
Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

Sometimes tragedies are hard to avoid, but it's no accident that the same tragedies are repeated.

On April 30, Beijing time, US FBI Director Christopher Ray publicly stated that he was deeply sorry for all female athletes who had been harmed by the delay in Nassar's prosecution!

Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

Apologies are just attitudes, not all. 13 female athletes who were victimized joined forces to claim $130 million from the FBI!

The biggest scandal in American sports is still going on!

Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

Nassar was once the team doctor of the American gymnastics team, and he was notorious for taking advantage of his work to violate the athletes, for more than ten years, during his tenure as the team doctor of the women's gymnastics team at Michigan State University and the team doctor of the American women's gymnastics team, more than 500 female gymnasts were violated by Nassar!

Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

In 2015, Olympic champion Maroni stepped forward and reported to the FBI about his multiple violations and accused Nassar of his crimes.

Biles, who is also an Olympic champion, also complained to the U.S. Olympic Committee and other departments about Nassar's shameless behavior, like Maroni.

Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

Unfortunately, in the 17 months since then, the FBI has not conducted any investigations, because the FBI believes that Nassar's behavior has not reached a particularly serious level!

Over the next 17 months, a number of female gymnasts continued to be abused by Nassar, and when it was learned that neither olympic champion could do anything about it, many of the injured athletes had to endure in silence for the sake of their futures (nassar threatened with this).

Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

In November 2016, Nassar was formally arrested and sentenced to 60 years in prison. Later, the American Gymnastics Association, the American Olympic Committee, and the American Paralympic Committee reached a $380 million settlement with the violated athletes, and Michigan State University, where Nassar is based, paid $500 million in compensation to more than 300 female athletes who were violated.

Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

This time, 13 of the girls sued the FBI for $130 million. 13-member co-counsel Jamie White said: "When children are abused, we spend a lot of energy and resources to encourage children to stand up bravely, only to be rejected by the world's most powerful law enforcement agencies, which is like a resounding slap in the face, the FBI knows that he is an American Olympic doctor with unrestricted access to young women." ”

Claims 130 million Biggest scandal in U.S. sports fermented Olympic champions were also violated and the FBI apologized to them

Jamie White said indignantly: "The FBI could have helped avoid more athletes being violated, which should have been their job, but their behavior disgusted me!" ”

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