
Li Xiaopeng, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Relying on the development strategy of Everbright E-SBU, vigorously develop the smart pension and people's livelihood service industry

author:Xinhuanet client

On March 4, the Fourth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference opened in Beijing. Li Xiaopeng, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of China Everbright Group, was interviewed by reporters on the implementation of the spirit of the two sessions, relying on the development strategy of Everbright E-SBU, and vigorously developing smart pension and people's livelihood service industry.

Reporter: At this year's National Two Sessions, smart old-age care has become a hot topic. The government work report pointed out that the promotion of intelligent services should meet the needs of the elderly, and do not let smart tools cause obstacles to the daily life of the elderly. Can you briefly introduce the layout of Everbright Group in the smart pension industry?

Li Xiaopeng: As a central enterprise, Everbright Group has an unshirkable duty to vigorously develop the people's production industry. The smart pension industry you mentioned is one of the minsheng industries vigorously developed by Everbright Group in recent years.

In recent years, Everbright Group has actively promoted the integration of smart technologies such as the Internet of Things, intelligent equipment, and AI into the pension industry, making the "smart industry" a "happiness industry" for the elderly. Everbright Pension under the Group is committed to building a comprehensive service platform for the pension industry, focusing on the concept of "smart pension", establishing a unified pension technology platform, integrating intelligent hardware and software, combining big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other technologies, to help the pension industry develop in a safer, smarter and more professional direction, so that the elderly can be comfortable, family members can rest assured, and service providers can save their minds.

Everbright Group has been promoting the adaptation of intelligent services to the needs of the elderly. In the field of old-age services, we will gradually apply cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G technology, big data, and cloud platforms, starting from the perspective of users, to meet the most direct and urgent needs of the elderly and solve the pain points in institutional management, so that there is a better connection between technology application and demand satisfaction, and truly make advanced technology serve the elderly and adapt to the needs of the elderly.

Reporter: Everbright's E-SBU development strategy has attracted widespread attention. How can E-SBU development strategy, technology and pension be integrated?

Li Xiaopeng: You asked a very good question. Everbright's E-SBU development strategy Chinese can be called "ecosystem strategy". If it is summed up in one sentence, it is "on the basis of the key strategic business unit (SBU), give full play to the advantages of Everbright's comprehensive operation and production integration, introduce ecosphere (Electronic) elements, and reflect a new model of coordinated development with Everbright characteristics".

The E-SBU development strategy is very obvious in the development process of Everbright pension industry. We realized a long time ago that China's pension industry has broad prospects, but at this stage it is facing many difficulties, the key lies in reconstructing the value chain and opening up multiple industries such as "pension", "medical care" and "pension finance". According to this logic, we have built an "internal market" and integrated various sectors of everbright's financial industry, and have also made some achievements, but there is still a certain gap from the goal. After reflection, we believe that the pension industry is too large and too complex, and it is difficult to "chain" various elements and links to "net" up by relying on a single enterprise. The grim reality of China's aging population requires us to actively respond in a short period of time as much as possible, which must be promoted by new forms of industrial organization, and I think the E-SBU ecosystem model is a better model. We have set up a special pension company according to this idea, and the current bed scale has ranked at the forefront of the industry, and the facilities and services have reached the domestic first-class. In the next step, we will also promote mixed reform, introduce war investment, attract more capital and professional forces to join the construction of the pension ecosystem, and jointly make the cake bigger by using the strength of all aspects, share the future dividends of the pension industry and benefit the masses.

In the future, Everbright Group will pay attention to the application of science and technology applications and model innovation in the pension industry, highlight the driving and supporting role of science and technology in the Everbright pension ecosystem, create a comprehensive service platform, meet the carriers, facilities and equipment, services and other all-round health and pension needs of pension customers, and provide customers with full-process, one-stop pension services. Through the release and matching of supply and demand information, the extension business ecology supports the extensive service mining and establishment of the industry, statistics and analysis of the industry situation to build a data center, and build a pension market trading center.

