
The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

author:Luo Zhuang release
The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

News guide

01 Current political news

  • The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe

02 Towns, department dynamics

  • Luozhuang District held a special lecture on family education guidance services in the "Family Growth" classroom
  • The 14th National Fitness Games of Luozhuang District 2024-2025 Luozhuang District Middle School Volleyball League opened
  • Huangshan Town: Helping the elderly to have a physical examination and supporting a health "umbrella"
  • The 16th Reading Festival of Luozhuang District Linyi 18th Middle School Achievement Show was successfully held
  • Linyi Guangyao Experimental School held a spring sports meeting

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe

On May 16, Zhang Xiaobin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, led the participants of the city's vigorous cultivation of "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" to come to our district to observe. Peng Bo, Secretary of the District Party Committee, and Wang Huiqing, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, attended the event.

The participants observed the Yinfeng Lake Park Law Popularization Base in our district on the spot, and had an in-depth understanding of our district's close combination of rule of law propaganda and civilization practice in the new era, and vividly presented the law popularization propaganda to the general public through various display forms such as sculptures, inscriptions, stone scrolls, trestle bridges, and exhibition boards in the park. The observation group fully affirmed the innovative measures and remarkable achievements of our district's legal popularization publicity. (Zhang Meihua)

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

Luozhuang District held a special lecture on family education guidance services in the "Family Growth" classroom

On May 16, the District Women's Federation held a special lecture on family education guidance services in the "Family Growth" classroom.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

The teacher explained in simple terms from three aspects: the significance and connotation of family education, the concept of family education and the practical guidance of family education. The participants said that they learned the concept and knowledge of family education through the lecture, and had a deep understanding of "family is the first school of children, parents are the first teachers of children, and we should teach children the first lesson of life and help children buckle the first button of life", and they have strengthened their belief in being qualified parents and building a happy family.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

The District Women's Federation will continue to promote the construction of family education, carry out special activities such as training lectures and family education guidance services, popularize scientific education knowledge, and do a solid "family" article to help social governance.

The 14th National Fitness Games of Luozhuang District 2024-2025 Luozhuang District Middle School Volleyball League opened

On May 16, the 2024-2025 Luozhuang District Middle School Student Volleyball League of the 14th Luozhuang District National Fitness Games opened at the Luozhuang District Future Sports Club.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

The volleyball league was hosted by the District Education and Sports Bureau, Luozhuang Sub-district Office, and the District Sports Association, and undertaken by Linyi Chengtou Sports Industry Group Co., Ltd. and Luozhuang District Future Sports Club. During the two-day period, a total of 20 teams and nearly 200 athletes participated. The competition scene was full of passion, and the participating teams went all out, showing excellent teamwork and tenacious fighting spirit.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

This volleyball league for middle school students aims to allow more schools and students to participate in volleyball and physical exercise activities, and improve their sports quality and competitive level. The District Education and Sports Bureau will continue to hold sports events that are satisfactory to the people, continuously enhance the awareness of national fitness, and improve the health level of the whole people.

Huangshan Town: Helping the elderly to have a physical examination and supporting a health "umbrella"

On May 16, the Muqi Community Health Office of Huangshan Town filed a free physical examination for the elderly in the jurisdiction.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

On the day of the physical examination, the grid staff actively cooperated with the medical staff to guide the residents to have an orderly physical examination, focusing on the "one-to-one" assistance for the elderly with reduced mobility, improving the efficiency of the physical examination, and at the same time, popularizing the relevant prevention knowledge of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and other high-incidence diseases of the elderly to the elderly.

Huangshan Town will continue to carry out disease prevention activities for the elderly, so as to achieve "early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment" to protect the life safety of the elderly. (Zhuge Xianggui)

The 16th Reading Festival of Luozhuang District Linyi 18th Middle School Achievement Show was successfully held

On May 16, the 16th Reading Festival of Luozhuang District Linyi No. 18 Middle School Achievement Show was successfully held.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

With the theme of "Reciting Classic Poems, Singing the Affection of the Family and Country", the Reading Festival Art Show allows students to deeply experience the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture, stimulate patriotic feelings, and improve their language expression ability and literary literacy through the recitation of classic poems. The event attracted many students to actively participate, and they chose their favorite poems to recite. A wonderful recitation performance was presented, and the students sang the deep affection of their family and country with the power of their voices, showing the youthful demeanor and patriotic feelings of high school students.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

The show covers a variety of art forms such as singing, dancing, recitation, sketches, operas, stage plays, etc., and each program needs to fully reflect the characteristics of students' personalities, integrate literary materials, and show students' artistic style. The format of the program should be diversified, with both individual performances and group performances; Showing the versatility and unity and cooperation of the students of Linyi No. 18 Middle School, about 1,200 teachers and students performed on the same stage.

Linyi Guangyao Experimental School held a spring sports meeting

On May 16, Linyi Guangyao Experimental School held a spring sports meeting.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

The Games consisted of running competitions, high jump competitions, long jump competitions, shot put competitions, softball competitions and other events, showing an extraordinary level of competition and tenacious fighting spirit.

The city vigorously cultivates "civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs" The participants of the activity promotion meeting came to our district to observe...... Please see, Luozhuang News Through Train

The Games was not only a great review of the students' sports skills, but also a test of their teamwork and competitive spirit. Through this sports meeting, the students' love for sports was further stimulated, and a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude towards life were cultivated. (Wu Di, Lv Jingxin, Zhang Meng)

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