
Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

author:Elephant News Client
Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"


Recently, the news that a boy in Jiangsu 05 gave his father a car appeared on the hot search.

The boy's name is Li Xiao, and he lives in Donghai County, Lianyungang City. After graduating from the high school entrance examination, he did game boosting, and then switched to e-commerce. Recently, he recorded that he bought a car for his father, "When I was a substitute training, the people around me regarded me as a 'negative teaching material', but my father has always supported me, and gave me the highest mobile phone at that time, and now I changed it to a new guy who can shelter my father from the wind and rain, and gave it to him."

Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"
Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

Li Xiao picked up the car in a video, recording his father's support for him. In his third year of junior high school, he felt very stressed about studying and liked to play games. His father noticed that Li Xiao's study status was not right and asked him what his interests and hobbies were.

My brother has already started a family, my sister is very good at studying, and Li Xiao was also very nervous when she told her father that she liked to play games. But he wanted to work hard in his field of expertise, so he proposed to become a full-time esports player.

My father was in business and drove a broken van all the time. He didn't understand games, but he said that if he was interested, he would try it, and immediately spent more than 5,000 yuan to buy him a new mobile phone. Just tell him: to do one thing, you have to do the best. The father who supports his son to play games has also become a "negative teaching material" among parents.

In 2021, Li Xiao won the first place in the country in a mobile game pinnacle competition, "I ran to my father excitedly and told him that I had succeeded, and he was very happy and proud of me." Li Xiao's good results have attracted more than 300,000 fans, and the number of his booster customers has increased rapidly, with a monthly income of up to 30,000 yuan.

Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

But slowly, Li Xiao felt that the game had lost its original fun, the industry was fiercely competitive, and there were always people with lower prices and faster response capabilities. In 2022, Li Xiao changed careers to start crystal e-commerce.

The purchase, operation, and after-sales work of the store are all completed by Li Xiao alone. He said that the boosting career has cultivated a strong mentality of doing business, and now he will take orders in his spare time, but he will not play for a long time.

Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

"What kind of ending can be worthy of my countless sleepless nights and your bent waist". After earning money, Li Xiao has always thought about how to give back to his family, he spent more than 80,000 yuan to buy a second-hand Honda Binzhi for his father, because he often found that his father watched second-hand car live broadcasts and watched this car.

Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

His father, who was in business for delivery all year round, was very reluctant to drive a dilapidated van that had driven 200,000 kilometers. In winter, the temperature is too low to catch fire, and you have to pour hot water to warm up, and the car horn has long been silent, and if you want to let the car in front of you give way, you must shake the window hand down, poke your head out and say to others. ”

Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

Li Xiao remembers that her father was reluctant to renew the insurance of the car, and felt that the car might not be worth as much as the insurance, "These memories make me very distressed." When his father saw the car Li Xiao bought for him, "I must be happy, but more because I feel sorry for me and feel that it is not easy for me to make money." ”

After the video went viral, someone commented that "you who don't play games in the mouth of the junior high school teacher are now getting ahead", Li Xiao replied: "I don't blame the teacher, because any responsible teacher would not be willing to let students take such risks." ”

For many people who feel that Li Xiao's example is not suitable for appearing in front of the public, Li Xiao replied, "My dad doesn't support me playing games, he supports my every choice." Some netizens praised "You have a good father, your father has a filial son", Li Xiao commented: May you be the same.

Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

Hot comments on the whole network: Some people say that it is really great to struggle in the cause you love, and those who are filial and willing to work hard will not have too bad luck! Some people say: so games and mobile phones are not the cause of problems, but the love of parents with conditions and judgments is the cause of children's problems. Some people say that any self-reliance is commendable! The point is, interest can keep you in an industry for a long time.

It is said that "the love of parents for their children is far-reaching". Discipline and education, punishment and love are the best education. There is indeed no standard life in this world, and every flower has its own flowering period. Along the way, Li Xiao redoubled her efforts and found her own rhythm. Life is a long way, may we all be like our parents and our own expectations: to become the best version of ourselves.

Comprehensive Yangtze Evening News, Xiaoxiang Morning News, Jimu News, @李潇等

Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

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Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

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Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

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Elephant Night Reading|05 Year Boy Buys Car for Father: Playing Games Has Been Used as a "Negative Teaching Material"

Classic sentences about interest

1. Interest is the precursor to success, and the difference of interest will be reflected in each person.

2. Knowledge must be in line with one's own interests in order to be beneficial.

3. Interest is the eye of the soul, which allows us to discover ourselves and understand our own value, so as to better face the challenges of life.

4. Only by being interested in the outside world can people maintain their mental health.

5. Interest is the best teacher.

6. Genius is a strong interest and tenacious fascination.

7. Every interest contains a natural inclination, and perhaps a flash of genius in its primitive state.

8. Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy.

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