
Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

Tomorrow, the Tavern Battle Flag will usher in a new version, and the new race Naga will officially go online. There are also seven new retinues on the line with Naga, how much impact do these seven new retinues have on the environment? Let's make a prediction!

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Nightmare Fusion Monster

Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

Tavern Wargames must have a fusion monster, and the big fusion exits the small one back.

Whether the Little Fusion Monster can rule the tavern as it did in the first place becomes the brainless 5+2 option. The answer is that it is very difficult, and the probability of the current race is very high, and the probability of having no shield and no poison alone by eating buff cannot catch up with the current environment, let alone weaken it.

Thornback Knight

Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

In addition to the new race, the biggest change in the new version is the Boar Man, and the captain's change and the return of the Thornback Knight are all strengthening the Boar Man.

As the most powerful retinue of the Wild Boars, will his return save the Wild Boars from their weak position? I'm afraid I won't know until tomorrow after the new version experience.

New retinue reef explorers

Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

Reef Explorers discover "All" Companions when you have all of your Companion types, known as Fusion Monsters.

A new entourage with a very large upper and lower limits, the probability of finding a good entourage is very low, it feels useless, and it is a large financial management.

Mangshen Train King

Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

The Train King acts as a replacement retinue of needles. Compared with the needle, the upper limit of the train king is lowered but the lower limit is increased, which can be stable one for one.

The Train King will perform well against opponents with more Holy Shields such as Mechanical. The train king has stricter requirements for the station position, do you want to build a wall? There is a saying for putting a few numbers.

Small blindness

Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

Note: Small blindness can be paired with copper whiskers (triggering a double war roar).

Little Blind Eye is a very strong six-book fish man, which can be combined with copper whiskers to make him have unlimited possibilities. Fish people are easy to use war roar Many found that fish, kings, muscle fish people and so on are good choices.

With the card of small blindness, the future of the fish people will have the motivation to rise to five. The Fishmen are no longer a race that is 4 books to play to the death.

The new version of The Fishman will be very strong, and the removal of the Fusion Monster is not a small enhancement for the Fishman. The new Poison Mantis Demon Queen is not a little less threatening than the Fusion Monster.

Mantis Demon Queen

Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

The buff at the start of the Mantis Demon Queen battle is not permanently retained (reset every turn).

The Mantis Demon Queen is the new Sacred Shield Poison, which is much less stable than the Fusion Monster, and each turn is a face-to-face battle.

Out of the Holy Shield is invincible, without the Holy Shield is a big needle. Several other evolutionary options are a decoration in the middle and late stages.

Dark eyes on the elderly

Tavern Wargames: The "Seven" New Entourage Strength Prediction, Wild Boar Man Strengthens

The reworked captain is much stronger than before, although it is not possible to buff other race retinues now. But that doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if Captain Pig's tooth's main gameplay hasn't changed, not to mention that the captain's two or three gems in a round before can't buff much combat power.

The new captain can not only cooperate with the pig's teeth to light the tooth flow, now the captain is also suitable for the pure wild boar flow. Even in terms of buff efficiency alone, the captain even gave more blood gems than Calgar gave in one turn!

The new version of the Wild Boar Man's molding requirements will no longer be as high as in the past, and captains and Calgar can be used as cores. Don't know how fast the new captain animation is? If it is fast, it is also a good choice to cooperate with Hogg to walk the sea pig stream.

Finally, the new version is a big boost for the Boar People, which should allow the Boar People to rank higher than the pirates on average.

The fish people have lost their seafood feeders and ushered in a small blind eye, but the relative fusion monster is gone.

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