
Red dates do not replenish iron! Real iron supplement good things, sure not to come and see?

author:Good Pharmacist Health Information

Iron is an essential raw material for the synthesis of human blood, and iron deficiency can easily lead to anemia. When it comes to blood-replenishing food, everyone's first reaction is not red dates, although red dates are red, but it really does not supplement iron.

Are these "iron repair" recipes credible?

First of all, you must know that the recommended daily iron intake for adult women is: 20 mg.

1. Brown sugar iron supplementation: Brown sugar that women will drink during menstruation is not iron supplementation, and the iron content of 20 grams of brown sugar is only 0.3 mg. If normal women want to reach the 20 mg/day requirement, they need to drink more than 1 kg of brown sugar water a day. 88% of the content of brown sugar water is sugar, which is more fat and energy than iron.

2. Red jujube iron supplementation: Although the red date is red, it does not replenish blood, every 100g of fresh dates only contains 1 mg of iron, dried dates are also 2 mg, and the iron in the red dates belongs to plant sources, and the absorption effect is not good.

3. Iron pot stir-frying iron supplementation: Compared with the aluminum pot, the iron pot does have a certain blood tonic effect, but the iron in the iron pot is non-heme iron, and the absorption rate is limited. People who are anemic are still anemic even if they eat the iron pot.

Red dates do not replenish iron! Real iron supplement good things, sure not to come and see?

What should I eat to supplement iron?

Heme iron is mainly derived from animal foods, and the absorption rate is higher than that of plant foods, about 15% to 35%, and it is basically not affected by other dietary factors.

Among them, animal blood, liver and various red meats are the main sources of dietary iron.

Animal blood is considered to be the "best" product for dietary iron sources, and eating 100 grams easily meets the daily needs of women.

1. Red meat

From the perspective of dietary iron supplementation, choose animal foods, such as red meat, which has a higher iron content.

Our lean meat, pork, beef, lamb iron content are relatively stable, there is not much difference, every 100g is about 3mg. The absorption rate of iron from animal sources is about 20%-25%, which is much higher than that of iron from plant sources, which is a good food form for our intake of iron.

2, animal blood products are one of the most abundant sources of iron

Animal iron is most abundant in duck blood, which contains about 50mg of iron in 100g.

Red dates do not replenish iron! Real iron supplement good things, sure not to come and see?

Note: Although duck blood, pig blood, and the well-known iron content of animal offal are indeed high, they are not suitable for everyone.

If you belong to patients with high blood lipids, high blood pressure and high blood sugar, it is not recommended that you choose internal organs to supplement iron, and for non-three-high people, you should also pay attention to the amount of food.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that if you eat offal, you should control it at 85g per week, so the amount of a single consumption cannot exceed 20g, and it is recommended to choose some liver products in regular supermarkets.

Precautions for proper iron supplementation

1. Iron supplementation people should avoid drinking tea, coffee and carbonated drinks after iron supplementation, so as not to affect the absorption of iron;

2. If the patient has calcium supplementation or has the habit of drinking milk, he should pay attention to the wrong meal;

3. For different anemia groups, it should be based on their own situation, combined with the guidance of doctors to use iron supplements reasonably, do not supplement at will.

Red dates do not replenish iron! Real iron supplement good things, sure not to come and see?

4. Before iron supplementation, it is first necessary to determine whether it is iron deficiency anemia or insufficient iron intake. For people who do not have iron deficiency or increased needs, there is no need to deliberately supplement iron, because when the body excess iron will lead to acute and chronic iron poisoning, endangering physical health.

Note: For patients with iron deficiency anemia, iron supplementation is the main thing to treat, and it is best to choose oral iron instead of injectable iron.

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