
This bean is better than meat! More than walnuts to replenish the brain, eat the best now, don't miss it

author:The Road to Health channel
This bean is better than meat! More than walnuts to replenish the brain, eat the best now, don't miss it

Editor's Note

Broad beans, also known as Luohan beans, beans, etc., are vegetables eaten in late spring and early summer, and the broad beans taste best in May. Fava beans are rich in choline and other nutrients, which have the effect of strengthening the spleen, enhancing memory, benefiting humidity and stagnation, and chasing evil. However, fava beans should not be eaten raw, and those with weak spleen and stomach should not eat more. Fava bean allergies, hereditary hemocytic cell defects and fava bean disease patients are not suitable for consumption. Eating 10 to 20 capsules a day is the most appropriate, eating more may cause bloating, indigestion can be controlled in a handful of amounts per day.


Efficacy of fava beans

01 Brain, anti-dementia

When it comes to brain-healthy food, many people's first reaction is walnuts, but walnuts have a high oil content and should not be eaten more. The brain-building effect of fava beans is also prominent, even stronger than walnuts, and is rich in protein and low in fat, which will not cause a burden on the body.

This bean is better than meat! More than walnuts to replenish the brain, eat the best now, don't miss it

Fava beans contain zinc, manganese, phospholipids and choline, which are important components that regulate brain and nerve tissue, which can nourish nerve and brain cells, enhance human memory, and to a certain extent, prevent Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, every 100 grams of broad beans also contains 90 mg of levodopamine, an important chemical pheromone in the brain, which is greatly related to people's memory, attention, and regulation of body movements.

02 Lower blood lipids and protect blood vessels

Fava beans are rich in vitamin B2, known as the "descaling agent of blood vessels," which accelerates lipid metabolism, prevents it from depositing in the walls of blood vessels, and helps remove vascular junk.

The crude fiber in the skin of broad beans can also help reduce cholesterol very well, thereby protecting blood vessels and preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases!

Fava beans are a low-calorie food, and 100 grams of fava beans can produce 1444 kJ of calories, which is lower than other legumes. Therefore, for obese people, weight loss people and cardiovascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia, eating broad beans has a good health care effect

03 Promotes bone growth

Fava beans are rich in calcium, which is conducive to the absorption of calcium by bones, so eating fava beans can promote the growth and development of bones. Whether it is middle-aged and elderly friends, children, women, fava beans are a very healthy seasonal food.

This bean is better than meat! More than walnuts to replenish the brain, eat the best now, don't miss it

04 Healthy spleen and vitality

Broad beans are flat and sweet, and belong to the spleen meridian and stomach meridian. Chinese medicine believes that fava beans have the effect of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, clearing heat and dampness, stopping bleeding and lowering blood pressure, and can be used for deficiency of qi, hypertension and other diseases.


The way to preserve the freshness of broad beans

Fava beans on the market time is very short, after May the taste will be old, so to introduce two kinds of fava beans preservation methods, so that you who love to eat fava beans, can eat fresh fava beans all year round, not much to say, hurry up and learn it ~

01 Freshly frozen

Remove the hard shell of the fresh fava beans and rinse them, then put them in a plastic bag, empty the air in the bag, put them in the refrigerator and store them in the freezer, and eat them as you go.

02 Semi-cooked and frozen

You can also wash the fresh fava beans, boil them in boiling water until they are eight minutes cooked, then mix well with a little salt, dry them in a clean container, and freeze them in the refrigerator. When you want to eat, take it out to thaw and process it.



1, fava beans are allergic substances, a very small number of people with allergic constitutions (more boys) eat will produce different degrees of allergies, acute hemolysis and other poisoning symptoms, is commonly known as "fava bean disease", fava bean disease is a genetic disease, which is due to the lack of a certain enzyme in the body of people with allergies, so people with allergic constitution or people with genetic fava bean disease must not eat fava beans.

2, should not eat fresh and tender fava beans, mainly cooking, mainly to prevent fava bean poisoning.

3, fava beans should not be eaten raw, raw fava beans should be soaked many times or dropped water before cooking, not to eat more, in order to prevent stomach and spleen.

Eating 10 to 20 capsules a day is the most appropriate, eating more may cause bloating, indigestion can be controlled in a handful of amounts per day.

4. Patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers can eat fava beans, but it is forbidden to eat scrambled egg beans and fried dried broad beans to prevent irritation of the affected area from aggravating the disease.

5. Patients with hereditary red blood cell defects, patients with hemorrhoid bleeding, dyspepsia, chronic colitis, uremia and other patients should pay attention to the fact that it is not appropriate to eat broad beans.


Fava bean recipes

Finally, I recommend two kinds of fava beans to everyone, simple and delicious, the whole family loves to eat!

This bean is better than meat! More than walnuts to replenish the brain, eat the best now, don't miss it

★ Broad beans in shallot oil:

Ingredients: 3 kg of broad beans, 2 spoons of salt, 1 chives, 3 spoons of cooking oil, a little sugar, 1 spoon of chicken essence


1, peel the broad beans, broad beans peel off the shell, rinse again. Remember, be sure to peel before frying, so that the fry is tender, do not peel well in advance.

2: Sauté in oil, cut the chives into green onions and set aside. Add 3 tablespoons of cooking oil to the pan, heat the oil and pour in the shallots and sauté until fragrant. Leave a small portion of the green onion and wait before you go down.

3: Add fava beans, pour fava beans, stir-fry evenly, fry until the fava beans change color, add boiling water, almost flush with fava beans, cover and simmer for 4 minutes.

4: Season, then open the lid to season, add 2 tablespoons of salt, a little sugar, 1 spoon of chicken essence, sprinkle with green onion, stir-fry evenly, out of the pot and plate. The addition of white sugar to broad beans can effectively remove astringency.

This bean is better than meat! More than walnuts to replenish the brain, eat the best now, don't miss it

★ Bacon fried broad beans:

Ingredients: fresh fava beans, bacon, pine nuts, soy sauce, salt


1: Cut the bacon into small pieces and blanch the broad beans in boiling water for 2 minutes

2: Pour a little oil into the wok and stir-fry with bacon

3: Stir-fry the pine nuts

4: Stir-fry the pine nuts until slightly yellow, then add the broad beans and stir-fry

5: Sprinkle with a little salt, drizzle with a little soy sauce to taste, stir-fry for 2 minutes

This bean is better than meat! More than walnuts to replenish the brain, eat the best now, don't miss it

★ Steamed broad beans with sausage:

Ingredients: fresh broad beans, sausages, salt, sugar, green onion


1: Slice the sausage, soak in water to soften, and remove the shell of the broad beans

2: Stir-fry the broad beans in a frying pan, add 1/2 teaspoon salt and a little sugar and stir-fry well

3: Add a little water and stir-fry evenly

4: Drain the sausages and stir-fry in oil until they change color

5: Spread the sautéed broad beans on the bottom of the bowl and spread the sausages on top

6: Steam for 10 minutes and sprinkle with green onions

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