
Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

I believe that the new version of Hearthstone Tavern Wargame news believes that everyone has seen it, join the Naga race, remove some of the followers, and at the same time, in addition to the Naga, but also added several new pieces, some of these pieces are very suitable for the current light tooth flow, the current light tooth flow strength is not high overall, but the light tooth flow in the new version should get a considerable wave of strengthening.

Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

Bare teeth

Weakness in the later stages of the light teeth

When the tavern wargame first appeared, the light tooth was a god-like existence, and the +2+2 buff per turn overwhelmed many routines, and the formation was fast, very flexible, there was no fixed entourage, as long as you got the light teeth, the first three were booked. Later, after a wave of weakening, and now, the strength of the teacups and teapots in the exhibition hall is not high enough, and the light tooth flow does not seem to have much strengthening.

Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

Pavilion teapots and pavilion cups

Other routines, whether it is beasts, fishmen or elements, have obtained remarkable mid-to-late retinues, such as beasts with scaly crocodiles and juvenile krusch, fishmen with revenge to highly poisonous fish, elements with small rags, and so on. Although these companions can use the light teeth, after all, the fit is not so high. The appearance of the fusion troll did not bring a great turnaround to the light teeth, after all, it was a 6-star retinue, and there were not so many rounds to give the light tooth buff, these reasons led to the lack of light tooth flow in the later stage, the first three were OK, and it was more difficult to eat chicken.

Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

Juvenile Krusch and Little Raghe and others

Remove the Fusion Trolls and join the Samsung Fusion Monsters, and the Light Teeth are enhanced in the middle and late stages

In the new version of The Tavern Wargame, the six-star fusion troll was removed and the small fusion monster of Samsung 34 was added, a change that undoubtedly strengthened the middle of the light tooth. The middle stage of the light tooth is already strong, as long as the figure and effect of a better entourage can be used, and the addition of the small fusion monster can not only make the middle of the light tooth more compact, but also let the light tooth also have a battle power in the later stage.

Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

Remove the big fusion monster and add the small fusion monster

The vengeful fishman needs to give the poison to the fusion monster, coupled with the mechanical holy shield taunt and the buff effect of the light tooth, it is easier to create a blood thick poison monster with the holy shield mockery, if you are lucky, you can create two, the fusion monster is not recommended for 3 consecutive, 3 consecutive will become weaker, and the appearance of the 34 fusion monster is crucial for the light tooth flow.

Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

Noisy mods and revenge poisonous fish

Reef explorers can spot minions of the unused companion type, with a quick prototyping of light tooth streams

This time, the new card also adds a four-star Battle Roar Companion, Four Star 33, which is to find a Companion type companion card that you don't yet have, and the golden one is to double the size and find two instead. It doesn't matter what the body is, this card is undoubtedly prepared for the light tooth stream, so that the light tooth flow can get the entourage he wants faster. For example, the cave multi-headed snake or the Grim Reaper 4000 type is a more needed retinue of light teeth.

Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

Reef explorers

And the designer explained that if all the minions on the field had one, you could get a 34 Fusion Monster. I don't understand this sentence very well, so if there is already a fusion monster on the field, and I play the reef explorer, can I get the fusion monster? If yes, that's too strong.

Hearthstone Tavern Wargame: Light Tooth Flow may be the biggest beneficiary of the version

Reef explorers answer questions

The new version has the addition of Naga, the strength of the Naga race does not know what will happen, but it feels that it should be a little stronger than the wild boar people who also need spells, and the Naga entourage will also have followers suitable for joining the light tooth system, depending on the intensity, the brain test is not accurate. Coupled with the removal of the new version of Harden, all the systems in the later period will be a little weaker and more diverse, and look forward to the performance of the light tooth flow in the new version.

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