liver, kidney, spleen and other organs need sugar, and women with healthy organs have dark hair and rosy complexion.

3. Sun protection, because wrinkles and spots are mostly caused by photoaging, sunscreen skin care products are essential in summer.

[Chinese medicine recommended: the biggest enemy of "age spots", quietly rub a little on the face before going to bed, and the dermatology director said good]

Fine domestic products Of Cantonese medicine Baiyun Mountain freckle cream, national cosmetics special character certification, selection of light fruit licorice, niacinamide licorice, centella asiatica and other substances, scientific ratio. Inhibits and blocks melanocytes from secreting melanin, thus gradually fading skin plaque.

The Texture of this Baiyun Mountain Spot Removal Cream is relatively thick, the active ingredients are highly concentrated, and it is completely absorbed by the skin with a push and massage.

The upper face is refreshing and refreshing, the creamy texture of the creamy ice cream emits a light fragrance, which is lightly moisturized and quickly penetrates the skin, making the skin feel comfortable and advanced.

It is very effective against freckles, melasma, sun spots and other types of pigmentation. The skin is much brighter and the spots are visibly lighter. After the Special Certification of the State Food and Drug Administration, the strength is light and whitened.


Accelerates spot lightening: Effectively combats the formation of age spots, stretch marks, freckles and other pigmentation, whitening and flawless.

Deep whitening: It can improve the formation of melanin in the basal layer of the epidermis, effectively brighten the dull complexion, and make the skin tone evenly whiten.

Bright skin tone: removes dull yellow, brightens the skin tone, makes the skin transparent and radiant from the inside out.

Black inhibition and yellowing: it can effectively inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the skin and block the formation of melanin on the root.

Core Ingredients:

(1) Niacinamide: Blocks melanin, brightens skin tone, and improves dullness

(2) Tocopheryl acetate: fades fine lines, tightens skin, moisturizes and moisturizes

(3) Light fruit licorice: inhibits melanin

(4) Centella asiatica: calms and stabilizes the skin, soothes and repairs and softens old horn

(5) Skullcap: soothes the skin, antioxidants, absorbs ultraviolet rays, repairs sunburn

(6) Whitening: tonify qi and blood, whitening and emollient skin, suitable for rough skin, yellowing, melasma, pigmentation, etc

The point is that in this anti-spot cream is selected herbal extracts, any skin can be used, sensitive skin can also be used with confidence, for all kinds of stubborn skin spots, morning and evening, fade the spots, no longer do "spot girls".

【Fine domestic products】Baiyun Mountain Spot Cream

[Five times that women are more prone to spots, and spots are very distressing? Chinese medicine recommends an external remedy, it is worth trying] pigmentation is the natural enemy of women's beauty, may unconsciously have pigmentation and do not know it
[Five times that women are more prone to spots, and spots are very distressing? Chinese medicine recommends an external remedy, it is worth trying] pigmentation is the natural enemy of women's beauty, may unconsciously have pigmentation and do not know it
[Five times that women are more prone to spots, and spots are very distressing? Chinese medicine recommends an external remedy, it is worth trying] pigmentation is the natural enemy of women's beauty, may unconsciously have pigmentation and do not know it

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