
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

author:Xiaojing takes you to see the world

The first trip abroad, is a free trip, that is, in February 2016, about three small partners, in only a few simple English and a small number of words, dare to go abroad, to a walk on the trip, at that time did not know where the courage came from, perhaps the ignorant are fearless.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

In addition to the Grand Palace in Mangok, the Summer Palace in Ayutthaya, many famous temples in Chiang Mai city, and the White Temple and Black Temple in Chiang Rai, the 13-day independent trip plan in Thailand also participated in three highly participatory projects to experience the life of elephant owners, jungle leaping, and snorkeling on Phuket Milan Island at Patara Elephant Farm in Chiang Mai. This article describes the experience at Patara Elephant Farm in Chiang Mai.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

Patara Elephant Farm in Chiang Mai was founded by an animal protection organization as a Thai-owned and managed farm that focuses on providing health care and feeding management to enable elephant herds to breed healthy offspring in order to survive on earth, with all proceeds going to the Animal Conservation Charitable Fund.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

The project I signed up for in Chiang Mai is to learn and experience the daily life of elephant owners. 8:00 a.m. special car to pick up at the accommodation, 4:00 p.m. to send back, the cost of the activity 700 yuan, a little expensive Oh, but it is worth it. Now follow my pictures to experience the daily life of an elephant farmer for a day.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

There are more than twenty elephants on this farm, including four baby elephants, who follow their mothers step by step, which is very similar to human behavior.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

An adult elephant, with intelligence equivalent to that of a child of five or six, wants him to listen to your command, first of all, to be close to her and cultivate feelings.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

When you arrive at the farm, the elephant trainer first introduces you to the habits of the elephant, teaches you how to approach the elephant correctly, understand the elephant's temper, raise and check the health of the elephant, understand and take care of your own elephant, bathe the elephant in the river, learn to ride on its neck, and communicate with it through different language commands.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

The activity is very participatory, the farm is limited to 20 tourists a day, one elephant corresponds to one tourist, and the elephants are fed, bathed, learned the passwords of the elephants, etc. I heard that Chinese tourists rarely come here, and in this group of people, except for 4 of us, the rest are foreigners.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

Let's first coax the baby elephant to make the elephant mother happy.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

The elephant trainer introduced that looking at the elephant's feces can know his health, and then he took a piece of feces and squeezed it with both hands, and the water dripped in a line, he said, which shows that the elephant is healthy, if it can't squeeze out the water, it may be sick and in poor health.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

Smell, smell, healthy elephant feces contain a smell of grass, as if there is a little fishy smell, not bad.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

The elephant assigned to me was called Priey, and he fed him bananas and sugar cane, and he was very cooperative, one bite after another, full of baskets, and in a moment he ate them all.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

You see this guy, I really know how to enjoy, dust off the dust on my body and then rinse it off, of course, it's much more comfortable. Although we have to work hard, this is also a way to cultivate feelings with it, who dares to be lazy.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

In the river, the young man climbed on his back to bathe the elephant, and the girl's eyes lit up with joy.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

Look at how seriously we work!

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

Wash it and rinse it again, and cherish the common time with you.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

When we cleaned them up and stood next to them for a group photo, these naughty bags actually sprayed water on us with their noses, haha, naughty ghosts! One by one, we all became chickens in the soup, soaking wet, but fortunately each of us brought a change of clothes.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

The work of serving the elephants is completed, under the guidance of the elephant trainer, the right foot is on the knee joint of the elephant, jumping up, sitting firmly on the neck above the elephant's ears, the legs are bent, and the feet are naturally hanging behind the elephant's ears, which is the correct sitting posture, otherwise the elephant will be unstable as soon as you move.

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

This old man sat on two tusks, with his nose as his backrest, and looked at this leisurely and self-satisfied, so proud!

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

Go, our team moves forward!

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm
Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

A group of people rode elephants along the path through the jungle, walking on a wide road, it was late afternoon, bathed in the sunset, as the elephant walked, the body swayed with the trend, looking closer, the trees on both sides were green, sometimes dotted with yellow leaves, looking into the distance, the mountains were undulating and continuous. Walking on the road, like a dream, everything is so beautiful, so unforgettable; at this moment, may time stay forever, this beauty will become an eternal memory of my life, Patara Elephant Farm!

Thailand 13 Day Free Trip Series (1): Patara Elephant Farm

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