
A person's highest freedom: saving money

A person's highest freedom: saving money

"Life is precious, love is more expensive, and if it is for freedom, both can be thrown away," the Hungarian poet Petëfi wrote in Freedom and Love. Even if precious life and love are for freedom, then both can be abandoned, which shows the preciousness of freedom.

Many times, we all long for freedom, but we don't know that freedom in the true sense is always relative freedom. When you do whatever you want, when you abandon the law, morality and society, then you will be abandoned by the whole society, so we should cherish the present beauty.

Many times we are longing for freedom, but we are often bound, unable to achieve true mental and physical freedom, in fact, the real freedom must be bound, restrained, only in this way can you feel the joy and happiness of freedom.

The American poet, Patrick Henry, said: "If you are not free, you would rather die", which shows the preciousness of freedom for a person. Freedom is important for everyone, because only free people can enjoy all kinds of happiness in life.

In modern times, we are more important to our own freedom. We now have freedom of speech, and we have some other freedoms. But the highest level of freedom, that must be: saving money.

A person's highest freedom: saving money

01. Family

The life of the family, which brings us is different from the normal life, because the family represents responsibility and bondage. Of course, the joy and happiness that family life can bring us is irreplaceable.

If a family wants to live happily, it must have the most basic material conditions of human beings, and of course, it also needs the soul and spiritual resonance of family members. Only such a family can enjoy unparalleled happiness in freedom.

The basis for ensuring family happiness must be saving money. Because only with sufficient material conditions can family members pursue higher happiness, and they can also feel the joy in the family and enjoy it.

Among the five levels of Maslow's needs, the most basic level must be physiological needs, including people's food, clothing, shelter and transportation. Only when people meet the most basic needs can they aspire to higher needs. If a person cannot even survive on his own, and wants to achieve higher needs, then he must be delusional.

If we ensure that we can save money in our family life, then we must be able to enjoy a higher level of happiness. When we save money, we must be able to feel the material security brought by money, and we can buy what we want anytime and anywhere, and we can also eat what we want.

As long as you save money, and when you save more and more money, you will find that many of your lifestyles in family life will change, you can choose more lifestyles, and make your life more colorful. You can choose a simple lifestyle or a refined lifestyle.

The only thing is that the more money you save, the richer the lifestyle you want to enjoy, because you can feel more secure from money and realize the joy of saving money.

The happiness and happiness of family life all need material security, and you also need to save money to enjoy the freedom and happiness.

A person's highest freedom: saving money

02. Work

Work and saving money can be described as complementary, without work, you do not have the confidence to save money, there is no material conditions and security to live, life may be very difficult.

Although a job cannot bring us too much income, a job will ensure that you can get paid and ensure that your basic life is guaranteed. Work may not get you much, but it can give you the basic right to survive.

Work is important to each of us, because how good or bad your work is, determines how much you get paid. The higher your pay, the more money you can save.

Of course, many people will say that saving money has an impact on work. In fact, saving money is when you face the choice of work, you must have the confidence to choose the job you like, rather than choose a job with a high salary.

In life, we face a lot of choices, some choices are our last resort, those unavoidable conditions, must be because we get enough remuneration, it can also be said that we sold our hearts for the remuneration for work, let ourselves be in a state of suffering, in fact, it is very uncomfortable, isn't it.

Many times in life, no money is the biggest helplessness. When you have no money, when you are working, the boss lets you work overtime, you can't refuse the temptation of overtime pay, and even some don't have overtime pay, just because overtime can make the work do a good job and get your most basic wages.

When we work, many times we are involuntarily, and we are forced to do some jobs that we hate, just because of the salary. Then I would like to say that when you save money, the more you save, the more you will be able to do it in order to fight for your normal rights.

The relationship between work and saving money is complementary, but saving money will definitely allow you to choose the job you like, and it will also make you dare to face some injustice and fight back. That's what work and saving money brings you.

A person's highest freedom: saving money

03. Circle

Our current people are inseparable from the circle, after all, man is an alternative social animal. Only in the circle of sociality can we feel respect and understanding, can we maximize the relief of our feelings, and can also find our own happiness in being understood in the circle, although it is difficult.

We now have too many circles of people, with our own circle of relatives, circles of friends, and our own likes, which require us to operate, but also need us to pay our own time, even money. Only by paying something can we gain something. Although some circles do not exist because of interests, interests can certainly make the relationship more intimate.

People in the circle, you have to be very careful a lot of times, because you need to rely on others to be able to get what you need. In the circle of relatives, what we need to pay is care and affection, in order to get the same care and affection. Circle of friends, we need to pay time and money, in order to be able to enjoy friendship from it, although there is some reality, but the circle of friends is more like a relationship of exchange of interests, although some real friendship is not included.

The relationship between circles and saving money, that is also closely related. Because when you save money to a certain extent, you will find that whether it is your own family affection or friendship, these will change because of you. Just because you have to save money, you have the confidence, of course, the more money you save, the more full the confidence.

It is undeniable that saving money can bring us more security. It can make your circle slowly become what you like, and you don't have to be careful to face anyone, because you have the courage to make your life better. It is precisely because of saving money that you have confidence.

In fact, many circles are very pure emotional relationships, and the amount of money may not be able to affect feelings. But save money, it allows you to better manage these innocent feelings of your own, so that the feelings become more pure.

The wider the circle, the thicker the confidence brought by saving money. Saving money must bring you happiness, not only yourself, but also the people in the circle.

A person's highest freedom: saving money

04, the future

Have you ever thought carefully about what the two words of the future mean to you?

Each of us will have a future, and this future may be good, but it can also be bad. So how do you make the good better, and the bad change from then on?

The future, in fact, itself means change, only the future of change, the future of their own yearning, that is the future.

In the future, it makes you full of expectations for life, and it also makes you ask more of yourself. However, everything it does is to make you move in a better direction. So how can we go in a better direction?

My answer is: save money. When you don't have an obvious pursuit and yearning for the future now, saving money can ensure that you have enough ideas to do what you want to do. When you save money, you have more of the future you want.

In the future, you must save more money, only in this way can you enjoy more freedom in the future, do what you want to do, and have your own future in the true sense.

Thumbs up, although the future is not necessarily related to saving money, saving money will definitely allow you to live better in the future and enjoy the taste of freedom.

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