
Zodiac signs that like to blindly compare, look at face more than anything else, and see others better

Everyone always likes to compare with others in life, and some comparisons can stimulate a person's fighting spirit and make the other party more motivated, so that they can also make themselves more excellent.

But there is such a person in life, who values their face more than anything else, and likes to compare with each other no matter what.

As long as others live better than themselves, then there will be an unbalanced psychology in their hearts, and even some means will be used to make each other ugly.

Among the twelve zodiac signs, there are these several constellations, they are extremely heavy on comparison, and they always see that no one is better than themselves, so come and see with me which constellations there are.

Zodiac signs that like to blindly compare, look at face more than anything else, and see others better


Aries: Super vanity

Aries is a very comparable person in his bones, in fact, having vanity is not a bad thing, but you can't use vanity in improper places, after all, liking to compare will bring you a lot of trouble.

Aries who have lost their fighting spirit are such people, they regard their faces as more important than anything else, and they like to show off, always in order to compare and punch swollen faces and be fat.

They know they don't have any money in their pockets, but they make others feel like they don't care, so we have to have this mentality, which is really not a good choice.

Zodiac signs that like to blindly compare, look at face more than anything else, and see others better

This is also due to the fact that Aries's personality is more inferior, so that their vanity is so strong, sometimes because of the other party's simple words, Aries will feel that the other party is showing off with themselves, then they must not admit defeat.

They are afraid that others will look down on them, the comparison is more serious, and Aries always can't spend their minds in the right place, blindly comparing with others.

Whether it is the style of dressing or daily necessities, it is a little higher than the other party, after all, there is no way to make others look down, so it is always compared in some unnecessary places.

Zodiac signs that like to blindly compare, look at face more than anything else, and see others better


Taurus: Extremely jealous

Once they find that others are better than themselves, then Taurus will definitely deliberately say that others are not doing well, lower others to increase their sense of superiority, and they will catch up with each other as soon as possible.

It is not difficult to see from here that Taurus is a typical "eating in a bowl and looking at the pot". And they always like to compare what they have with others.

I have to say that when you are better than Taurus, you must be careful of them, Taurus's jealousy and comparison are extremely strong, even if you are their brother's girlfriend, you must be compared.

Zodiac signs that like to blindly compare, look at face more than anything else, and see others better

They like to be calculating about everything, and they are strong and reasonable, and every time they are uncomfortable, they will have that kind of resistance.

Don't look at Taurus is usually relatively low-key, there is nothing on the surface, but Taurus is always paying attention to the movements of others, once they find that the other party catches up with themselves, then their comparison will be stimulated.

Perhaps the longer they have been in contact with Taurus, the more they like to compare, and they can't see that others are better than themselves, and they must be careful when they meet them.

Zodiac signs that like to blindly compare, look at face more than anything else, and see others better


Leo: I can't see anyone else being better than you

In Leo's heart, they really can't see that others are better than themselves, so they have a strong sense of comparison, and when they see a place where someone is better than themselves, they will feel uncomfortable.

Because they feel that no one can be better than their own, and they don't want to see others steal their limelight, Leo people are really the best, they see their colleagues or friends buy a new dress today, Leo will feel that they are showing off.

Zodiac signs that like to blindly compare, look at face more than anything else, and see others better

And Leo will buy something more expensive than the other person the next day, and compare it with the other party, not to mention some daily necessities or something.

In short, Leo must be centered on them, as long as you dare to rebel against Leo, then they will definitely let you bear their own anger, I have to say that they are jealous and blindly compared with each other.

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