
When buying ribs, smart people never buy these 3 types!

author:Luo Zhuang release

Pork ribs, an indispensable ingredient in daily life, are excellent in terms of nutritional value and taste. Steamed, stewed, braised and soured...... A variety of cooking methods can give the ribs a tantalizing flavor. However, in recent years, many friends have complained that the quality of the pork ribs they bought home is not as good as before, and the meat is firewood when cooking, and the fishy smell is difficult to get rid of. What is the reason for this?

When buying ribs, smart people never buy these 3 types!

In fact, the root of the problem is likely to lie in the purchase of pork ribs. When choosing ribs, many people tend to only focus on the price and ignore the importance of quality. Today, Xiaohong is going to reveal the secret for everyone, how to cleverly avoid three kinds of inferior pork ribs, and easily buy fresh and delicious pork ribs.

First of all, we need to learn to use our vision to discern the freshness of the ribs. In the market, many butcher stalls use red lights to illuminate the ribs to make them look more rosy and attractive in order to attract customers. However, this red light tends to obscure the true color of the ribs. Therefore, when shopping for ribs, it is important to place the ribs in natural light for a closer look. Good quality ribs should have a natural bright red color, if the pork ribs are white or yellowish in color, it is likely to be caused by too long or improper storage. Such pork ribs are not only not good in taste, but may also have adverse effects on health.

When buying ribs, smart people never buy these 3 types!

Secondly, we need to further judge the freshness of the ribs through the sense of touch. When choosing the ribs, you may wish to gently press the meat on the ribs with your hands.

Fresh ribs should have some elasticity and stickiness; If the meat is fluffy, inelastic or too moist, it may be stale ribs. In addition, if there is obvious mucus or odor on the surface of the ribs, it also means that they are no longer fresh. When you buy such pork ribs for cooking at home, they not only taste woody, but may also have a strong fishy smell.

Finally, we must also be wary of the trap of filling the ribs with water. Water-filled pork ribs are a type of low-quality pork ribs that are more common in the market in recent years. In order to increase the weight and appearance, some unscrupulous traders will fill the ribs with water. The ribs look fuller after being filled with water, but in fact the meat quality has been seriously affected. When buying pork ribs, we can judge whether they are filled with water by looking at the surface of the ribs and pressing the meat. The surface of the water-filled ribs tends to be moist, and there will be significant water oozing when the meat is pressed. In addition, we can also use a paper towel for a simple test: gently cover the ribs and press them for a few moments, if the paper towel gets soaked quickly, it is likely that the ribs are filled with water.

When buying ribs, smart people never buy these 3 types!

In short, when buying pork ribs, we need to carefully observe and choose carefully, avoid the traps of the above three types of inferior pork ribs, and choose high-quality pork ribs with natural bright red color, elastic and viscous meat, and no water injection. Such pork ribs can be bought for home cooking, whether steamed, stewed, braised or sweet and sour, they can easily cook delicious dishes.

Source: Guangming Daily

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