
Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

author:Asahi Ome

Information sources:

Official website of the Ministry of Education: Circular of the Ministry of Education on the Investigation and Handling of Illustrations of Primary School Mathematics Textbooks of the People's Education Press

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

Lv Jingren Baidu Encyclopedia:

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

As soon as the poisoned textbook incident came out in 2022, it immediately caused a great repercussion, especially the soft pornography in the people's education version of the textbook, the ugliness of the characters, and the exquisite and exquisite behaviors that affected the growth of children.

As one of the culprits of this incident, Lu Jingren, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, was directly picked out of the background, which is not simple, and even the two companies that make illustrations also have an unusual relationship with Lu Jingren, and many people feel that this matter has a lot to do with Lu Jingren's Japanese master.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

So why did Lu Jingren do this? What kind of connection does this matter have with his master?

Poisonous textbooks are a scourge for the next generation

In 2022, a news about the illustrations of the Renjiao version of the book, all kinds of strange pictures suddenly appeared on the hot search, which made many people find that there are many pictures in the current textbooks, which have very serious problems.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

Especially the figures, the designer seems to have deliberately painted the characters with crooked eyes and slanted mouths and dull eyes, and many people even think that these paintings are very similar to patients with Down syndrome, and there is a suspicion of deliberately scandalizing Chinese children.

In addition, it seems that the designer in order to entrainment private goods, many of these teaching materials have obvious inducement colors, when the eagle catches the chicken, the little boy lifts the girl's skirt, the boy with a Japanese haircut, holds the girl's private parts, and all kinds of pictures with improper painting style directly angered many parents.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

But if there are still people who will say that the child does not understand, it is just a picture, in these books, there are many pictures with explicit meaning, in these poisonous textbooks, there will always be a lot of more to show the child the private parts, and he prefers to draw things that are not necessary to show at all.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

Obviously, this is deliberately done by the people who edit the books, of course, not only that, these editors will also include private goods in the pictures, such as using their hands and feet on the map, so as to draw less Chinese territory, so as to achieve the goal of splitting the motherland.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

In addition to these, these poisonous textbooks are also very good at whitewashing the Japanese army that invaded China, and the aircraft made by the characters in them is numbered M33K, which is the number of the air force fighters of the Japanese army that invaded China.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

There is also a photo of the Japanese army carrying the old Chinese man, saying that Lei Feng helped the old man, and even wrote the word 731 on the T-shirt, all kinds of behaviors are showing us the secrets behind these batch of teaching materials.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

It turned out to be the ghost they did

Because of this, this matter quickly received the attention of the state, and the heads of the two companies responsible for the drawing of these textbooks were quickly picked up, Lu Min and Wu Yong, and they were naturally the first to be investigated.

In the investigation of the two of them, people soon discovered that behind these two people, there was actually a black hand, and this black hand was Lu Jingren, Lu Jingren was Wu Yong's teacher and Lu Min's father, and their thoughts were deeply influenced by Lu Jingren.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

It's just that many people don't understand that Lu Jingren, as a visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, should have lived a happy life and was loved by people, so why did he do such a thing that people hate?

In fact, this matter can be seen from the identity of Lu Jingren, Lu Jingren was born in 1947, in that era when ordinary people were hungry and cold, Lu Jingren can be said to be born with a golden spoon, and he has what he wants.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

But the reason why Lu Jingren's family has a good business is because they themselves are a traitor family, as a businessman who made a fortune in the textile business, after the Lu family was attacked by the Japanese in Shanghai, they did not choose to flee south, but chose to take refuge in the Japanese for their own survival.

You must know that it was the war years at that time, cotton spinning, gauze and other things were very important strategic materials and an important guarantee for the medical environment of the troops, so ordinary enterprises had no way to carry out such production.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

However, the Lu family was able to continue to engage in the textile business under the injury of the Japanese occupation, and it was obvious that they had long been in collusion with the Japanese, and it was the accumulation of wealth during the war that made the Lu family still prosperous in Shanghai during the Liberation War, which also made Lu Jingren live in a small western-style building since he was a child, and did not worry about food and clothing.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

After the founding of New China, Lu Jingren was admitted to the Fine Arts Department of Harbin Normal University with his own strength, and after graduation, he went to work in a publishing house.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

However, although Lü Jingren is an outstanding Chinese artist, he is more inclined to foreign countries in his bones, so by chance, Lü Jingren went to Japan for a work exchange, where he met his Enshi Sugiura Kohei.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

Sugiura Kohei is a famous Japanese designer, I love Japanese culture very much, after seeing Lu Jingren's talent, Sugiura Kohei agreed to Lu Jingren's request to apprentice, became his teacher, but Sugiura Kohei's paintings, very Japanese, fundamentally different from Chinese painting.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

Therefore, although Lu Jingren's painting level has been greatly improved, his works have gradually begun to bias towards the Japanese painting style, which makes Lu Jingren's paintings, although they have won many awards in the world, but no Chinese people like his works.

