
Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news

author:Shaanxi News

Let youth burn for journalism

Do media news special forces

Ten years have passed, and the original intention of news has not changed. Since entering the journalistic industry, I have experienced the pain and joy of life, from the initial ignorance to today's thirty and standing, from the beginning of learning and groping to the current continuous improvement, age and business experience are increasing, the media era is changing, I am also changing, the journalistic ideal has always been there.

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My name is Li Xiaopeng, I am a front-line news reporter of Shaanxi Radio and Television Rong Media Group, and in the past ten years, from northern Shaanxi to southern Shaanxi to Woye Guanzhong, I have left traces of news interviews. In 2021, the transformation of traditional media is accelerating, new media are rising, and I have been trying to be a special soldier of media news. This year, I invested a lot of energy in media integration, every news, the first new media, and then in-depth traditional media. Whether I go to work normally or come home from work, I keep my phone in my hands and constantly search for news clues.

Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news
Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news

During the Qingming holiday, I received a clue that a bus driver in Xianyang Chunhua suddenly parked his car on the side of the road when he was about to get on the highway, and then a student jumped out of the car to ask the traffic police for help. After receiving the clue, I realized that this was not an ordinary incident, so I began to contact the traffic police team, the students concerned and the bus company in many ways, carefully understood the ins and outs of the incident, and communicated with the editor, at more than 11 o'clock that night, the new media manuscript "Driver Sudden Cerebral Hemorrhage Saved 17 Students" was broadcast exclusively, and then it was forwarded by a number of central-level media, which quickly caused strong repercussions in the whole society.

Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news

In 2021, the traces of news interviews cover too many aspects, from the National Games to the Paralympic Games, from the provincial observation activities to key current political reports, from social and people's livelihood to emergencies, every interview, I personally visit the news scene, on various platforms for integrated broadcasting. From filming on camera to writing edits to creating new media pushes, I have asked myself to have the ability to do it alone. In the era of integrated media, new media should be accurate soon, and traditional media should have depth, since I chose to be a special soldier of media news, I will put journalism in the first place, practice eighteen martial arts, keep up with the trend of media integration, and use excellent news works to tell the story of Shaanxi and the story of China.

Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news
Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news
Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news
Li Xiaopeng: Let youth burn for the cause of journalism and be a special soldier who integrates media and news

The twenty-second Journalists' Day has arrived, ten years of journalistic career has passed in a hurry, yesterday has passed, and the future is at his feet. Here, I wish all journalists and colleagues a happy holiday, work together in the future, accelerate the transformation of the media, record this great era with their own words and lenses, and tell the story of Shaanxi and China.

Reporter: Li Xiaopeng

Edit: Ann

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