
3 elementary school students "discerned" poppies and decisively called the police! Police: Praise it strongly

author:Peace and sunrise

It's young

It can be seen that the knowledge is not ordinary

Hubei Xiangfeng Lao Hekou 3 elementary school students

The opium poppy, the original plant of the drug, was identified at a glance

Call the police decisively!


3 elementary school students in Okawaguchi City

Happened to be in a residential building

Illegal opium poppy cultivation was found

Through the study in the anti-drug classroom in the school

They are well aware of the dangers of the original drug plant

They came to the local Heping Road Police Station together

Report to the police

3 elementary school students "discerned" poppies and decisively called the police! Police: Praise it strongly

The police then followed the schoolchildren to the community

On the balcony of an old lady's house

Eight strains of opium poppy were found

When eradicating, the old lady also begged the police

"Leave me one and keep one ......"

The police refused

"This can't stay! It's not a flower! ”

Upon inquiry

The old lady listened to the opium poppy to cure the disease

I planted it myself in a balcony pot

The police criticized and educated them

and fines will be imposed in accordance with the law

3 elementary school students "discerned" poppies and decisively called the police! Police: Praise it strongly

May 6th

Police officer of Heping Road Police Station, Laohekou City

Came to the school where the three elementary school students were

In front of all the teachers and students of the school

Give them praise

And awarded to them on the spot

Certificate of "Anti-drug Little Guard".

Take this opportunity

The police once again carried out anti-drug propaganda for the students

Encourage everyone to be active in learning

More anti-drug knowledge

Be like your classmates who are praised

Strive to be a little anti-drug guard

Apply what you have learned about anti-drugs

Have the courage to report illegal drug cultivation and drug abuse and trafficking

3 elementary school students "discerned" poppies and decisively called the police! Police: Praise it strongly

Police tip: Poppy is poison, not a vegetable! Regardless of the purpose or quantity, the illegal cultivation of opium poppy narcotic plants is punishable in accordance with the law, ranging from detention and fines to criminal penalties.

Source: China Drug Control

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