However, there is no doubt that Lu Jingren's painting level is indeed the top level in the world, so his popularity soon became popular in the world, and with the increase of his awards, there are naturally domestic schools willing to throw an olive branch to him.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

In order to make money, Lu Jingren naturally chose to return to China to teach, but his thinking has long been influenced by his master Sugiura Kohei, and he has become very fond of Japanese culture, which makes many students who have taken his classes very dissatisfied with him.

Tar someone with the same brush

It was at this time that a student named Wu Yong found Lu Jingren, and Wu Yong, like Lu Jingren, was also an extremely ignorant guy, so two people with the same idea officially became masters and apprentices, and soon the two set up a studio together and began to take orders from outside.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

In the name of a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Lü Jingren began to help Wu Yong create book illustrations, but every time he painted illustrations, Lü Jingren would bring some private goods, most of which were pictures that promoted Japanese culture or denigrated China.

Even many pictures are suspected of insulting Chinese youth and distorting history, originally Lu Jingren felt that his little tricks would not be discovered by others, but he underestimated the patriotic heart of a Chinese.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

Because of this, not long after the distribution of these batch of teaching materials, many parents found out and began to denounce on the Internet, and this matter quickly attracted the attention of the state.

Controversial penalties

As the incident of poisoned textbooks intensified, many people began to call for these people to be severely punished, and the relevant departments were also very concerned about this, and the problematic textbooks were removed from the shelves as soon as possible, but these textbooks have indeed had a certain impact on some young people.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

With the deepening of the investigation of this matter, the studios of Lu Jingren and others were all seized by the relevant departments, but many people felt that just seizing them was really cheap, so they wanted to impose heavy penalties on them.

For this reason, the state directly carried out a major purge of the participants in this matter, such as the company to which Lu Jingren belonged, all of whom were dismissed from their posts and no longer hired, which means that they could not work as illustrators for textbooks for the rest of their lives, and Lu Jingren was no longer a well-respected visiting professor at the university.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

In addition, the reviewers of the textbooks have also been punished as they deserve, those who should be dismissed, and those who should be dismissed, but many people feel that these people are too merciful to them if they are not sentenced, and it is because Lu Jingren knows this that he dares to behave in the textbooks.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this at all, although it is difficult for the law to sentence him at this stage, but Lu Jingren's fate is not good, this behavior made him lose his job directly, including his son was also affected by this incident.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

Whistleblower against drug textbooks

In fact, the success of this unified action against poisonous textbooks is actually a special thanks to one person, this person is a Chinese teacher named Peng Banghuai, who was the first person to discover traces of poisonous textbooks.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

As early as 2013, he found 37 very obvious errors in the 7th grade Chinese textbook of the Renjiao Edition, so he took the local Xinhua Bookstore and Renjiao Publishing House to court.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

At that time, the Renjiao Publishing House issued a statement, claiming that there were indeed 6 errors in it, and the remaining 31 were caused by differences in cognition, but although this incident had a certain impact, many people felt that these were all hype by Peng Banghuai.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

In the face of questioning Peng Banghuai, he did not give up, and continued to litigate against the errors in the textbook, and within a few years, Peng Banghuai fought 22 lawsuits in succession, but did not win a single lawsuit, but he did not intend to give up, but was determined to fight the problem of the textbook to the end.

After the poisoning of the textbook incident, many people noticed the teacher, and even after China Broadcasting Network learned of his deeds, they also began to speak out for him, and this matter also attracted the attention of the relevant departments, and they replied to him specifically for this matter.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

After several years of waiting, Peng Banghuai finally waited for a satisfactory answer for the children, in fact, the main reason why the poisonous teaching materials are so ruthless is because children are the future of our motherland.

If the children are bewitched by bad things, then they are undoubtedly burying the future of our country, which is why we want to put an end to the poisonous textbooks.

Lu Jingren, the boss behind the "poisonous textbook", worshipped a Japanese professor as a teacher, and finally ended up happy

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