Reporter: The pension industry is one of the big health industries of Everbright. Everbright proposes six ecosystems, including wealth, investment, investment banking, environmental protection, tourism, and health. Can you tell us about the relationship between these six ecosystems?

Li Xiaopeng: These six ecosystems can be summarized into two major ecological circles: "great wealth" and "great people's livelihood". "Big Fortune" covers three ecosystems of wealth, investment and investment banking, effectively connecting the financial business sectors under Everbright, reflecting the basic positioning of Everbright Financial Holding Group; "Great People's Livelihood" covers the three ecosystems of environmental protection, tourism and health, with the goal of serving the people's better life, effectively dominating the industrial sector under Everbright, reflecting the social responsibility of Everbright Group and the characteristic commercial value of industry integration.

"Big Fortune" well reflects the basic positioning and business characteristics of Everbright Group as a financial holding group. At the same time, Everbright's "Great People's Livelihood" sector in turn provides basic assets and industrial experience for wealth management. Everbright has a good industrial foundation in many fields such as real estate (Everbright Anshi, Everbright Gerber), aircraft (China Aircraft Leasing and Large Aircraft Related Industry Fund), environmental protection (Everbright Environment and Related Environmental Protection Industry Fund), Pension Health (Everbright Health Pension Company), tourism (CYTS Holdings) and other fields, all of which have laid the foundation for the development of asset management business in professional fields.

Specifically, it would be clearer to connect the "six ecosystems":

The three ecosystems of wealth, investment banking and investment cover the core financial business of "commercial banking + investment banking + asset management". Among them, the wealth ecosystem is the foundation, mainly providing customer diversion and sales channels. The investment ecosystem is the core platform of the big wealth strategy, which effectively connects its three ecosystems of wealth, investment and investment banking through strong value mining and product design, and forms a good interaction with the environmental protection, tourism and health ecosystems of the big people's livelihood sector.

Environmental protection, tourism, health three ecosystems, is the main body of people's livelihood services business, Everbright related products and services have begun to take shape and competitiveness, if coupled with financial resources to support, the completion of the ecosystem construction and digital transformation, will usher in greater development. On the other hand, the construction of these "big people's livelihood" ecosystems is also feeding back the development of the "big wealth" business.

In practice, we have clearly realized the importance of the good interaction between "great wealth" and "great people's livelihood". Some resources may seem inconspicuous, but when aggregated, they can produce chemical reactions, such as financial services such as deposit certificates, financial management, and overseas insurance, which are combined with Everbright's CYTS AeroTel Network to form an "outbound travel scene" and have created new value. This reflects what I often say about "midwifery with financing" and "promoting finance with production", and ultimately achieving the strategic goal of "doing fine finance, doing excellent industry, and strengthening the group".

Reporter: My understanding is that cross-border integration between industries can better serve people's livelihood and thus create greater value. Can you give us an example of Everbright Group's integration of wealth management and people's livelihood service industries to serve the daily lives of ordinary people?

Li Xiaopeng: I think that cloud payment is a vivid example. Many people have paid fees for their own water, electricity and gas through the platforms of Alipay and WeChat. What they don't know is that behind this is actually a system called "cloud payment" under Everbright Bank. To put it simply, this system is like "glue", through a series of technical means such as "open" and "open source", it integrates various domestic payment services, payment channels and payment and settlement functions, connects scattered water, electricity and gas charging units with thousands of households, and solves the pain point of "payment difficulty". The essence, or the greatest potential value, of "cloud payment" is a platform ecosystem, which is currently the largest open payment platform in China.

Up to now, cloud payment has access to 10,000 payment projects such as water, electricity, gas, property, fiscal non-tax, social security, medical care, education, etc., basically covering all aspects of residents' lives, enterprise production and government services, and the active customers of the platform service exceeded 500 million in 2020. It is particularly important that more customers and data are hidden behind platforms such as WeChat and Alipay, and if 10% of them can be converted into Everbright customers, it can bring huge commercial value to Everbright.

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